I've been dreaming of a play kitchen for Sebastian since his birthday last July. I was set on building one after seeing a variety of DIY kitchens on OhDeedoh but I was pregnant and...it didn't happen. He's played with one at the YMCA often enough that I'm sure he'd still be into it this year so the search is on.
I love the look of blonde or honey colored wood with clean lines, pieces that move, and a little built in storage. I'd like it to be neutral enough for Sebastian AND Ruby so I've collected melmac saucers in teal, green, and yellow and have some miniature mixing bowls for them to use.
If only I had my own little workshop out back! I tend to get a little heady about wood working projects and have a long list of things I would love to make some day. SOME DAY!
Looking forward to announcing some details on mine and Elsie's new art journal class and a baby dress DIY! Stay tuned!
I think my play kitchen was my favorite toy as a kid :) I love the second one you showed, is it bad that I'm 21 and I'm having to tell myself I don't need a fake kitchen, haha.
I love the color scheme of the accessories as well. Hope you find or make the perfect one :)
xoxo Samantha
Have you seen the children's kitchen Ikea does? I want it for my son. I think he would love it too. :)
You are such a cute mom. You always think of the coolest ways to make something normal unique for your own children.
I never played with a toy kitchen much, but the ones you have shown are darling and I almost want one for the 25 year old me. :)
Oh I love these! Did you know Ikea has a wooden playing kitchen?
Ohhhhh jinx... I am planning a play kitchen for my boys birthdays this year!! This post is really inspiring!
omg! i actually own the kitchen set in the top picture. i believe it was my mom's when she was a kid. btw, it's actually barbie size not kid size. man that's weird :)
and have you seen the DIY ones on http://ikeahacker.blogspot.com/? search for "play kitchen", ther are some cool und cheap ideas :)
my mother has built me an oven from a bedside table - i looooved "cooking" on it!
have fun making your own
my kids love our play kitchen--whichg is actually just a handmade wooden stove from the 50s that I got at a garage sale--seriously my best score ever.
Nova toys has great ones, the ones on etsy of course are adorable and Palumba.com are beautiful, too. They're just all really expensive, but, imo, totally worth the investment. (2 years of playing and counting)
Sarah M
I definitely love the play kitchen from Ikea.
Aw, good luck finding the perfect kitchen for the kids! :D
i love the picture of the last kitchen set... absolutely adorable!! that would be a fun project!
Oh, how things change! When I was ak kid my play kitchen was that cheap plastic that fell apart when you touched it!
I can't wait for you DIY, I love your little baby dresses at the RVA shop!
Aww these are so cute, play kitchens are the best!
I loved play kitchens when I was little. Unfortunately I never had one. But I did have a grocery store and my mom got us cute little candy food to sell every once in a while.
Have you seen these two DIY play kitchen projects?
This one just blows me away: http://suttongrace.blogspot.com/2009/06/repurposed-entertainment-center.html
And this one is cute as well, on a much smaller scale: http://vintagesongbird.blogspot.com/2009/12/diy-is-fun.html
I don't know whether it's available in America, but here in Belgium you can buy the cutest play kitchen at IKEA, I'm always sad that I don't have children, so no need of that little kitchen!
I had one when I was little from Smoby, in plastic! Spend hours in it and I still love to cook!
I know you said that you like the look of blonde or honey colored wood, but I saw this play kitchen on Prudent Baby's website and thought it was really cute.
Ikea has cute ones!!!!
i think play kitchens are so lovely and important. they're such an everyday part of life... :)
i've seen some really intricate ones and some really simple ones... but all are great!
I Just did a post on playkitchen's you might find these ones inspiring too!! I am thinking of making one myself and needed some inspo!
those kitchens are SO CUTE! i love the blonde, too.
I just saw this one today...
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