1. Organize my week on Sunday evening so I'm on top of new responsibilities and schedules.
2. Get into the habit of writing notes and sticking them in my boys' backpacks.
3. Make space once a month to paint/art journal/collage all weekend.
4. Become a regular reader of a cooking blog.
I'm sticking these up on my computer dashboard and posting them on a note in my studio so I'll be reminded of them often. Here are the guidelines and a place to link back in case you, too, need a little motivation in the goal department. Thanks, Elsie, for a fun challenge! Are any of you already joining in?
p.s. I think my reward needs to be a family road trip to Austin, TX!
aww I like the goal number 2, so sweet!
Good luck with all your goals :)
These are wonderful goals. I have four of my own. :)
Great goals! May I recommend Smitten Kitchen and the Pioneer Woman as two great food sites to follow? They are both very different and very delicious!
Excellent goals Rachel! I used to put little notes in my kids' lunchboxes when they were young telling them that I loved them :) Why can't they stay that small?
I made my goal list too if you want to take a peek:
Lovely goals~ I used to love it when my mom tucked notes in my lunchbox (though I always acted embarrassed at school!) My biggest goal of the 4 was to have regular date nights... so hard with two little ones!
I am! I love the notes goal! So sweet. and the reward: awesome!! Good luck with these :)
I'm sooo joining, I need a life boost :) and good luck on your goals!
I am def. playing along. In the winter I tuck notes inside my hubby's coat pockets, I can't wait to start doing that again. My list is here
Awesome goals! Especially 1 and 3 :) I'm doing the challenge too!
Yay for 4 simple goals! I love seeing so many bloggers doing this post. Smitten Kitchen and 101 cookbooks are two really great cooking blogs. I've found great recipes from both!
you can check out my goals here: http://rosemaryx.wordpress.com/2010/08/13/4-simple-goals/
You should definitely come here, Leigh Ann! I have a feeling it would be a lovely time! :)
those are some good goals. do-able but valuable - love it!!! those notes will be so cherished by your boys - if not now, in the future im sure. happy monday.
Great goals, I've joined in myself...I posted them yesterday! Have a great Monday!
Become a regular reader of a cooking blog could be one of my goals!
Excellent goals!!
Here are mine : http://liliestfolle.canalblog.com/archives/2010/08/16/18824930.html
Xoxo. Lili
I like goal number 3. It's a good one.
I started my four simple goals too. Finally planned a small trip with the husband and no children. Just in time for our 10 year anniversary
I recommend Smitten Kitchen! I've made a lot of her recipes and all are yummy.
I LOVE your blog...I'm addicted! Your kids are adorable and your crafty ideas are so inspiring!!
My friend has a cooking blog and she turned me into a regular reader...Not Without Salt
I've done mine too. Your Home Ec class is one of mine! I like your notes in the backpacks, that's really sweet!
Love Missy
Yes! Everybody Likes Sandwiches is an amazing cooking blog btw.
Here is my list of goals! http://hannamade.wordpress.com/2010/08/14/4-simple-goals-before-2011/
good luck finishing those goals.
is it sad that i don't want to set any goals right now? my kids are heading back to school and i just want to sleep in and daydream. i think my 8 month old might protest that plan.
annie's eats is one of my fav cooking blogs. everything she makes inspires me to actually cook!
My pick for your food/cooking blog to follow:
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