
Did You Miss Us?

Slightly brain dead tonight but just enjoyed the best 2nd Mother's Day possible. It included a 1/2 hour massage and pedicure (late Mother's Day present from my husband), all the laundry getting caught up (by my husband), having time to myself to take a nap (thanks, husband), having time to myself to work on a spontaneous project (can you guess who took Sebastian to the YMCA with him?), and then a fun little night on the town people watching and playing with Ruby (and husband). We saw Elsie, Jeremy and Courtney at The Moxie for the Wholly Craft Show and Doren and Sarah on our way home. It was quite the eventful day!

I don't have much left after all that eventfulness but I'll be back with something pretty soon. I made a summery top out of an XXL plaid shirt before Art Walk and worked up a lot of courage to wear it out in public. It felt good to make something that turned out exactly like I wanted!



jenny said...

Do we get to see pics of your summery top??? I love it when things turn out like we envision them!

Sarah. said...

you have the cutest girl ever!!

Anonymous said...

My goodness.. Ruby's arms are so juicy! How do you not snack on them all day long?

Glad you had a nice day. :)

Anonymous said...
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CarleeKajsa said...

those rubber band wrists kill me!

courtney.janelle.sews said...

it looked sooo cute on you, I can't believe you made it! you're supposed to mention these things ;) sorrrry I couldn't say goodbye, oh and I meant to ask, was Ruby wearing Liberty of London? she was adorable as usual.

RachelDenbow said...

Ha! The reason I had to run to the bathroom real quick is kind of an embarrassing one but it had to do with wearing a top out in public sans the bra for the first time...except I'm still nursing! So, I had to make sure I wasn't all of the sudden sharing that fact with the world...it was a false alarm. ha!
Yes, Ruby was wearing her LOL romper for the first time. Can't believe it's almost too small already as it's a 9 mon. size and she's almost 7 months.
Oh well.

Gussy Sews said...

sounds like lots of fun treats! :]

Itzel Díaz said...

i love your baby girl.
please visit my blog.

katecreate said...

What a cute baby!

...on the brink of something beautiful said...

wow- that sounds awesome. lucky you!!!

Lexi said...

Would love to see that summery top remake!