
Sponsor Giveaway #1

Revlie Schuit's Etsy shop, REVolution, offers fun kits & detailed tutorials to create funky felt/fabric/paper mini albums. She also offers lovely fabric & felt handmade embellishments. You can read more about her life and art here.

She's offering one of her kits as well as a PDF for putting together this mini book using the kit, valued at $44.00. All you have to do is leave a comment sharing your favorite new color combo in the comment section below as well as your first name and last initial. I'll pick a winner at random on Wednesday and post it here so check back!



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Holly F. said...

My favorite color combo will always be red, white, and black. Just like the Babysitter's Club!

-Holly F.

chelsey. said...

i like aquas, greens, and yellows--but i always have!

Chelsea, Tea Talk said...

Right now I am loving grey, navy, and yellow together.

-Chelsea B.

corinne said...

love this giveaway!!!

my fav colour combo right now is teal, light grey, buttercream yellow :)

Corinne J.

Melody said...

I've been loving greens for quite a while, but recently I've added yellows and orange tones. I'm dreaming of fields full of spring flowers.

- Melody B.

Amanda said...

Pink and green are a big favorite, unless I'm in a Disney trip planning mood and then its red, black, and yellow!

Amanda F.

Emmy Lou said...

My favorite color combo is grey, mustard yellow, and purple. But recently I've really been liking bright blue, white, and yellow together.

AJ said...

I've always loved purple & tourquoise and black & white. Lately I've loved gray & yellow. And just recently it's cerulean, bright green, & yellow ^_^

Ebbiemae said...

My favorite color combination at the moment is turquoise blue, bright red, and black :)
Cait L

Emily said...

right now I am loveing gray, yellow & purple mixed in too! Amazing giveaway! :)


Unknown said...

turquoise + gray with a splash of fuchsia. :)

Vanessa M.

Bri Bri said...

I am in love with golden yellow and green. I found vintage tea cups in those colors and I adore the way they look!

-Love, Brianna M.

Mich said...

cool giveaway!!

lilac purple, orange, bright blue and white.

Michelle E.

brittany said...

i love chocolate brown & turquoise/aqua with a few touches of cream and yellow.

brittany m

Mrs Anne said...

i am currently in l-o-v-e with white, teal and red together. :)

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

so cute!

my favorite color combo is grey and chartreuse and mustard yellow :).

-Lauren H.

becky said...

cute! i love it. i love yellow and navy right now... lovely!

Dear Skeletons said...

I have lots of color combos

lemongrass with blue
orange and blue
green and yellow
yellow and blue

I could really go on and on.

Erica said...

I'm loving yellow, grey and turquoise. All bright colors with a natural one is lovely <3!

Anonymous said...

yellow and purple!

Liza said...

How fun!! I would love to play with this kit.

Randi said...

I like natural colors, but vibrant ones. Leafy greens, sky blues, wooden browns.. Mother Nature has a great sense of color :)

♥ Randi F.

Heather said...

My new favorite isn't really new at all... but I'm a huge fan of chocolate brown with Tiffany blue. Favorite, favorite, favorite.

Robin. said...

these are so cute!

i am loving all color right now! i'm so excited for spring to be here. my favorite is turquoise, yellow and green.... maybe a little splash of orange and red too!

Robin N.

Nancy said...

I'm loving teal and red right now, also grey and mustard, depends on my mood ;)

Casey Bloom said...

I have been loving purple, dark gray, black and white lately!!!

Casey B.

Miss Pockets said...

It could be that I just had a lil' one whom I named Oliver.. but I've been lovin' on Chocolate & Olive.

♥ Lacye B.

always and forever said...

hi!! my fav color combo at the moment is yellow, turquoise, and brown!

~Km W.

Jessica said...

Jessica D.: I absolutely love the red/turquoise combo shown in this post!

Kristina said...

my favorite color combo is red white and black!

Kristina V

jasmine said...

hmmmm. that's tough to pick a favorite, but i really really love lemon and navy.

- jasmine h.

Christen E. Krumm said...

teal/aqua, yellows, and grey!! :)

christen k.

Kamisaurus said...

My new color combo for crafting lately has been either gray+goldenrod or gray+lime green. I guess it's the transition from winter into spring :)

Kami A.

abbymo said...

My favorite color combination right now would have to be a kelley green and mustard yellow!

Anonymous said...

My fav. color combo has to be dark purple, red and an oatmeal color (right now I am thinking about the oatmeal color you see in yarn).
Angela C.

the whyte house said...

aubergine, chocolate and pink(any of them). getting ready to re-do the daughter's room, so it's been on the brain a lot!

Home Cooking Memories said...

Mine lately has been blue and yellow.

anna said...

I really love putting turquoise (my old fave) yellow and brown together especially in spring!

Tiffany said...

hmm, i don't know that I have a new favorite color combo.

the one i have stuck in my head is neon/bright green with purple.

Tiffany C

Jacqui Zebraskiin said...

My favourite colour combo is purple, red, and black. And I typically wear one or more of these colours everyday, haha.

Jacqui Z.

tess said...

I am quite a fan of mustard yellow and grey.
-tess b.

Unknown said...

Right now im in love with claret,lilac and grey:)
Also i'm obsessed with all kinds of green and light pink combo.
Waiting for spring.

Diana D.

Morgan said...

So cute!

My favorite color combo right now is yellow, turquoise, and grey.

Morgan F.

Mirka said...

My fav color combo will be the retro combination of black, white and red. It could be used almost everywhere because it's simple but outstanding at the same time :)

Thanks for the chance!

Rennie said...

{I heart soft pastels and chocolate brown}

Rennie M.

Suzanne said...


right now i'm really liking aqua and yellow together... but my all time fave is grey & purple :)

Katie @ makingthishome.com said...

Katie C.
I'm loving lime green and seeing how colors work with it. Thank you ladies! These are beautiful project books.

Unknown said...

I'm loving brown, green and blue right now.

Crissy P.


cas said...

My favorite color combo is pink white and brown..like neopolitin icecream...

makes me think of my childhood.


Courtney said...

My favorite color combo right now is a nice dusty/ creamy mustard yellow and a pretty vintage pink. They remind me of old carnival or trapeze artists costumes and the whole 1920-30's casual femme. So Lovely <3

:::Courtney B.

delliechan said...

my new favourite colour combo is pink and orange - I love how they look together.

Emily said...

Just about anything with Grey. I've been pairing it with pink, purple, green, red. I just love it!

Emily G.

Kristi said...

My favorite color combo is always red and bright turquoise. Also loving light grey and light yellow at the moment too.

Erin said...

hm, i gotta say lime yellow, black and white, with a little purple! Or purple on purple. Anything tone-on-tone, actually!

Unknown said...

i totally love aqua, greens, and yellows... maybe a bit light blue with them :-)
thanks for this great chance to win!


Unknown said...

My all time favorite color is green. Mix that with yellow, and grey, and that would be one of my favorite color combos!
Katie D.

Stina said...

what a cute kit!
my fave colour seems to be yellow at the moment, i would have never thought.
/Stina B

Christine said...

Lovely kit. I'm quite into grey at the moment - paired with plum.

Irini said...

I am passionate about the colour claret /bordeaux have it every where in my house i like to mix it with with light grey and lighter shades of teal and of course classic white.......

Amy T Schubert said...

I'm loving pink and yellow right now ...

piccola samurai said...

Gray, blue and yellow!
I have never thought of possibly loving this combo but I do!!!!

Anne. said...

I'll always be a sucker for chartreuse and teal, but lately light grey and soft yellows have been catching my eye. Awesome giveaway!

Rhiannon said...

Right now I'm loving turquoise and yellow. Pretty!

kadhysign said...

I love prussian blue, combined to white or grey, like my winter mood feels! Katja B.

Ashleigh said...

Lately, I've been loving gray and red together. In my scrapbooking, I've been scrapping a ton with primary colors (yellow, red, blue) and love it!

Debbie said...

My favorite color combo is lime green and orange. Oh wait, lime green and magenta. No, lime green and turquoise. Oh heck, lime green and ANYTHING!

Debbie S.

Ashley said...

I am very much loving yellow and gray together for just about everything these days! What is it
it about that combination that just seems to really flow with any kind of theme??? I don't know but I love it!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Anonymous said...

My current favorite color combination is mustard, teal, and charcoal...warm & cool and the same time...

Dina Z.


tamari* said...

such a cool giveaway!
my new colors are- white-aqua-pink:)

sylviesgarden said...

thats a tough one, i'll have to go with teal and grey with a bit of fushia x

spindelmaker said...

Well, since it is winter and the outside is white and grey, I´d go for hot orange and bright pink, with a little purple and gold!

Emma-Jayne said...

OOh colours. Just now I am loving blue and orange but all time fave is soft cyan and bright red. Guess its one of those colour combos that work all seasons xx

Anonymous said...

I'm loving grey and turquoise right now...so sophisticated!

Jessica L

Cassie xo said...

Turquoise and Black = LOVE!!

Kleine Wunder überall said...

I just love pigeon blue and black, or the combo of mango, pink and black.

Would be greeeeeat to get the give-away :-)

Ellen Q.

Katie said...

My favourite colour combo at the moment is mustard yellow and grey - the colour scheme for my wedding in May!

Katie N

holidayolic said...

Nowadays i'm in a mood for brown, wheat and petrol blue.

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

My new favorite color combo is PINK AND GRAY. I posted some inspiration boards on my blog after craving some pink lipstick to get me through the winter.

Unknown said...

This is sooo lovely! Great give-away!

My favorite color combo lately is red and white, like the walls of my room, and my closet, and ...

Dorien P

Unknown said...

I love mini kits! (:

a new colour combo I'm into now
would be pale blue and deep red ^^

they make awesome colours at a
wedding ;D

- Nadine S.

Kerry said...

Loving hot pink and lime green with a touch of turquoise and yellow (I am sooo ready for spring), thanks for a chance to win.

Jess and Kate said...

Greys & blues together ~ which is half my wardrobe!! So wintery (and kind of dreary) ~ but happy Spring colors right around the corner!!!

-Jessica C.

Marni said...

I can't go past cool turquoise, cherry red and fruity orange! Yum!

Scrappychic said...

I seem to be using a lot of yellow, red and aqua these days.

Unknown said...

I loveee chartreuse and cherry red.

Kasia said...

my favourite colour colors at the moment are pink, turquoise, brown and white :)

Trine said...

at the moment i loooove lila/purple and mustard yellow!


trine r.

Unknown said...

Purple!! I liked the color as a kid, and then it sort of disappeared from my life, to be replaced with various shades of blue and green... but over the past few months purple has kept back into my life with a vengence- in my clothes, accessories, crafts. Now I can't get enough of the color!

Unknown said...

Haha, I got so carried away with purple, I forgot to say what color I like to pair it with! Silly me.

Bright jewel toned purples and greens, with a little splash of gray thrown in.

Rachel M said...

My favourite colour combo at the moment is actually aqua and red. I'm just about to decorate my son's bedroom in those colours.

Rachel M

Tracey said...

My favourite colour combo right now is purple and gray :)

The Semi Sweet said...

My fave color combo is olive green and purple. Not sure why though.

Miss K said...

Im definitely loving teal and white at the moment, just nice for summer here in Australia!

Sarah M said...

I don't think I will ever grow out of my browns, teals, creams, and blue phase. It's been years :)
Sarah M

Jules said...

I like aqua/turquoise and purple!
Juliana F

Lyndsay Almeida said...

oooooooooh! i love this cute kit. the colors are perfect. :)

Ashley Morris said...

Right now I'm definitely into navy, pink, and white - I just bought these colors in yarn and I was surprised at how nice they looked together! Can't wait to start my blanket with them! :D

Unknown said...

This is a truly think hard question. I like all colors but to pick my favorite I guess I would have to say turquoise and brown :)
Kathlyn W.

Unknown said...

Purple and chocolate brown.

Nikki D.

sara said...

aquas, purples, blues.

rich colours :)

-Sara G

Melissa said...

I love teal and red, but my new favorite color combo is pink and grey.

Unknown said...

i am really into turquoise and black...i think my husband and i are going to redecorate our bedroom in those colors!

Ruby Star said...

I'm loving pinks greens and orange together. :)

Marlies said...

My favourite color combo is turquoise, lime green and white. I really love Rev's kit, but MAN I can see chances are slim with all these comments! :D

Love your blog!

Caitlin said...

Chocolate and light blue! :)
-Caitlin T.

nicole said...

I love grey and yellow.
Or white and blue.

Nicole S.

Anonymous said...

mmm, i love too many color combos. i think turqois with anything... pink, brow, lime green... is fun :)

Lacey said...

My favorite colors change often but right now it is lilac and plum or lime green and black.


Delia W said...

shades of green - together.


Alli (One Pearl Button) said...

Lately I've loved aqua, raspberry, and grey. I think I start to gravitate towards bright colors in the dark winter! Thanks for the chance to win!

Lily May said...

Gray and silver with a touch of blue. Or sky blue and bright red like a Pedro Almodovar movie. Or all kinds of pink at the same time...

Amy said...

my favourite colour combo is pink, brown and aqua! they are fun :)

paz said...

right now i am into shades of gray,pink and cream...
pazya k

Bealor said...

Fab giveaway!

My favorite combo right now is orange, red, cerise and yellow - bright and cheerful!

Beate H.

Danielle Muit said...

Yoohoo, great giveaway!! My favorite combo is pink/silver...like a little princess ;-)

Love from Holland,

Danielle M.

Lidia said...

Favorite color combo since forever is aqua and all greens, maybe a litle orange or red with it...

Lidia V.

Jingle said...

Okay...so um....my favorite NEWER color combo is turquoise and red. I love it! My favorite of all time is black, white, and red! I just love the classics!

kreganb said...

Although it's not 'summery' at all I always have to go with black, hot pink and silver....It reminds me of a high school dances' color scheme. :)

-Katie B.

Nina said...

I am currently loving olive and navy together.

Thinkie said...

my favorite colour combo is black, white and a bright colour to go with it (like purple or blue or pink), I have been decorating my spaces like that for years. Not really a 'new' colourcombo but I don't think I'll ever get tired of it!

Dixie said...

My favorite color combo is probably chocolate brown and blue.

threesixfive said...

Very cute!

Danielle L

Nora said...

I love light blue and red together, just like the kit, its super cute! :D Great giveaway :)

Meg said...

Actually my favorite color combo is the one that she used on the featured kit, I love red and turquoise!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi! My fave colour combo is turquoise, orange, and burnt yellow! Loves! :_

Christina G. xoxo

Stephanie said...

grey, peach, mint and muted yellow

julie.schellin said...

just about every scrap page I have has some green...I love to pair it with orange or yellow or blue or sometime red! I love colors! Thanks for a chance to win.

Molly Swanson said...

wow! I 'd love to win that color combo!....i also like light blue with a gold-y yellow and dark brown or gray! happy day!

Gale said...

That kit is BEAUTIFUL !!

shieri said...

white + pink + teal


Anonymous said...

I'm having a small fling with orange and gray right now.

Heidi said...

At the moment i really black with tourquoise or fuchsia. Mint green with red is also cute.

Kimberly Gust said...

It may not be new, but right now I am loving chocolate brown and teal. Perfect for pics of my baby boy!
Kim G.

Anonymous said...

I am drawn to rich gold, chocolate brown and sea foam green!

Amy F.

She said...

Right now my favorite color combos are yellows aqua, grey, brown, pink and well this list could go on forever really. :)

Unknown said...

What a fun giveaway!! right now I am loving pink, green & white-spring fever here in Iowa!!

Meg said...

I'm lovin' Grays, Pinks, and Yellows together.

-Meg G.

janel. said...

This is my favorite color combo. turquoise and red. those were my wedding colors and I just love them!
thank you for the giveaway <3
janel b

danYelle said...

i am loving maroon, pink, and olive green... it's borderline festive for v-day!

<3 danyelle m.

SG said...

I've really started to love aqua and yellow lately.

Sarah G.

annalea said...

red is always my fave and right now i am pairing it with turquoise and mustard.

Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

What a fun kit! I really love turquoise and emerald green together right now. :)

Mandy F.

jill said...

hi, i'm jill b. lately i'm loving the colour combo of aqua blue, orange/pale greens, and fucshia. they're such lovely colours... i often catch myself dreaming up ways to combine them in my home decor ideas. (:

Ashley Crenshaw said...

I really really love aqua blue and red. Or aqua, light green and golden yellow... Oh and orange and deep violet.. and Orange and pink and golden yellow. I just love colors!

Betsy said...

Love light teal blue, red & cream.

Genevieve said...

It's probably because it's winter, but right now I'm really into light blues, whites and greys. (My usual fav colour combos though usually include brown and some sort of earth tone, many times an orange or red.)

abeautifullove said...

What an awesome kit! My favorite combo is yellow, aqua, and grey!

Heather J.

Ragazzarte said...

I am in the middle of decorating my first house, so this is almost all I think about.
Delft blue and butter cream, or chartreuse and a silvery white, or steel grey and aqua and the silvery white that I seemed to have fallen for.
Leanne D

Mermaid said...

My favorite color combination is pink/red/tourquoise!


Unknown said...

I love lime green, teal, and grey!

Notes from the Republic said...

I love olive green, yellow and orange- very 70's vintage <3

Blink said...

Eggplant, heather grey & yellow! Thanks for this wonderful giveaway opportunity :)

faith buss said...

greys and whites and blues!

Diary of a Young Designer said...

I'm loving yellows and teal for some reason!


Anonymous said...

I tend to always go back to the Fall colors, mustard yellow, navy blue, turquoise, and plum.

thearthurz said...

I love green, brown and purple!

Love From Larissa said...

OH how I do love a good brown, cheddar yellow and pake pink combo, mmmmm.

-Larissa A

granolagirl said...

Olive green, purple and black for me!

Anonymous said...

I forgot my name on there. I can follow directions.

Nikki N.

Marta said...

At the moment - turquoise + yellow + dark gray make my heart sing..

Marta C.

Lindy Taylor said...

I'm lovin robbins egg blue, grey, and burnt orange...lovin them so much that they are the color palette for my new website.

thats what they said said...

right now i am loving pale aqua and tangerine:)

ashlee b.

The Smith Family said...

I'm loving reds and aquas, just like the example that you've shown, very pretty! I checked out her ETSY store too, very cute stuff!

irasema said...

for some reason i am discovering that i like pink, orange and turquoise.
irasema q.

Anonymous said...

what an awesome giveaway! my favorite colors right now have to be lilac, pastel yellow and a light grey. they're our wedding colors and i'm immersed in them daily! <3

dixie said...

sunny yellow and turquoise. my living room is turquoise right now and I want to paint my bedroom yellow soon.

Rachel said...

Great idea!!! I am in love with Canary yellow and royal blue..I seem to be wearing that combo a lot lately.

-Rachel A.

Anonymous said...

Mine is yellow with a deep red :)

- Kayla L.

Ashley Ann said...

Aqua and red FOREVER. :D

adrienne... said...

Navy, aqua and grey. I've been crocheting baby boy hats for my new little guy in these colors... Got boys on the brain I'm afraid!

lifeinanutshell said...

grays, blues, and greens. (obviously they all depend on the shades)

Kristin G

Unknown said...

Purple and green!

-Jill C.

Emily said...

My favorite color combo depends on my mood. This morning it's limey/pistachio green and white. So clean! But then also loving that Tiffany's turquoise color or pink and chocolate brown. Love about every color with chocolate brown...

Renee Campbell said...

I just make a tote out of these colors: blues, aquas, pinks, and fuchsias. It turned out fabulous!

KRags said...

This is such a cute giveaway!
My favorite color combinations would have to be Kelly Green, Teal, and yellow.

Kimberly R.

Love or Nothing said...

my favorite combo is always black and pink.. not light pink, like a darker pink. just to clarify :)

Nichol said...

loving yellow with turquoise or bright green right now!

Ashley Gray said...

I love gray, light pink/peach, and white. Maybe even mixed in with a dark purple or blue. I just love colors so that's difficult.

- Ashley G.

Kelliejo said...

Oh I love her stuff!!!

Kelly said...

I love Blue, light blue and more blue. Maybe throw in some green-blue. :)

-Kelly P

Claudia said...

I love the combi chocolate brown and turquoise.

Claudia S.

Anonymous said...

Red and Teal. Which i think i spotted together in this beautiful kit! <3

Jess Namy said...

I love colors so this is always hard to pin point but my favorite color combination right now is.....( drum roll)... blue-aqua, yellow and orange. I just love bright colors perfect for when i pretend that it is summer :)

Anonymous said...

i've been doing a loooot with tiffany blue, white, and black lately. seems to be my new go to color combination. :)
<3 katie w.

TracyGirls(Jill) said...

When it comes to crafting, I really like chocolate brown and lime green with a splash of pink! Not so much for wearing or decorating the house, but my scrap albums sure look good in these colors!

Jill T.

barbara said...

Gray and warm orange....NO: aqua blue and black...NO: olive green and white and mustard yellow...NO: rich purple and bright green...I cannot choose! There are so many beautiful combi's...:)

Laura Stewart said...

loving purple, brown, and orange together

Alexandra said...

At the moment its mustard, red and midnight blue xx

Vianey said...

I love this color combo: teal, cocoa, magenta and mustard. ;^)

Vianey G.

TLF said...

I'm loving the yellow gold, turquoise and red right now!
Great giveaway! :)

~Terri F.

katie hanson said...

Oh wow, what a lovely kit! I'm a fan of aqua and red like her book, but my fave is navy, yellow and white!

xo, katie h.

Osnat Hazan said...

Great Giveaway!
I love turquoise blue, red and white.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Osnat H.

My Norfolk Life said...

I am loving Dusky Pinks, Dirty Earth Greens and Chocolate Browns -everything is including those colours at the moment!

Claire R

Tate said...

I am loving turquoise, navy, and mustard.... but i will always love classic black and white!

-Tate N.

Angumms said...

My fave right now would definitely be red and aqua. I'm also really loving grey.

Anonymous said...

I love light blues, grays, and yellow. Perhaps, I am ensuing a need feeling for Spring.

Amber said...

Love aqua and pea green together!
It is what I have used in my living room and I just love it!

-Amber C.

Kaleigh said...

My favorite color combo right now is chartreuse, Robin's egg blue and light gray! I am redecorating my room in these colors so they are ALL I can think about.

-Kaleigh H.

Kristen said...

aqua blue and coral. so fresh and fun!

Laurendy said...

I am loving mustard yellow and deep dark plum at the moment.

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