
I Live In A Halfway House

Notice my halfway finished quilt.

Halfway finished cushions (well, I am still deciding on colors
but these are probably my fabric choices).

A halfway finished painting for Ruby's room.

A halfway clean workspace. Okay, so it's not quite halfway clean but it's been worse! I've got important company coming this weekend (hi, Dad!) which always motivates me to get projects finished. We'll see what happens!

Do you live in a halfway house, too?



  1. Don't feel bad, I live in one too.

  2. i live in a 'quick, shove that stuff in a closet' house. :)

  3. That's the story of my life. I feel your pain.

  4. I live in a "we're moving again, time to pack up," house. Half unpacked forever? Yuck! Life is good, though. No complaints here.

  5. My home is always a halfway house. I think it annoys my husband but I can't do just one project at a time with my attention span! :)

  6. somedays I feel like my entire life is halfway...
    but yes, halfway house agreed!

  7. 1/4 ways.


    I just move my piles around so it looks like I have done something.

  8. I'm sooo feeling your halfway living!! That's the story of my life lately!

  9. Yep, except mine is more like a quarter-way house most of the time. LOL, I think that's the life of a multi-crafter. ;-)

  10. oh my,
    with two small boys. My house is always half-way clean.

  11. halfway indeed, that is how my life feels about 95% of the time!

  12. I'm in a not-quite halfway house. Maybe quarterway house. Yep. But with tons of supplies! Lots of supplies, very little action...

  13. At least yours is HALFway, mine is about one-tenth-way!!! All your projects look lovely :-)

  14. Oh I am glad to know I am not the only one, and very very truthfully am a halfway house!!! Every project I start, it seems I don't finish anything in a timely manner. Unless of course someone is coming over, then I hurry up and finish anything in sight! :)

  15. My house looks the same! Such pretty things in yours though...


  16. haha I totally know how that is. We've got one room we shove all that stuff in... I really need to tackle it this summer. It's a little scary!

  17. Yes!

  18. I always feel i'm the only one in my family with a not-so-neat-house, but on the web there are more like me. Pfew!

  19. ah i'm glad to see i'm not the only one! :)

  20. me too:) it just means you have so much creativity spilling out that is cant be contained or finished!

  21. oh yeah! I feel ya! I'm living in a slightly more than half-way un-packed house! My mom is {hopefully!} coming this week to help me finish this week! :)

  22. I most definitely live in a halfway house... I'm so glad I'm not the only one! But I too have company coming this weekend so tomorrow is crazy cleaning lady day :)

  23. Halfway clean/done for me is a huge accomplishment. :D

  24. Yes, yes I do. I'm horrible at finishing anything.

  25. We most definitely live in a halfway house - or maybe even a quarterway house ;) There always seem to be projects in the middle of completion, but family coming is always a good motivator!

  26. My house is in a constant state of remodeling. I am never motivated to clean since its always ruined with drywall or mudding dust or dirty boots, etc.

    Someday, someday it will be clean. And then kids will arrive :)

  27. Yup! I actually posted my half way finished dolls on my halfway cleaned desk today! LOL!

  28. I also live in one. Am so used to it now not sure how to not live like that!

  29. Oh Rachel This most definitely is what my house looks like at the moment. I am getting very excited about lots and lots of things and projects and starting them and moving on to the next thing and then the next - I finally learnt to sew on the weekend so that is the current one ... oh dear me.
    I think a "get it done day" is in order for me soon.

    Meeks xo

  30. our home is either always 3/4 or 1/4 way done :) it's how we roll...

  31. Always, but in a glass half full kinda way :)

  32. yes! i am currently halfway packed, halfway moved, halfway creating, and halfway crazy!

  33. yes! i am currently halfway packed, halfway moved, halfway creating, and halfway crazy!

  34. halfway to finished but then i get bored & start all over again!!

  35. The cushion fabric choices are lovely! We live in a mostly 1/2 way done house. All it takes is one visitor coming and we get motivated to finish a lot of our on going projects.

  36. LOL! yes i live in a halfway house :)

  37. love your cushion fabric choices...what is the name of your blue fabric choices...love them!!

  38. I too must admit I live in a halfway house. My mom always told me that is because I am an artist. So many ideas that just writing them down does not suffice. I have to at least start them to do them justice...Now if only I could finish them all in a timely fashion...that wouldn't be me though. :)

  39. i used to be in a half way house, i would say my studio is ALWAYS pending something to be complete. A artists work is NEVER done.

  40. Oh yeah, I definitely live in a halfway house. And moving every year doesn't help.

  41. you better believe it!
    not only do I live in a "halfway finished projects" house, I live in a halfway unpacked house too, so I can't even find these halfway finished projects if I wanted to! (without a lot of other mess being made)
    so, I'm glad you posted this, I'm not alone. :P

  42. I don't know if my house can even be deemed half way. Maybe like one quarter.

  43. Creativity will do that to your house, but would you have it any other way? I wouldn't.

  44. omg, super love that blue mirror frame and dress, and yes, I think most crafty people live in a halfway house. I don't mind, gives me something to do in my free time (which is hardly ever...)

  45. that quilt is so pretty!! i try to focus on one project at a time, but it is no easy feat!

  46. Are you kidding? I'm a halfway girl!
    Half of my sewing projects are almost finished, I only work half as much hours as I should. And half of my tattoos are are half-way finished. My co-workers call me half-ass!!

  47. You're definitely not alone. I, too, live in a halfway house. At least, after reading this, I know why I'm half-crazy.

    I can't remember if I've commented before or not, but I love your blog. It's always inspiring.

    ~ Jennifer

  48. I think I live in more of like a one-quarter way house. Nothing's done. I start working on things and then start working on something else and then another, until everything is up in the air and nothing is completed. Art is the worst felon of this, but I'm also dealing with it in the cleaning and decorating department.

    Oh, and for the couch pillows - the two blueish ones on the right look awesome!

  49. we should start a club...
    your halfway home is just so lovely, though :)

  50. um, YES! i bet i have 4-5 halfway completed knitting projects!

  51. Always! My idea of 'tidy' is to put stuff into piles at the edges of the room ;)

  52. sometimes i even wish it was a halfway house. mine is more like a quarter-way.:)

  53. he he. Oh my goodness. I'm glad I'm not the only one! :) You're too cute! Although, I think mine might be a 1/4 house. lol...

  54. Your halfway finished painting looks lovely! :)

  55. clever, clever title for this blog post!!! i'm not even sure my house could even be considered a 10%-of-the-way house!!!!! good luck with tying up all those loose ends :)

  56. haha! I totally do. Even the stairs are halfway completed. It's getting a bit out of control...

  57. No worries, I live in a 1/8th house. Someday when the kids are older it will be easier......right?

  58. i feel the same! glad to know im not alone. :)

  59. oh, my. i love that you speak my language. :) cannot wait to see the outcome of the bench. it's going to look beautiful with either fabric choice!!

  60. You know, I was just looking around my house yesterday wondering how yours always stayed so nice looking...nice to see that there are some spots that are "halfway" just like mine ;) Thanks for sharing!

  61. I think halfway is my middle name at the moment, but I guess that have to be ok sometimes to?

  62. We just bought a house last week and must remove wallpaper from from 4 rooms. We will be in a half way house for awhile. Plus the studio will need coast of inspiring pait.

  63. I do as well. I try to lessen it by saying I won't start other projects until I finish current ones, but then I end up getting excited about something new. My laundry is almost always half-way done. Sigh;.
