
This Week


* I saw my first garden snakes in the backyard.
* Got pooped on by a bird while at the Big Park.
* Had two people guess Ruby was about nine months old.
* Sebastian went to the bathroom ALL BY HIMSELF and then told us about it. (beaming)
* Ruby can finally grab her feet. She has yet to stick them in her mouth but I imagine that day is just around the corner.
* Bought a real vacuum cleaner. As opposed to the sissy one we had before.
* Ate more fast food than I have all year. Bleh!
* Trimmed my bangs.
* Put Ruby's new crib together by myself. (Her first one got recalled last month.)
* Started a new art journal.
* Brought daffodils into the house.
* Wished my mom a Happy Birthday.
* Got overwhelmed.
* Cursed at the ants that have returned.
* Filled out my 2010 Census.
* Hauled both kids around town by myself.
* Nursed Ruby in public.
* Wished for a bigger kitchen.
* Still managed to avoid Girl Scout cookies.

Last chance to enter the first three sponsor giveaways!



  1. Oh Rachel! We've had similar weeks... Census, trimmed bangs, overwhelmed!, bigger kitchen....
    You are such a sweet lady & beutiful mommy.

  2. I feel for you, I always fear beeing pooped on by a bird! :p

  3. Ahhhhh... such a lovely post :). Thank you!

    Oh, and don't forget to show us your new art journal! Please :).

  4. Sounds like a great week! I especially like the nursing in public! : )

  5. I love your "lists"--I also got pooped on by a bird this week-sick!

    And oddly, enough, it was the FIFTH time in my life to be pooped on. How do people go their entire lives without this happening to them, and then others (like me) it happens to all the time...I even have one of them on video. Not my proudest moment; there may have been a curse word caught on film, too, ha!
    Sarah M

  6. You have had a busy week! Good for you little boy, that is always so wonderful when they are as excited about potty training as you are!! I always did a cheer(and I'm not a cheerleader)for my kids when they peed or pooped in the potty, I think they faked me out a few times just to see the cheer! Have a wonderful day!!

  7. what a list rachel...a "super" mom one... which you truly ARE..a good time for me to tell you how much I love reading your blog.

  8. i cursed the ants this week too! bleh! hate them!!!

  9. I too want a bigger kitchen and some Girl Scout cookies...

  10. Definitely a day for being overwhelmed. I wrote a post on my blog yesterday about being a mommie and being overwhelmed...and I'd absolutely LOVE it if you'd look at it in your *copious* spare time.

    It's one of the best parenting posts I've done yet - and I think it really rings true to the rollercoaster kind of days we all can have.


    It's the 3/18 post. : )

  11. Woohoo for nursing in public! And my mom used to say if a bird pooped on you it was good luck. Who knew?

  12. horray for a new vacuum! it's silly, but it feels so good to see how much yuck a "real" one picks up. :) we just got one too and i love it. have a beautiful weekend!

  13. I love my sissy vacuum cleaner! I only have about two rugs that I need to use it for, so it's perfect. But I definitely see a need for a *real* one in my near future.

  14. Oh my god, the bird poop. In europe, it's considered good luck! So, something lucky should be coming your way!

    You sound like a fabulous mama :)

  15. yay for daffodils & new vacuums!!! Happy weekend!


  16. Ahhhh, I'm terrified of snakes... haha. I would freak out if I saw one in my backyard!

  17. Sounds like you've had a great week, sans a few (snakes/birdpoop/etc)

    but alas you are a REAL mom and i love hearing about your daily life.


  18. Nursing in public is great! People need to see more working boobs, instead of having the idea that boobs are playthings for me. YUCK.

  19. Tried to leave a comment last year about the ants. Couldn't. I start angry looking right now, while I type this comment, maybe it will help ;).
    See your ants-strugle. Had mine also again this week.
    Where you that angry and 'yucking', just like me?
    We tried lots of things, but they are smarter than/as us.
    Two weeks ago we had a specialist about that problem. He had the solution. I can't wait to have a ant-free kitchen.
    But I'm not that sure it will work.
    Thanx for this inspiring blog. Will start making one myself. Sweet grtz.

  20. I can so relate with 'ants' and being 'overwhelmed', sounds like you've had a pretty full week :)

    Hope you get a chance to kick back and relax :)


  21. Our baby girls are similar - born within a few days of each other and my Poppy is wearing a 9 month outfit today and looking very comfortable! Yikes! Big girl :)

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. you go girl! nurse that baby in public! yes!

  24. Sounds exciting! I told my sister that I'll never go anywhere with her if she whips out her boob for Patience. Haha. c:

  25. love those days..ha! Hang in there!

  26. Love these kinda posts :) www.tigerlillyquinn.blogspot.com xoxo

  27. So many happy, happy things!! Sorry about the bird poop, though :(

  28. You're so awesome. Sounds like a successful week to me!

  29. ...garden snakes, eeek!! Sounds like you've been a busy bee! :) And yay for potty training!! he he.
