

Brett was in charge of Ruby this afternoon on his break between classes while I worked on the outdoor swing on our back porch. He decided to bring her out since the weather was so nice and laid her on the picnic blanket left out from the afternoon before. (Can you see where this is going?) I had been in and out getting all of my supplies and hardly paying attention to the two of them when all of a sudden I hear Brett, who is on his knees next to Ruby trying to spread the folded blanket out even more, say in a surprisingly calm but loud voice, " Um, do you see this?"

Apparently our largest garter snake had been snoozing in the fold of our picnic blanket. When I turned around to look I saw it slither right up to and around little Ruby's bald head. I'd be lying if I told you my first reaction was to scream, "Pick her up!" but instead I thought about grabbing my camera. That's bad, I know. Somehow my snake tolerance has tripled these last two weeks so I just watched it slither off towards the usual snake hideout under the house. Had it been a dangerous variety I'm sure that whole scene would've played out quite differently but she didn't even realize it was happening.

Moral of the story: Check your folds, people.



  1. oh my! you handled that far better than I would have. as a total hater of all things creepy crawly, I probably would have fainted.

  2. OK, I want to know how you got her to make that expression! hilarious + darling :)

  3. LOL, that picture is the best part! Love it! Perfect for the title! haha!

  4. oh dang... you are a brave one... yes I will make sure to check the folds from now on :) must say this picture is oh too cute and goes oh too well with this post. hehe. so sweet

  5. Wow! I'm glad she's ok, and OMG! That photos is precious! ;)

  6. Okay first I love that pic of Miss Ruby!!! Second...OH MY GOODNESS!!! The snake was probably more annoyed that ya’ll interrupted his nap time! :)
    Enjoy this beautiful weather!

  7. oh my god! I'm deathly afraid of snakes! i'm pretty sure i would be super freaking out!

  8. I don't know what's better about this post - the hilarious story, or that FACE! What a darling baby girl, and so glad she made it out alive :)

  9. oh my! you are sooo calm! i would have freaked out! snakes of any kind scare me so bad! by the way that picture of her is adorable!!

  10. holy crap! you handled that well! and her expression in that photo is hilarious!

  11. That face is priceless and so fitting to the story.

    What a great story to tell her when she's older.

  12. When I was about Sebastian's age my family and I came home one night and I went into my room and laid my head on my pillow, but it didn't feel right. I lifted the pillow to find a huge snake coiled up under it and screamed! My dad proceeded to chop it up with a machete right next to my bed. Still freaks me out and I get apprehensive about checking under my pillow every once in awhile.

  13. Phew, scary! Glad that everything went by as just a funny anecdote!
    But I must say, that face she's making in that photo is hilarious... : )

    p.s. Jessica, your story is terrifying!

  14. That is the funniest picture, I love her expression! Yikes is right, I am not scared of snakes, but if one was hanging out around my little girls head, then I might freak!!

  15. love the expression but ohmygod.

    i was cleaning last night and went under a door just to find a spider egg sac and totally freaked out so a snake would seriously traumatize me. (and i'm 25).

  16. holy crap I would've lost it!! But that picture is awesome, totally suits the post hehe :) Glad she wasn't scared.
    xo cait

  17. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I saw a snake the other day outside my house and freaked out. I don't know how you stayed so calm. I'm very impressed with your awesomeness. And that's a really cute picture!

  18. OH MY GOODNESS! Her face is PRICELESS!

  19. oh my goodness is all I can say. SOOOO glad nothing happened.

  20. Eeek! I consider myself pretty good with snakes, but I would have FREAKED OUT!

    The picture is absolutely hilarious, by the way.

  21. ohmygosh!! I totally would've freaked out!
    That picture of Ruby is absolutely priceless :]

  22. oh my gosh, i got goosebumps just thinking about that. that picture is awesome!

  23. this picture of ruby reminds me of this on of my daughter...it's awesome to catch these silly faces on film!



  24. That picture is HILARIOUS! And ew ew ew I hate snakes. That story makes me cringe!

  25. ahhh oh my!! I probably would of screamed!! Love the pic too she is super cute!!

  26. Great picture!

    p.s. I'm having a heart attack right now!!

  27. Awesome photo. This story brought a smile to my face! I want to believe that I would be okay if I saw a Garter snake crawl on my baby's head---because they are harmless snakes, but I don't know! If it really happened I might just freak out.

  28. That's the funniest picture I've seen in forever. Totally made my day!

  29. I almost couldn't read the post for laughing at that photo*!* Awesome!

  30. you are my kind of mama! honestly, i would have freaked, even with the urge to grab the camera

  31. Ahhh ha ha ha You are hilarious! Glad little Ruby was oblivious.

  32. That pictures makes this story the best! Glad it wasn't worse? Garden snakes are so harmless, silly things.

  33. !!! oh my gosh, that face! ruby is so cute!

  34. That sounds terrifying. My worst nightmare. You handled it way better then I could have!

  35. look.at.her.
    i'm in love.
    i die!

  36. Oh my god! I thought you were gonna say it wrapped around her neck - palpitations!!

  37. Rachel- I think that just may be the cutest Ruby (or any baby for that matter) picture I have seen yet. Classic!!

  38. That photo of her is awesome. I couldn't help but laugh.

  39. oh man! had that been my hubby, he'd be screaming and jumping up and down like a girl lol

  40. Just reading this post gave me goose bumps....brrrrr...I am scared to death of snakes...I would have probably fainted.
    Glad you were all so cool with it :) xx

  41. ROTFL!!!!!!!!

    i'm dying over that photo.

  42. I know everyone said this...but that face she is making is the BEST!!!

  43. Happened to my niece, putting daughter into stroller, garter curled up asleep, My niece let out a blood curdling scream!(as would have I) my Mom was nonplussed, just reached over and removed snake.

  44. what a story!! and THAT PICTURE!!! I want to scrapbook it right away! so cute!

  45. I seriously laughed out loud reading that, and then had to read it to my husband. That blogger tendency to think about grabbing a quick pic when anything happens constantly amuses me.
