If you're wanting to help someone else help those in Haiti head over to Ree Drummond's blog, The Pioneer Woman, and leave a comment on this post. She's donating $ .10 per comment to the three most mentioned Haitian-related charities as well as another $1,000 to the charity of the winner's choice. Easy. Image from TPW blog.
For what it's worth I got an e-mail from a woman named Brianne Sheppard who is part of a team of firefighters, nurses, and correctional officers who were scheduled to go to Haiti on the 23rd to offer medical supplies, toys and money. Their flights were canceled but they are ready and willing to go if a way is made available. She can be contacted here if anyone knows someone who can help them get to Haiti soon. Brianne.Sheppard@gov.bc.ca
One of the missionaries that Brett's family works with was in downtown Port collecting supplies when the quake hit and saw a five story building collapse in front of him. He is fine and has been helping dig bodies out of the rubble. His two sons were in the States on a short trip and have booked a flight to get back to Haiti this weekend to do what they can. They have at least 30 children and contacts from their orphanage unaccounted for as of tonight. You can donate to them and know that donations today will be immediately helping Steve and his sons tomorrow in Port. CAMS/HAITI PO Box 111 Hendersonville, NC 28793 (Christian Agriculture Mission Services)
I'm sure many of you have already donated and I appreciate you letting me share these opportunities here.
ha! i just posted this on my blog, too!!!
thanks for the ttv stuff...i've never seen that done, but it's way cool.
i got this tweet today that may be of interest to brianne. not sure of any other info though.
"American Airlines will transport any doctor or nurse to Haiti free of charge, call +1 212-697-9767 Spread the word!"
Thanks, Jadiebird. I'd seen that tweet but not the number. I'll pass it along.
i'm so glad that other bloggers are posting about this as i've yet to see any aside from yours (and mine). thanks for spreading the word of hope!
Thanks so much for posting this. I know donating to the red cross does good, and we did do that, but I feel a little relief knowing I can donate somewhere and be helping someone directly. Will get something in the mail for your friends tomorrow. Thanks again. Bless.
hey Rachel im doing haircuts for haiti! all the money i made today and next sunday will go to compassion.com
for the disaster relief:)
i love that everyone is posting how to help! bc there are so many people that want to help but dont know how to.
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