Sebastian: "No. My hair is totally perfect."
I picked up some vintage fabric last week on our way home from Oklahoma and became suddenly desperate to make something out of it tonight around 8:45 p.m. I was in the shower after my first workout of the new year (applause?) and decided it was enough for a dress for Ruby, a duvet cover for Sebastian, a pillow for the couch, and possibly quilt binding for me. I've never been more excited about 3 yards of large, brown gingham before.
What are you itching to start these days? Does a new season fill you with excitement for new projects or do those goals and lists tempt you with an anxiety attack?
"Ruby has decided to lead the life of a rock star. She stays up way too late, has multiple wardrobe changes, and a few dozen people who can't get enough of her. Oh, and she drinks a lot."
funniest sentence ever in the history of blogging.
"Ruby has decided to lead the life of a rock star. She stays up way too late, has multiple wardrobe changes, and a few dozen people who can't get enough of her. Oh, and she drinks a lot."
I just had to read this to my's the cutest sentence i think i've ever read.
I just love your blog, and wanted to tell you how much I enjoy when you update <3 Your little family is gorgeous, and your creativity is inspiring. Have a great week!
i agree with had me laughing pretty hard! the new year has inspired me to start projects with my kids in mind. things they will cherish and pass on to their kids...along with fun quirky things they can only laugh at. A new year always inspires me and maks everything seem fresh.
btw...yeah for you on the exercise thing. i still have hopes of starting something soon!
I'm excited for the new year and anxious to get a lot of my personal goals rolling.
Oh, and I agreed about Ruby being a rock star. We should all live such a life.
Oh man, I have SO many things I want to start. New years always gets me like this, but I hope this motivation lasts me throughout the year! The first thing I want to do is get my room clean. Being 22 and moving back in with your parents means bedroom, office & craft room are all one sad overflowed room! Once I get everything in order I have so many things I want to create. I think I should start a notebook of ideas.
I absolutely lurve Ruby's outfit!! It is so adorable. Those leg warmers are so cute!
I just finished my first work out of the new year too! And a shower that followed. I'm doing The 30 Day Shred. How about you?
Did I ever tell you how thankful I am for that ornament?? Because I am SUPER thankful! And super thankful for friends like you.
What adorable pics, love the rockstar girl! Projects. I don't have any specifics planned per se but I'm anxious to get back to doing art on a regular basis. I think that will only happen when I actually schedule the time. Happy New Year.
You make me smile. (:
Your kids are the best: boy in perfect hairdo & girl - a rock star. (:
I want to learn to properly sew in 2010! And I have lots of other projects I want to start/continue.. Good luck with yours!
Total applause for the workout! You go pretty lady! I cracked up at Ruby's rock star life, perfectly put! I am certain you are her fave groupie at the moment since you are in charge of beverage service and all! Can't wait to see your creations!
too cute! can't wait to see your creations from that 3 yds of fabric! :D
You are hilarious! Sebastian must get that from you- that and the fact that you both have "totally perfect" hair :)
Love the description of Ruby! I am itching to make curtains, new throw pillows for our couch, and a granny square blanket. But first, I'm going to start a new baby quilt for a friend this week! Fabric is bought and washed, now to iron and start cutting the pieces! Good luck with your projects!
if Ruby is a rockstar then I think my baby must be a librarian. He sleeps almost all the time, I usually only change him once...but he does drink alot...ALOT!
This new year has me bursting with ideas...I just hope the year is long enough to get everything going!
you have the most adorable family, i swear!
the beginning of 2010 has gotten me in the mood to start so many new things (like the gym), of course now I just have to work on actually doing it and not talking about it. congrats to you for starting! you're my hero for that!
those lil leggies are so cute! Ummm major applause for working out so soon. Good on ya!
Ha! I love that Ruby's a rockstar! Love it! hehe
And I love her little leggings. So adorable! You have the cutest family, Rachel!!!
As to your last question, I'm both! I am so excited about projects and things I want to do this year but when I look at the whole picture, it gets overwhelming. I need to prioritize.
You have the sweetest dressed kids! i love ruby's pattern contrast!
I also love that your little girl rocks all those patterns...
I have been wanting to sew all these new clothes because I can't go shopping... but silly sewing machine is being crazy.
Love the child/rockstar description :-)
I have several projects going on/just started. Just started crocheting cuff bracelets and cute iphone holders
and I have been buying a TON of paper butterflies off of etsy b/c I am going to string them on tree branches I find from now until my wedding (march 6th) and have them as center pieces :-) so excited
Loving the rockstar comparison. My baby boy (11 months as of yesterday eek!) has been a rocker since he was born. Still have yet to have a full night sleep (he drinks a lot too)!
Ha! that's too funny Rachel. I remember those daughters came in at 8:30 this morning and woke me up, I was like,
Just bought the green Hello Kitty sewing machine from Target (it's a Janome and a little small, but got great reviews)for big sis. We have a bunch of old, embroidery napkins and table linens we want to sew into a new tablecloth. And maybe some clutches...
those tights on ruby are too cute....where did you buy them, id like to get for my niece!
i too, am very excited to start new projects (working on photos right now, started sewing a pillow last night, and have new design ideas brewing in my head for jewelry.
you truly are inspiring Rachel! cant wait to see everything you've made with your new fabric!
Thanks! Those are socks from the little girls' section at Target that I cut down and remade into baby legs. There are a few tutorials online that you can google.
Good luck! And great job making creative time important!
"Ruby has decided to lead the life of a rock star. She stays up way too late, has multiple wardrobe changes, and a few dozen people who can't get enough of her. Oh, and she drinks a lot."
When I get a band together one day she can totally go on tour with us XD
Ruby is quite the snappy dresser.
That is cute brown houndstooth. I wore a vintage dress and jacket like it as Jackie O one year for a Halloween party.
I've been pretty regular with doing squats, and just started lifting some hand weights yesterday. Want to bulk up my back a little more for labor.
my heart sighs every time you mention finding something so inspiring in Oklahoma. makes me happy.
she is definitely a rock star! love it.
Excitement...most definitely! Plus, how can I not help get excited...your enthusiasm is contagious :-)
applause for the workout!
I am itching to start reorganizing my room to make room for all the crafting to take place this year!
my heart goes out to every mom and dad with a "rock star sleeping schedule" baby! My first one is that way - I can remember when he was just 3 weeks old and he would get a "2nd wind" at 8/9 PM and would stay awake until 2 AM. You would be amazed at the amount of parents out there with children that are born this way! We just don't talk about it 'cause it's our bad little secret! I hope you are able to get enough rest! My 2nd one is an awesome sleeper (I got lucky!)
Just send her over to Elsie to help her paint! ;)
i wanna be a rockstar!!!! cutes.
great job with the workouts lady!! wahooooooooo.
You're right! I'm sure Elsie wouldn't mind the company :)
I'm itching to start a (proper) handbag~!
Love Ruby's outfit BTW!
Your kids are cuuuuute! Love the rockstar part!
The difficulty for me is finding a balance between what I want to do for the kids/husband and things for myself! I didn't make anything really for myself in 2009, so I really want to give a little bit of time for my own thing. Even if its just taking time to develop a new skill for myself!
Loved the blog in 2009, can't wait to see what you post in 2010.
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