I found an old tater box at a local thrift store and thought it would work nicely as a laundry hamper for Sebastian. I lightly sanded the box, took off the hardware, and painted it with two layers of blue paint before adding the face and thought bubble.
It's one of the ways I'm hoping to teach Sebastian how to take care of his space. We've named it the Clothesasaurus and told him to put all his dirty clothes into the dinosaur's belly because he's always hungry. Then we explained how we'd take them out once he was full and wash them before hanging them back up. I think he's game!
What are some ways you've made chores fun? Do you offer rewards or praise? Make a game out of it? Sing songs?
Such a fantastic idea. I didn't know they made boxes specifically for taters and onions! haha.
that is too cute rachel!
Oooh that is a wonderful idea!! Maybe I'd be more inclined to do the laundry if I made one of those for myself! lol
super adorable...absolutely ♥ it!
Cute! Really original idea. m&m's are a good motivator for my kids to do their chores. ;) I do want to make some sort of chart for the new house though (we used a fridge dry-erase chart before)
that is so cute, and so clever. like i said, you're a good mom. what a fun way to teach kids!
That's absolutely adorable and what a great idea! We never had anything other than allowance to keep me and my brother working on our chores, so I say go for anything you can to make it fun at his age : )
Maybe some sort of jar that he gets to take something out of each time he completes a chore... like a puzzle piece or something to complete a larger artwork or goal? That might be cute and fun.
Ack!! That is SOOO cute Rachel! I'm so showing this to my cousin. She has 3 boys. :)
That's so cute! I would have loved a clothesasaurus when I was younger. I could love one now! :)
When my brother and I were younger, my mom had us play 'Beat the Clock' to clean our rooms. She'd give us an item to pick up, like shoes, and then we would each have to pick up all of our shoes before the timer went off. She'd then give us another item and so on. I don't know if he's old enough for that yet but I remember that it was actually fun to clean when trying to 'beat the clock'!
whoa!!! this is so cute!
awesome! i love it <3
You're super creative Rachel! You're my Idol Mom in blogworld! ^_^
I don't have kids yet so i haven't experienced assigning chores yet. but i remember my mom giving us praises when we do our chores. ^_^
we totally need a clothesasaurus in our house! my kids must think the floor is hungry all the time! we have a sticker chart for chores, behaviors, etc. and when the line for a particular chore/behavior is full, they get a special treat. could be candy, could be a small toy, or a special playdate. and when the entire chart is full they get a big special treat like going to nasty "chuckin' cheeses". we have 3 stickers left to go before i have to see that mouse. i get the heebie jeebies just thinking about that place. they sanitize there right?
I am absolutely in love with this!!
I love this idea! And it looks so cute too! :)
~AWESOME~, And it's a good idea!
I love it!
X.Judith ^Hartje-Bloem^
That is so cool! Great idea!!!
Rachel...what a fantastic job youve done on transforming that potato box...brilliant idea...you should feel so very proud of yourself..top skills!!
WOW what a fantastic idea.
hey Rachel, clothesasaurus is just too cute! a great idea too!
I'm not a mom yet but i'm a preschool teacher. I have a jar of popcorn kernels in my classroom. When the kids are good, or completes a task, they will get to scoop a tablespoonful of popcorn kernels into the popcorn bowl. When the bowl is full, we will have a popcorn party! The kids just love watching popcorns popping out of the hot air popcorn machine!
This really constantly encourages good behaviour in kids!
I always see these at flea markets and wonder what I could use them for... now I know!
genius!! seriously.
That's super cute!
That's so cute! I must confess... I never tried to make cleaning fun. Cleaning is what you do because it's expected of you and we all have to do it so the house doesn't look disgusting.
I do try to stay within their age group when assigning chores but I think that's about it. I don't give specific rewards but don't ask to play on the computer or the wii if your room is disgusting.
I love this idea. So cute!
Holy, freaking adorableness, Batman! I love it!!! What a great idea!
I LOVE this idea!! I grew up with a tater bin like this and it is still in use at my parents. When I have kids I would love to snag it for this purpose though...too cute :)
That is really cute, and I'd love to have it in MY room! LOL
Holy cow, what a cute idea! We're hoping to do similar things with our son. I don't know if you're into Montessori, but you should check out the book "How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way." There are tons of great practical ideas for teaching a child to care for their environment. I work in a Montessori preschool and each child does chores after lunch and they LOVE it! We don't really make it fun, but they get so much satisfaction after they've made their area beautiful. Lots of time, they'll go beyond what they are supposed to and run up to me and say "Look how beautiful I made it!".
this is the best! you are such a clever momma.
(side note- of course being the fabric hound I am, I immediately read "clothesaurus" and thought of a place to stash scraps.....there didn't happen to be a second tater box at this 'local thrift store' did there?? lol!)
Fantastically clever super mom!
so cute! i bet he loves it.
What an awesome idea!!
that's adorable!
sooo cute! I love this idea!
That is amazing!
Very, very cute!! As for a chore chart, check out this adorable chart.
You can download it free here (not my blog): http://www.modecokids.com/index.php/2009/10/21/free-printable-chore-chart-for-kids/
My grandfather used to make these! they make great trash can hiders as well.
I love it! Awesome idea! The colours are perfect!
absolutely precious!
i'm in love with this guy! what an awesome idea! you're the coolest mom i know!!
my almost 3 year old Leland just walked over and said he "needed" one of those:O)
looks awesome!
this is soo adorable, i want one!! haha
Way too cute! I love it.
My son pretends his lame wicker hamper is a hungry monster all the time. The monster even says "Thank you" after Felix feeds him some dirty little boy underwear. haha!
I also remember those tater boxes from when I was little. I'd totally dig having one. I better start keeping my eyes peeled!
Can't wait for your chore chart. I need to make one for our family, but I think I'll wait and see what yours looks like first! :D
the only thing missing is little t-rex arms :) This is so cute and I love the fun colors. As for chores...? The only fun I remember was racing my mom in bed-making. It caused lot's of giggles and two mostly well made beds.
Oh my gosh this is amazing! I want one for myself and Katie! Maybe it'll help us do laundry too! I absolutely love this.
that is adorable! i want a dinosaur to eat my laundry (and prefferably wash and it and fold it too).
That's really awesome, but can I just say, I am psyched to learn that there is such a thing as a tater box?
you are so cool! i linked to your blog the other day and put a widget on my page! i know you have a ton of followers, but more people need to see your wonderful blog. thanks for the ideas and inspiration!
That is darling! Great motivator to stay clean :)
that is such a cute idea!
Gosh I think this is just gorgeous! I love it!
that's such a cute idea!
I've always been a very chart-y person so when I was little, my mom had a chart of chores that I needed to do for the day/week. But instead of just a list, it also had the reward (that changed a lot) that came with finishing. For example, chores that had to be done everyday (cleaning room, making bed) were rewarded by something small like getting to eat the veggie I liked instead of the nasty veggie that "is good for me" for dinner. Bigger chores that were only once a week got bigger rewards like getting to stay up 20 minutes extra or getting to rent a movie, etc. If I wanted to though, I could "save" points and get something bigger. Three weeks of chores saved up would get rewarded by going somewhere like Lynn Meadows (which was our learning center in Gulfport). Mom would write on the board (once I learned to read) what I was working for that week.
She also tried not to reward with food too much- I like that (now.. then though I would have preferred the ice cream cone)And I don't think I ever got paid an allowance.
yay for chores! we do a "beat the clock" game and i time my kids to see how fast they can pick up clothes or toys. we also have a chart. it has "gotta do it" chores (that you gotta do... even if you don't get a prize). like plate in sink, shoes in the shoe place etc. and then we have extra chores. they earn happy faces for each one during the week (making bed, help sweep crumbs, folding and putting away laundry etc.) i do it all on a huge chalkboard. happy longest comment ever!
Love that clothes monster! I use the pickup fairy in my house. I just talked about it on my blog.
oh my...great idea and so cute, love your blog
that's adorable! love how the box already sort of had a face on it, what a cool idea.
es fantastic! way better than any hamper i ever had :) what a great vision for a potato bin!
sweet paint job. great idea.
i really love this!! :) your tutorials are always so awesome!
super fun!!
Really cool
So cute.
AMAZING!!! My mom used to have one of those potato bins. It looks much better as a dinosaur...
Rachel that is absolutely ADORABLE!
What a great upcycle project! Very, very cute.
super cute!!! We own little alouette and may be interested in a sponsorship! LOVE yr blog! You are so creative mama! xo
Very cute. I want one for my potatoes!!! We have the Ziggy Marley Family Time CD (awesome, BTW) - and there is a poem on it called Helping Hands that my daughter loves. Whenever we want her to hep we ask for her helping hands and she's usually game!
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