I wasn't looking for one of these but then again, I'd never seen one before. It's got some water damage or something superficial on the top and a few dings in characteristic spots but it's a beautiful piece and quite sturdy. I'm still debating whether or not to sand and polish it or paint it altogether. I think I'll let it sit here awhile and tell me what to do.
i love it. and i love waiting for pieces to talk. sometimes they just need a bit to get settled before they reveal themselves.
oh, that is so beautiful. great flea market find!!
excellent score! i love the whole look! :)
thanks, everyone!
that lamp is beauuuutiful!!
It is really lovely! I like how you have set it up with those goodies on it. I think it is a really nice colour now, but wait and see like you said. :)
I love the whole look as well..looks like something right from a magazine...beutiful
Beautiful piece! It has a lot of character!
I love your turquoise typewriter! Yum! :)
haha i LOVE it! It totally reminds me of the little lamp that's the mascot for Pixar! So awesome! I think painting it stark white would make it look really cool!
Wow, beautiful! I love it in its current state, but think it would look great painted a bright color, too.
Beautiful piece! I love old furniture but I am always afraid to paint or re-stain it after watching antiques roadshow...my fear is I have something worth a whole lot and paint it and then it's worth nothing! Can't wait to see what that beauty tell you:)
Oh, don't paint this one. It looks great! My father-in-law is a woodworker and there are ways to minimize the water stains without restaining.
love it! cant wait for a diy!!! :)
I am looking for one of these for my hall way! I'm super jealous. It's gorgeous.
Great find! I love your pink Armoire
Here's a question - how does your husband take the pink and the girliness? I love it and you love, but does he? Because my fellow and I sometimes disagree on the level of girliness. I'm just curious :)
It looks so nice, I like it very much!
This is wonderful! Can you show us what it looks like open?
great find! and you are the one who has a great eye fpr putting things together!
hows it going with the 2 kiddos?
im glad you still have time to thrift!
i love your home! i wish i had a chance to see it while visiting. that is such a great find :)
it's beautiful!
He has always been great about the pink. I asked him if our new LOL quilt was too feminine and he looked at me like, "Are you still asking me those kinds of questions?"
I love it. He's got great taste in home decor and design so he gets why I like to add bold pieces. As long as its in good taste, he's totally on board.
I know it's a rare quality in a husband so I'm REALLY thankful for it!
I'll try to get a photo of the inside soon. It's currently a hiding spot for Sebastian's toys. ;) Not because I put them there, either. He just likes to mark his territory.
On the same note, Brett is a great dad and understands that watching the kids when he's not at work or school so I can get out and have some adult time with friends is crucial to my sanity! ;)
Sometimes I can manage it with both of them but only in thrift stores. Flea markets are too big and there's usually more aisles of breakables so I get nervous. Sebastian won't stop jumping everywhere he goes!
Slightly jealous of your flea market finds! :) I love love love them... wish we had more and more often! :)
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Great find. How did you get that home. ha ha I guess I havn't planned on finding something that big before.
I know you love vintage and I also know you are busy woman with wee ones, but I have a vintage exchange if you would so like to grace my blog.
Oh! It looks lovely! I'm so jealous of your furniture finds - lol. I don't have a car, so I can only take what my hands will hold...ha ha. That can be a lot sometimes, but I haven't tried dragging anything major home on the bus yet. :)
I LOVE IT!! I would put junk in it, because my whole house is full of junk drawers and cabinets!
that's an awesome piece. good find. good for you for taking it, even if you didn't need it.
Such a great find! :)
Cheray x
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