Pretty Zakka Shop is my brand new online boutique, which carries craft supplies, stationery, Re-Ment Miniatures, patterned deco tape, women's accessories and household items from Japan.

This shop was born from my love of all things zakka, but my un-love of having to wait weeks for them to arrive from overseas vendors.
Pretty Zakka Shop offers a variety of carefully curated items (which ship from the United States) and
free shipping on orders over $75!

I'm offering Smile And Wave readers a $25 gift certificate to my shop! All you have to do is tell me your favorite item from
my shop in the comments section of
THIS post. Winner will be announced on Friday!
KatherineDon't forget about our two other giveaways posted below!
1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»I'm sorry, but how can I choose ONE favorite thing out of everything in your store? I have an obsession with tiny miniature things so...
Honestly not even trying to flatter you. I can't choose between ANYTHING that's miniature.
if I had any sort of money, it would all go towards your shop! :D
pretty giveaway! ♥
My favorite is the Delicious Apple tote bag! : )
Two words: deco tape. I love love love it!
Wow this is hard, so many cute things butI think I would have to choose the large balsa tray as my favorite. :)
Uh, yeah...there are WAY too many cute and wonderful things! Re-Ment is a love of mine, but all of the Shinzi Katoh items are lovely...!
has to be the bag, love it!
I love it all, but if I had to choose, the tote bags are pretty cute!!
I love the Delicious Apple Tote bag =]
I thought my favourite thing was the linen tape... then I saw the miniatures! So many cute things!
I would just about kill for the Old Fashioned Floral Pattern Mug!!!
Love that bag!! wow!
Way too hard to choose ONE thing! But I think that lace deco tape is pretty darn high on my list!
So hard to choose! I think my favorite items are the patterned paper tapes. The Alice tote gets the second place ;)
Such a hard decision! I love everything in your shop! But if I had to pick, I'd say the Alice tote. It's adorable!
How could I possibly choose just one thing... everything is so adorable. But I instantly fell in love with the Alice tote bag.
Uggghhh it's so tough to choose. I'm a sucker for cutsie stuff and your shop is where it's at! I love the re-ment minis. C'mon pay day :)
What a sweet shop! I am definitely coming back to buy buy buy after tax time! I love that circle little girl mini bottle so very very much! And the re-ment miny fairy tale set (1 AND 2), swoon!!
Your shop is quite dangerous...
I am a sucker for everything Alice and Wonder Land, and my favorite is the Alice tote by Shinzi Katoh. Sooo Cute!
I really like the Balsa trays and the Circle Little Girl mini bottle. Congrats on your new shop!
I love everything in her shop! So fun!
I love the "Girl's Heart" Letter Set by Shinzi Katoh :)
so sweet!
What wonderful shop! I love everything but love, love, love the Alice tote.
I love the Animal Train Pudding Cup. My little boy would love it too :)
I love the lace deco tape. Ever since I was little I have a had a random love of tape. I would make all sorts of things from shoes to backpacks for my barbies out of masking tape. I think the lace deco tape is a perfect upgrade from the regular masking tape lol.
oh my goodness, it is all so cute! i like the "circle little girl" mini bottle that is pictured here. and i love ALL of the re-ment miniatures!! <3
It's all too cute, but I love the little pudding cups. They would be perfect for little snackies in the diaper bag for my little one!
your bags are darling but i love that glass milk bottle!
I love SO many things! My favorite is the "Alice" Tote. The pink handles top it off perfectly!
love the Lace Deco Tape!
Oooh, I love your shop! I think my favorite (even though it's hard to choose!) would be the "Flying" Notebook. So pretty! :)
Everything is so cute!!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
i love the little girl bottle and your lace tape. and the strawberry pencil case. adorable shop!
I am in love with the Lace Pattern Deco Tape #1. Well, all of the lace tapes. They're super pretty and make me want to send packages right now!
there are too many to pick from!! Love the deco tape...especially the lacey the pudding cups...yup...LOVE.
And if that could all be packed neatly inside the Alice in wonderland tote I'd be thrilled.
Wow, I love all of the miniature sets, but Re-Ment Merry Strawberry Set #7 has to be my favorite.
I love the re-ment white cafe table and chairs. So cute! My oldest is already saving her allowance for a few of the re-ment pieces to add to the dollhouse we are renovating.
I looooove your shop! It was hard to choose one, but the "Amigurami" Crochet Pattern Book is really my favorite. Crochet is my favorite hobby and those little guys are so cute! ^-^
To pick one thing is torture! But if I have to I pick Re-Ment Merry Strawberry Set #7 what a cute shop! I can't wait to buy so many things.
My favorites are the large balsa crates and trays. I really like the pudding cups too though.
The "Shopping" pudding cup is my favorite. he!
the "Alice" tote is just wonderful!
I LOVE all of the re-ment stuff. I would love it for my pretty little dollhouse. My favorite set is the fairy tale set #5. It would look great on the kitchen table in my dollhouse :)
I love the amigurumi crochet pattern books! great giveaway!
My favourite thing is the "Delicious Apple" Tote Bag by Shinzi Katoh. But it's so hard to choose just one!
oh yes, deco tape+linen tape are where it's at! love it all (will choose the blue bird linen tape if forced to pick one)
I LOVE so much!
The Alice bag you shared here is awesome. I love the Re-Ment black and white dish set and the soft yarn too!
the slice of cake lace basket is SO clever!
Oh my, this shop is wonderful! I love everything, but the Alice Falls memo pad by my fav Shinzi Katoh looks so cute! :D
Adorable shop. I think that deco tape is quite lovely though.
oh boy oh much to choose from.i adore the deco tape,it is my most favorite thing from your collection!
lovely giveaway.
name: amanda w.
Oh gosh, most definitely the lace pattern deco tapes.. I NEED those!!
i love the deco tapes!
deco tape! i love it!!!
The "Flying Notebook" absolutely melts my heart!! And the deco tape is fantastic. Everything is so precious!
Goodness! Picking one thing is impossible! I love the deco tape and the linen tape and the tote bags! The whole shop is all kinds of adorable!
It was so hard to pick just one, I love the Alice tote and the Flying notebook.
EVERYTHING in your shop is sooooooooooo cute. But I have to say that my favorite item is deco tape
:::: Lace Pattern Deco Tape #5 ::::
I just loved that one. It is so pretty that I would love to use it as decal for my bathroom :)
I love cupcakes so the sweetheart paper cupcake molds are my fave!!
the little panda deco tape is adooooorable :)
Love the Alice bag, but also love that lace deco tape. Yummie!!
My favorite is the "Neighbors" notebook! Everything is so cute!
I love love love the Lace Pattern Deco Tape #5! Thanks for a chance at this awesome giveaway!
Lace deco tape? yes, please. Floral print mug? Double yes, please.
I love the Re-Ment strawberry sets. They would be so cute set up as in my garden by the strawberry bushes, evidence of little fairies who have dropped by.
I love, love, LOVE the lace deco tape and also the sweet glass milk bottles!
I adore the fairy tale sets! So cute! Your shop is dangerous! (In a very good way!)
Her shop is so, so, so adorable! My favorites are the rainbow stamp pad and the bear measuring tape!
I couldn't choose only one!
My favorites are the deco panda tape and the re-ment merry strawberry set #7! So cute!
i would love the lace tape and the panda tape!
OH wow there are WAY too many wonderful and cute things to choose only 1!! I and so loving the Re-Ment Fairy Tale Set #1 and the Alice tote!! Such cute girly things for this mama of 2 boys!!
I love the flying notebook, and the delicious apple tote:) they are so super cute~!
Love that French Girl notebook!
"French Girl" Notebook by Shinzi Katoh
Tre' magnifique!
My favorite is the Old Fashioned Floral Pattern Mug! I collect cute mugs, and I LOVE this one! Pick me please!!!
i love the circle girl mini bottles and the pudding jars!
your shop is the cutest!!! i love this lace deco tape
i love the alice tote i love all things alice! i even bleached my hair to look like alice yeah its alittle over board but yeah super cute
i absolutely adore the glass milk bottle! it is so simple and beautiful
-Angela Anne
I love the strawberry stuff since it reminds me of Strawberry Shortcake - some of my favorite dolls from childhood!
too hard to choose ONE thing! I love the tape (set #2) or ANYthing craft related--love those bias tapes :)
Sarah M
I love the mini bear measuring tape...
The "neighbors" and "flying" notebooks are so so so cute! What an adorable store! Good luck with it!
I am SO glad to find this shop! I love deco tape, especially the lace tape.
ooh the linen tapes are so cute!
I love the Flying Notebook by Shinzi Katoh! It's so adorable! :)
I just love the "Girl's Heart" Letter Set by Shinzi Katoh. I've have quite a few pen pals now and I need some totally cute stationary to sent them lovely letters.
Pretty Pretty giveaway!
Such an awesome giveaway, Katherine! It's really hard to choose, but I think the deco tapes are my favorite - I love the "Happy Friends" pattern.
Such a unique shop! Though it was hard to narrow it down, my favorite was the "Delicious Apple" tote. 1) Because its adorable. 2) Because it's kitschy. 3) Because I'm a teacher and its just corny enough to have an apple tote bag.
The Lace Decor tape has to be one of my faves...
Mmmm all the things that you have are so precious. It is hard to just choose one thing, hmmm I think i would like to have the French Girl Notebook by Shinzi Katoh and write only in French within the notebook! :)
Bisous- Emily
"Delicious Apple" Tote Bag
love the Alica tote and all the tape like the bluebird and the panda!
I need that Alice tote! My 19 month old daughter's name is Alice and I cannot control myself when comes to cute Wonderland stuff. And the writing on the side, "and her name was Alice" is too perfect!
First I'm a re-ment addict, so love all that. But I also love the pudding cups, so adorable! I also love the deco tapes! Oh and yes,the bear measuring tape! I love it all!
My favorite item is the Alice Tote!! Suuuuuuper cute!
I would have to say the Alice Tote is my absolute favourite! It is super cute and I am totally obsessed with Alice in Wonderland lately.
i love the "neighbors" and "flying" notebooks. so perfect.
<3 katie
oh my goodness i love everything!!
but the alice tote is too cute!!
i love the delicious appple tote. SO CUTE!!
Everything is so cute! I think I love the Alice bag the most. It's so beautiful. The lace tape is gorgeous also.
I have to have the Alice tote or any of the European Grandma miniatures, they're adorable!#8 is one of my faves.
cute stuff! i love it all.
What a find! Great shop! My fave would definitely have to be the Circle Little Girl Mini Bottle. Too cute!
awww your shop is too cute!
i absolutely fell in love with the balsa trays!
i'll definitely get one of each if i win :P
I love the "circle little girl" bottle. i would love to use cute little containers like that for my crafting items like buttons and stuff!
I would totally scoop up a balsa crate or two to corral some clutter on my desk and vanity!
I'd love to just say ALL and leave it at that but I do love the and and the Shinzi Katoh bags.
Oh, your shop is just wonderful! It's like a big cup of happiness:) My favorites are a tie between the Glass Milk Bottle and the Large Balsa Tray :) The Old Fashion Floral Print Mug is right on up there with my faves!!!
have a lovely day♥
Being a scrapbooker my answer is all of the lace pattern tapes. They would be the perfect add-on to my layouts.
Cindy Barriga
what amazing things! My favorite is the "blue bird" linen tape! extremely adorable.
I love the Strawberry Pencil Case - but everything else is so cute too!
Love the Alice tote. My little girl would love this.
OMG! I love everything! I think my favorites are the re-ment fairy tale sets... and if I have to pick from there I guess #9. So pretty! I hope I win! Thank you!
Wow so cute! Lots to love...favorites include "Circle Little Girl" bottle and the "Flying" journal!
oh my! such cuteness!! i love so many many things (and never new of "zakka"- thank you for sharing!) but i love the cleverness of the lace pattern tape (#1 is beaut!) sooo cute! kawaii-desu!
like everyone has said its super hard to pick a fave ahhh.
bluebird linen tape
i really like the shinzi kotoh notebooks, aw!
Awww I love the glass milk bottle!
We bring back sand/rocks from places we travel and I'm running out of cool bottles to display them in. I've got some Portugal that needs a home!!! :)
That lace deco tape is SO CUTE! Would be fun to play with :)
OMGoodness, so HARD TO CHOOSE! Ok, I think I will have to say.. The Alice totebag. though if I win this amazing giveaway, I mught just splurge on miniatures (I neeeed the strawberry set - all of it!!)
ooh yay! i love everything, especially the cupcake molds. :)
I love the "Animal Train" Pudding Cup by Shinzi Katoh. So cute! What a great shop@
um. one thing! the totes! the lace tape! the happy friends tape! the slice of cake basket!
but oh the pudding cups. its gotta be the pudding cups.
ALL the things are so cute! It was hard to pick just one, but I really do love the lace deco tape. I have a thing for all things lace. =D
I think my favorite is the Alice tote. So cute!!!
OOO I love the "Delicious Apple" Tote Bag!!!!
Cupcakes would look magical in the white gingham cupcake molds! LOVE!
I was favoring the Circle Little Girl jar until I stumbled on the re-ments (I love re-ments!!!) which I just love all of them XD! Can I say the jar full of the re-ments? <3
I can't pick a favorite! I love everything! If I really had to it would be the pudding cups by shinzi katoh! love them! this shop is awesome! xoxoxo
Oh for sure the 'alice' tote
so much prettiness :)
ooo I like the deco tape.
My favourite thing is Re-ment Merry Strawberry set #10 because I am getting my first blythe doll, and it could go in her doll house. From Emily (11 years old)
I really like the sweetheart cup cake holders - too cute
We have a similar funny little store in Dubai called Daiso, which carries Japanese cuteness. I love it!
My favorite Zakka product is the Alice tote. Darling!
glass milk bottle...:)
I think I might have to go with the "Alice" Tote by Shinzi Katoh -- its so great. Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite stories, so relatable. :) and this tote is the perfect companion to this little shy fashionista. ;)
Animal Train pudding cup - i love the word "pudding" don't you?
I love the 'Flying' notebook by Shinzi Katoh! The balloons are so cute! My second favourite is the little jar with the girl in red..also by Shinzi Katoh :D
Hard to pick up just one favorite ! But the Macaron Patterned Paper Tape is just so yummy ! ♡
I'm not sure it's possible to choose just one thing, but if I had to it would be the girls heart letter set. What a gorgeous shop!:)
I adore the Re-Ment Merry strawberry set ... It's also perfect for a playmobil-dollhouse or a strawberry shortcake-house ...
The fairytale sets are also very cute ...
(2 little girls in the house, that's explains part of it I/m afraid) ...
oh! the apple tote is too lovely *sigh* Tigerlilly
I just love all those lace deco tapes! *LOVE*
wow... gorgeous! thats a hard one to just choose one... but im gona have to choose the bag! i love alice and wonderland!!! : kim
The cupcake molds, oh wait...the linen tape with the balloons, oh wait...I love the lace deco tape! That has to be my favorite....oh, wait... the miniatures, I have always loved miniatures...ahh, I can't choose just one.
I really love the cup cake molds!
I love the 'shopping' pudding cup, I would *have* to add the minibear tape to my handbag contents, but my total undoing is to choose between the Alice Tote and the Delicious Apple. How to choose????
Bookmarked your page in my 'cute gifts' folder coz I love giving cute stuff to friends :)
luv bindi
Happy Friends Deco tape! They look so joyful. I want to join in.
The Shop is FANTASTIC!
It's such a great feeling when people share such great inspiration, and cuteness.
My favorite thing from the shop (which was a major TASK because there was SO much to choose from) is the "Delicious Apple" Tote Bag by Shinzi Katoh.
I have been searching & searching for the perfect bag, I need one that is unique and super adorable, and this was the PERFECT FIND!
Thanks for Sharing!
I love the Alice tote. It's perfect!
I love everything!
The rainbow stamp pad is quite lovely!
I love the "sweetheart cupcake papers"...they are so cute! I'm having a double birthday party for my daughters in April and they would look so cute with their little cupcakes in them! :)
lace tape
i adore the lace tape! it's amazing & would look so great on my homemade cards.
WoW! Such cute stuff...I really loving the crochet book and yarns!
Great stuff!
I like the balsa trays and the deco tape. Such cute stuff!
My favorite - the Delicious Apple Tote Bag. Cute, cute, cute.
Thanks for the chance!
sooo cute. I love the delicious apple tote bag.. so sweet!!!
oh love the pudding bowls, the child hangers and the wooden crates. everything is great though
I love everything! Especially all the Shinzi Katoh things and extra especially the Flying notebook.
My favorites are the Alice in Wonderland totes and the Re-Ment Fairy Tale set. Tea Steals my heart.
everything is too cute! if i had to pick just one, i think my favorite is the little flower clips.
I love the Re-Ment set #2 with the adorable mushrooms!!! And I have my eye on some of the deco tapes, too! Such cuteness!
Lace deco tape #4. *Swoon*
hi Katherine, Champetre balsa trays, deco tapes and linen tapes. Couldn't keep it to just one item! Happy happies.
oh i love this shop! I browsed just the other day. I love everything! ha!
the balsa trays are cute and the pudding cups - love those!!
I love your shop! I really love the lace art deco tape...great giveaway-thank you for the chance to win!
I can only have one favorite? Okay, well I guess I'll go with the Lace Pattern Deco Tape #3. Phenom.
This shop is yummylicious!!!
Totally drooling over the Lace Deco Tape.
if i didnt have to pick, i'll take everything. (=
Oh I need the Alice tote!!!
Everything is super cute! But I would have to say my favorite(s) would be the Lace Deco tape and the pretty Blue Bird linen tape :)
I love, love, love the delicious apple tote bag!! It was so hard to choose my FAVORITE!
i'm loving the Alice tote and this cute tape
but honestly, i'd choose one of each if i could!
Deco Tape...I adore the LaCE deco tape!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the tote! How cute for a diaper bag on MY arm :-)
OMG I love the Deco tapes...especially the lacey ones.
Thank you!
Loving ALL of the miniatures!
Ooh I like everything. But my favorite is "Circle Little Girl" Mini Bottle by Shinzi Katoh
Mean to make us pick a favorite, but I think mine would be the pudding cups.
:) Love your shop!!
There are way to many adorables to pick just one. But the mushroom re-ment tea set, cupcake molds and the bear measuring tape are definitely some of my faves.
The "shopping" pudding cup is adorable. So sweet! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I love LOVE the lace slices of cake. So cute! I also love the "Girl's Heart" Letter Set by Shinzi Katoh. It makes me want a pen-pal real bad. Between the two, I think I love the stationary the most. It has everything you need for a cute letter via snail mail.
I L O the alice tote! It's soo cute and I can't get enough of alice stuff lately!
not sure if i'd pick one of the tapes or the pudding cups...
Wow...not sure how to choose. I adore the Alice bag and I really really love the lace tape! Beautiful! thing? Wow...i would have to say one thing would HAVE to Circle Little Girl mini bottle....i have the perfect little place for that in my studio....i love love it!
Your "Alice" tote made me go 'OOH' in a delicious way!
I really like those little glass pudding cups. How sweet!
I love the Re-Ment Fairy Tale Set #2
So cute and reminds me of Super Mario Brothers!
Your shop is adorable. I really love the flying notebook :)! I love your whole shop though. So affordable AND unique.
lace pattern deco tape - lovely!
The strawberry pencil case is so cute!
Aw, I love the Flying notebook! Precious and just perfect to jot anything down!
Oh wow, there are too many cute things to pick from. I sure do enjoy that little Alice tote. Happy Spring. xo!
tough to choose just one, but I am gonna go with those Shinzi Katoh pudding cups, I have a newborn and know that those would be adorable to store her pureed baby food in when the time comes! Thanks!
I think the "flying" notebook would be PERFECT as a dream journal!
Love the store!
Oh, cute shop!! :) I can't choose one item as my fave, either! There's too many cute ones!! I do love the balsa trays and the yarn the best, though. :) Fingers crossed!
Ahhhh, it's hard to choose just one. It's a tie between the "Circle Little Girl"mini bottle and the re-ment fairy tale set #7. I love it!
i love the "flying" notebook!
So many pretty things! I love re-ment though and I love the fairy tale sets, especially this one:
ooh! way cute stuff! :) My two favorite things are the bag and the jar that are actually listed on this post! <3
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