
Last Chance for Indie Business Class!

If you've been wondering how to step up your game in the small business department you may want to check out this class my friends are teaching. It starts this Sunday so get your ducks in a row and sign up!

Business - Starting, Surviving, Succeeding is a 6 week Online Class for women and men wanting to build an online or local creative business. They'll focus on Starting, Surviving and Succeeding in small business and cover everything in between! The class runs from March 7th - April 16th and is taught by Leigh-Ann, Jill and Elsie. Hosted in a members only blog (written content), the 26 sessions, 7 DIY projects and 3 live chats are sure to give you all the tools you need to establish yourself and achieve success with your Small Business! The course also includes a printable workbook with original illustrations by Elsie Flannigan and room for all your homework, notes and ideas!
indie-business.com for full details and registration info. Email questions to Leigh-Ann at indieworldwide@gmail.com.



  1. i signed up for this class last week...I am super excited about it. my husband is going back to school full -time beginning this summer so a little business on the side would be nice.

  2. I think its great that you give people the opportunity to learn through you guys ! :) good luck with the class, -xoxo kelsey

  3. im loving the potential of this class for my business!! go sign up!!

  4. This really blows...I wont' be able to sign up because I will be out of town from MArch 15 - March 31 (going to Indiana so my in-laws meet our 8 month old)

    Well...I hope there's more courses along the way.

    Thanks for letting us know though.

    Take care
    Via :)

  5. yes! i'm signed up for the class and i can't wait for it to start!

  6. Yayayayay! I just signed up, too! I am so excited!
    Thanks for posting this reminder :)
