
Little Red

Our home birth experience couldn't have been better. Ruby Emmerson was born on Saturday, Nov. 7th @ 3:45 p.m. after 5 hours of labor and weighed 9 lbs. 1 oz. She's got her daddy's feet and her brother's chin but is a beauty in her own right. We're all doing well, if not a little sleepy, and enjoying that fantastic newborn smell. Thank you for all of your well wishes, thoughts, and prayers. I was telling Brett last night that knowing so many online friends were rooting for me yesterday got me through some of those early hard contractions.

I'll be back with a birth story and more pictures when we've all had a little more recovery time.

Rachel, Brett, Sebastian and Little Red


Emily said...

wow!!! BEAUTIFUL!!! congrats again!

Rachel Kay said...

Congratulations Rachel! Ruby is so beautiful!

Violet said...

Happy tears!!


Elizabeth said...

she is beautiful! the photo of her with sebastian is the sweetest :]

Julie said...

A big CONGRATS to you all and WELCOME Little Red! :)

Evelien said...

Congratulations again! She's adorable...and look at her brother...he looks so proud(and so does dad!)!

Candace said...

congrats! she is adorable. :)

smauge said...

Many happy returns on your new arrival.
I can tell you from personal experience that having a boy AND a girl is so much fun! You will never have to wonder now "what if...?"
If they are like my two they will be great friends and share so much together (most of which I'm not privvy to!)
All children are miriclaes but to be blessed with one of each is something else!

JAJjourneyahead said...

awwww.....little red...how precious! She is beautiful....so happy her arrival was a wonderful one. Rest up! :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful and I'm glad to read that her birth went well.

Lynnbobscrap said...

She is SO BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing photos so soon!


Amber Filkins said...

So precious!! Congrats on your cute little bundle of joy!

74 Lime Lane said...

Congratulations! So glad to hear it went so well. Enjoy.

Janet said...

I'm so happy for you Rachel! I've been reading your blog for ages and have been cheering for you during your pregnancy because I am about 5 weeks behind you with my first baby (!!). You have been such a beautiful mumma and I'm so glad the birth went well. Ruby is so sweet! Congratulations! xo

mrs boo radley said...

Welcome, Ruby Emerson! You have lots of fans that love you so much already.

Sugar Sweet Sunshine said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful!! Hope all is well!

Kim J. said...

she is a super cutey. congrats and i love the nickname "little red"!

Megs said...

Congratulations, she is just beautiful! A job well done!

Enjoy these first few weeks xx

Sophie.J said...

OMG..She is so beautiful. I love the pic where she laying on that pillow..she is so tiny..I almost forgot how tired it is to take care baby..hope you rest well. eat well.and congratulation!


Christen E. Krumm said...

Goodness I love her name!!! :)

Congrats again!


16 windows said...

Soooo SWEET! She is absolutely beautiful...congratulations!!!!

amanda webster. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

A big Congrats to you and your beautiful family with the amazing arrival Of Sweet Ruby!!!!!!

amanda webster. said...

congrats to you && your family!baby ruby is adorable!


Unknown said...

she is beautiful! congratulations!

MyShenanigans said...

Such a beautiful, precious little girl! Babies are such a blessing- enjoy every moment!

Dez Schwartz said...

Congratulations! She's very beautiful! Adorable pics!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rachel to all of you! Ruby is precious xox
Enjoy every moment x

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, she is beautiful! Congratulations!!

Holly C. said...

She's beautiful.


mrs.adrienneK said...

oh glorious day!!congrats to you and your family!!welcome to the blog world Ruby(so cute) ha!!!
God bless!!!

~adrienne K~

kendall said...

She's lovely! Congratulations!

Olivia said...

So happy to hear Ruby's homebirth arrival went splendid.

Wonderful news! Congrats to your growing family!

Take care!

Anonymous said...

I have been melting over the pictures on Flickr. I am SO happy for you guys, she is just perfection. I can't wait to see more of this little beauty and hear her story! And now, it is my turn! Now send baby vibes my way ;) Congrats!!!

robin said...

been waiting for these pics and this update..so happy for you rachel and I know in heart that Mr.
"S" will be the most fantastic big brother a sister could have..congrats to you and brett!!!

Elle said...

She's beautiful. Congratulations to you all.

Costume Diva said...

Congrats to you all and welcome to the world Ruby!

Courtneybee said...

she is beautiful! Congratulations to the four of you!

JenCoen said...

shes absolute baby perfection! congratulations y'all!

Lisa Leonard said...

congratulations. my heart is melting for her--what a love!

Unknown said...

Congrats she is beautiful!

wonderbread said...

congratulations! such a cutie!

Tricia Orchard said...

Congratulations! How wonderful for you. I have mentioned before that I love the name Ruby. Great choice!

Enjoy these next few days as a new family of 4.


rose said...

so happy for you! congratulations. she is precious.

bettyninja said...

yay!!!! Congrats on the wonderful and beautiful new addition to your family :)

bettyninja said...

yay!!!! Congrats on the wonderful and beautiful new addition to your family :)

vantiganloos said...

WOOOO!!! Way to go MAMA & Family!!!
A nice short home birth is awesome. I had one too just a few months ago. What a blessing. we'll be thinking of you. WOOOOOO!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my word!!! she is adorable:) congrats!!!!

Marni said...

so beautiful! amazing, really amazing Rachel <3

Tigerlily said...

yay!!! i have been waiting all week! im so excited for you! congrats love :) shes beautiful!!

latisha said...

Congratulations! Little Ruby is beautiful!

ScrapScene said...

Congratulations, Rachel! She is gorgeous!

Brandi*Wine said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful little addition to your family.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Aww! Adorable! Congratulations, Denbows! :)

Vivi said...

What a beautiful name (and very stylish girl!) and beautiful family. Congratulations! And hope you are getting plenty of rest! :)

frecklewonder said...

such great news! i've been thinking about you these past few days + have been wonderin!!!

she is just perfect, so happy for you all. congrats!!!

Genevieve said...

Congrats to you all, she's beautiful! Take all the time you need to recover, and enjoy those first few days :)

Anonymous said...

fantastic!! Thanx for sharing your sweet new arrival.

Kat said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful.

Leigh-Ann said...

awwwwww "Little Red" is so sweet and pretty!!! I'm grinning ear to ear! :)


sarah bear said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful addition to your family... :)

Michelle said...

Aaaw - she's just darling, Rachel!! And I love love her middle name, too. Amazing. Congrats to you and the whole fam!!

jackiek said...

omg she's beautiful!
congrats : )

margot said...

oh so beautiful!!! xo!

Amber said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

congratulations. she is a beauty :)

Valeri said...

She is beautiful Rachel!! Just precious!! Congratulations!

Lindsey Marie said...

awww she may be the prettiest baby girl on earth! congratulations!!!

Dawn said...

Congrats to you and to the big brother...always protect your baby sister and always let her know your there for her.

God Bless you all!

Lane said...

Once again congrats, She is absolutly perfect! So glad you were able to have her at home and it went well. Take care of yourself and I pray for a great adjustment!

Mandi Johnson said...

Little red?! That is the cutest! I'm sooo happy for you guys. :)

Vivianna said...

ruby is sooo beautiful!

Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful! :)

Unknown said...


lisrobson said...

So awesome!! I'm so excited for you guys. I just had my second baby about 5 months ago and i miss those first couple of weeks with a new baby, and a 4 year old. trying to figure out how to jugle two can be kind of stressful at times, but so worth it all. The feeling of having all that love around and this little tiny person that you know needs you no matter what is irreplacable. Enjoy the baby they grow to fast.

cindy said...

Congratulations, little red is beautiful!

Dee Wilcox said...

Aww, congratulations!!! I've been watching & waiting for updates. I love the photos, too. So cute! I also love the Little Red nickname. So adorable. Tons of well wishes to all four of you!

mama*thayer said...

Woohoo she is gorgeous! Maybe someday our little ones can go on a date. ;) Congrats Rachel!

Geek+Nerd said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful!

Geek+Nerd said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful!

suzanne said...

Rachel! She is so beautiful. I've had Ruby and your family on my mind all weekend. So happy to see her cute little squishy face! -Suzanne W.

Unknown said...

oh my goodness she is beautiful!! i hope the birth was wonderful and full of love! i can't believe it was that short!

p.s. she looks adorable in her handmade hat!! i love the picture of her and sebastian!

the whyte house said...

5 hours?? wow. she is so precious.
enjoy your little sweet heart(and some precious sleep time).

the mama monster said...

5 hours?! lucky girl!!! she is beautiful congrats.

Amy said...

omg!! is she precious or what. enjoy <3

geek details said...

She's absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on your newest. Parenting two is a bit more challenging but it's so very worth it.

metamorphosis said...

Oh so sweet!!
Congratulations to you all!

Trine said...

dear rachel! i wish you and your familily all the best; have a happy and fun time with your pretty daughter, she´s really sweet!!! ;-)

xoxoxo Trine

tallynt said...

congratulations - she is gorgeous!!! absolutely perfect in every way.

Anonymous said...

Oh Rachel, she's such a little sweetheart...absolutely adorable!!!Sheesh, I feel like I have really run the gauntlet of emotions with you as I have watched your story unfold online. I am just SO thrilled for you all, glad your birth went well, and that all is wonderful in your little family today.

Hi Ruby *waving madly over here in Australia*! It's lovely to "meet" you at last :D

Karen xx

Inkie said...

What a beauty! Congratulations.

jen geigley said...

awwwww, little Ruby is gorgeous! i LOVE that little dwell onesie ... and wow, what a perfect pic of little red with her big brother! LOVE. you did good, mama.

Mermaid said...

She is really cute! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congratulatoins to your family:) She is beautiful! I hope you are well:)

Queen of Bristol said...

Congratulations! She is so adorable!

Majtolina said...

Dear Rachel, congratulations to all of you..She is such a cutie pie :) The photos are all so precious...I wish you all the best and God bless you all....

Emily Falconbridge said...

oh yay rach! so happy for you all...especially having a lovely homebirth - she is so sweet xx

Lisa said...

Congrats!! She was born on my daughters 1st birthday!! xx

Stina said...

aw, how adorable! congratulations! :D

Nulka said...

she is amazing!!!

Rachel M said...

She's beautiful! Congratulations to you all! x

Anonymous said...

Awww! Congratulations again. I have a boy and girl too - it's brilliant having one of each. Hope she lets you all gets some sleep :)

Sanna said...

Congratulations on the arrival of your sweet new little one!

Holly S said...

She is absolutely beautiful! Loving those toes!! Congratulations and take a BIG, deep inhale of her newborn smell for me!

Lacey said...

Congrats!! She's beautiful!!

Breezy said...

hooray! she is so sweet!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! She's stunning! And way to go mama!

kL said...

oh what a wonderful day, rachel.
she looks absolutely heavenly

Betsy said...

Congratulations Denbows. Enjoy every sleepless moment.

San Antonio, TX

robyn said...

She couldn't be prettier! Congratutlations to you all!

Unknown said...

She's beautiful and looks so healthy! Congratulations to your whole family!!!

sandra said...

She's beautiful!
Welcome, Ruby!

sara@augustfields said...

congratulations! what an absolutely perfect little blessing :)

Lindsey said...


Anonymous said...

Awww, congrats! What a lovely little Ruby.

Jacinda said...

I can't stop coming back to look at those little toes! What a beauty!

Adrian said...

Congratulations on your beautiful little one! She is so precious!! That's awesome you had a homebirth. Congrats!

the"divine"hand said...

Lovely!!! Welcome Ruby to this great big adventure!
Our family is expecting our third and I just can not imagine it.

Sherry said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful! Love her first outfit. I'm positive she will always be well dressed.

ricebabies said...

Congrats, ohhhh, I love baby smells, kissing little feet, and changing diapers every 2 hours. Ok maybe not the last part.

Congrats, shes a beauty.

dixie said...

Sebastian, Ruby, Emmerson, stop stealing all my favorite baby names!

I'm so happy for you all! You did a great job!

lacy said...

OMG she's perfect! I'm so happy for you guys and so proud of you home birth mamma! BUG HUG!

nicky said...

Absolutely adorable! Congratulations!

Mildred said...

She is precious!! Congratulations

CupcakeSniper said...

omg your baby is beautiful!!
Congratulations to your beautiful family!!

Sunny said...

Congratulations- she's tooo sweet!!!

Kassi said...

congrats! she is beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats...she is too cute!!!

Andi Mae said...

Awww! So happy + excited for you guys! Hope you had a restful, cozy weekend! Congratulations on your beautiful, sweet Ruby!

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...


boots said...

congrats lady! what a beautiful babie- hope all is well and you are rested.

Sheri Reed said...

oh, what a beauty she is! congrats.

Leslie said...

Congratulations Rachel! She is gorgeous and I can't wait to see more pictures!

Pam said...

OMG, that is one of the cutest pictures I have EVER seen, seriously!!!!! She is absolutely beautiful!!!!!! Congratulations! :)

Lindsay said...

Congrats! & yay, our kiddos share a name! :)


Lexi said...

oh my! what a sweet, precious little girl! congrats!

...on the brink of something beautiful said...

congrats!!! she's so beautiful!!

Freckles said...

This is fabulous! Congrats! :)

Aesthetic Outburst... said...

Congratulations to you and yours! xo, abbey

Unknown said...

Congrats to you all!!! She is adorable!!

Dominguita Corpse said...

What a beautiful baby girl!!!Congratulations!!!

Kreateten said...

Don't know you, but a new life should be honored!
She beautiful!

Congratulations all the way from Denmark.

Michelle said...

And then there were 4. Beautiful! So glad to see photos up already. Can't wait to watch her grow up along with Sebastian. She's beautiful.

Melonie said...

Oh Rachel she is soooo precious! Glad all went well and keep those pictures coming.

mAdi*cakes said...

OHHH CONGRATULATIONS :] Im so happy for you guys! She is beautiful and her clothes are darling! You all are a darling family. I pray immense blessings towards you all!

<3 forever


tcmoniz said...

Congratulations Rachel and family -she is beautiful!

Kelly said...

She's beautiful. Congratulations.

Ashley Morris said...

What a cutie-pie! You certainly have a beautiful family! Congrats, Rachel! :)

Unknown said...

congratulations, she is beautiful!!

Becky Farley said...

:) oh wow!! Beautiful baby girl!! How wonderful for you all!

Diana said...

what a beautiful little blessing xxoo

DeeDee said...

Sweet perfection. COngratulations!

vera b said...

congratulations! little red looks super adorable! x

jdavissquared said...

She's darling! Congrats!

Tin said...

she is so beautiful! i wish you all the love and happiness in the world. congratulations, and God bless!