"Hello, My name is Stacie and I have a little Etsy shop called Gingiber. I am constantly doodling and dreaming of pretty things to put in my shop. Recently, I was inspired by some beautiful May flowers that I saw in a park. So I made this little "Those Darling Buds of May" print. I hope you like it!
Be sure to take a peek at my blog, Gingibersnap, where you are sure to capture a sneak peak of upcoming product and other beautiful things that inspire me!

My favorite camp song is a song about turkeys! hahaha. I don't know the name of it, but I was a camp counselor last summer and the kids sang it nonstop. It was a fun way to cheer them up if they were grumpy or homesick!
I loove camping scavegner hunts:) I have a million little cousins so it's always fun to find something for all the little guys to do with you.
My favorite camp song would have to be "Your Mama Don't Wear No Socks" ... it's the ultimate kid's song, especially for the late elementary, early middle school age :)
ooh my favourite camp song is Little Red Wagon - so fun and it gets so loud you nearly lose your voice!!!
Campfire Kansas by The Get Up Kids...love that song so much. It's the more grown up form of a camp song.
emily k.
Wow I Love your stuff! My favourite camp song would have to be "Oh Susannah" - it's a classic!!!
My favorite song is Kookaburra.
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,
Merry merry king of the bush is he,
Laugh, kookaburra, laugh, kookaburra,
Gay your life must be, ha, ha, ha!
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,
Eating all the gumdrops he can see,
Stop, kookaburra, stop, kookaburra,
Save some there for me, ha, ha, ha!
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,
Counting all the monkeys he can see,
Stop, kookaburra, stop, kookaburra,
That's not a monkey, that's me, ha, ha, ha!
I always went to Christian camp so all my camp songs are something about Jesus and making sparks to get a fire going! Butttttt my favorite camp game involved counsellors hiding in the woods at night, and we were given socks full of Flour to throw at them and "tag" them and win prizes! Also there was a fun cooking challenge at my camp. My camp is starting to sound like not a camp at all.
When we're camping, we spend most of our time making smores, Ha!
Well, I went to a Christian camp, too...the year I was 12, my cabin made up a song based on Philippians 4:13 - we sang it SO MUCH! But it was a lot of fun. :)
"and so i pass this shoe from me to u to u take this shoe and do just like i do" although i can't quite remember the point of the game or song :)
Beautiful print! I loved going to girl scout camp when I was young singing girl scout songs. I can't remember any of the names though! :)
i think it's fun to just sing whatever song you want around the camp fire. It always makes for a fun and funny time.
Favorite camp song?
Singing in the rain!
Ah, I miss summer camp now...
I love singing random songs in loud voices and making yummy gooey smores~ :)
I never went to camp, but when I was in 4-H we always sang "On top of Spaghetti" does that count?
My favorite camp song is definitely "Sippin' Cider". I went to an all-girls camp so everyone got very homesick for the boys :)
My favorite camp song is a bit of a different one. My dad and his buddies all bring their guitars along on our camping trips, and sit around singing the songs they've been playing together for 30 years. Their campfireside rendition of The Beatles' "Blackbird" is one of my all-time favorite camping experiences. I can't wait for our first trip!
While I do love pharoah pharoah sp? I have to go with camp Granada
i love "snipe" hunting while camping.
i love camping in general.
amongst other things.
hide and seek
I don't know what it's called, but my cousin taught me a song she learned at Girl Scout camp when we were little...something about bugs at a ballgame...haha it was cute :)
Going on a squeegee hunt...gonna catch a big one...
Fritzi Marie
we always played gin rummy when we went camping. Love that game!
kumbaya of course!
I used to love having hula hoop contest with my fellow Girl Scouts. We'd hoop until our hips were about to break away from our bodies!
unfortunately i never went to camp, but my family and i ALWAYS sing "sentimental journey" from our porch at the beach. every summer, never fails. "gonna take a sentimental journey, sentimental journey home..." and we even have our own individual harmonies! love love love it. :)
thats the way that the world goes round and Dear Abby by John Prine... Aah... good times-good times!!
DO YOUR ears hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them over your shoulder like a continental soldier? Do your ears hang low?!
And a new verse that I learned at outdoor school...
DO YOUR ears hang high? Do they reach up to the sky? Do they dribble when they're wet? Do they stand up when they're dry? Can you signal to your neighbor with a minimum of labor? Do your ears hang high!?
Hahha. I was in AWE when I heard the last verse for the first time! Hahaha
Usually the best camping song is one that is currently popular on the radio...and very catchy. Of course you get so tired of it by the time you're done camping!
My favorite song from camp was the cheer our age group, Pathfinders, created. Of course there was a dance that went along with it!
Rock the Boat
We're feeling fine!
Rock the Boat
Come hang with us!
Rock the Boat
We'll blow your mind!
I said a bang, bang
Choo Choo Train
Warm me up and I'll do my thing
I know karate I know Kung Fu
High Five me and I'll High Five you
What, What, What, What
What What What What What What
Crank it up *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
Crank Crank Crank Crank Crank Crank It up
I Can't hear you!
flashlight tag is the best! :)
i never went to summer camp" but I love camping in the the summer! My favorite things include hiking, swimming, canoeing, and making smores!!
lovely giveaway!
My favorite camp song is "Steppin' Out Nancy!"
I adore camp. ADORE.
Hands down my favorite game was Truth or Dare!
Sarah M
The only camping trips I've ever been on were family ones when I was young. The kids played hide and seek and the adults played card games
My favorite camp song is 'I Love the World'. The recent Discovery Channel that features their own little version of the diddy really got me into being in love with it again!
i've never been to camp, but we used to play capture the flag in our neighborhood and it was so much fun!
I have never been camping...i know sad...can i still enter?
I love playing Mafia while camping
the only song i remember is
"i said a boom chika boom
i said a boom chika boom
i said a boom shacka lacka shacka lacka, chika boom"
and the variation (making sweeping motions)
i said a broom chika broom
i said a brook chika broom
i said a broom, chika sweepa, chika sweepa to the moon!
pretty print! :)
<3 angie
beautiful print!
my favourite camp game is spot light. ( moveable hide and seek in the dark with torches)
My favorite song was about jello :)
Ooo camp. I miss it!
I'm thinking of this one catchy song from girl scout camp, but can't recall a name...Heidi, Heidi, Heidi Ho?
Anyone know the name of it??
Haha cute giveaway!
when i went to camp my favorite song was called "walk tall".
I must say that I have never been to camp or any kind of group that played camp songs or camp games.
I love the Noah song. It gets a little crazy and incredibly funny when you are at an all girls camp with your best friends!
My absolute fave camp song is called - Vi har lejerbaal her - a cute little song about the bonfire flames and how cozy it is sitting next to it :-)
My favourite camp song is a Dutch scout song my dad taught me. I think it was called "de toren van Zaltbommel" (the tower of Zaltbommel)
I never went to camp so I missed out on the songs! However, my family would sometimes have fires outside and my dad would sing and play 'Yellow Submarine' on his guitar. I hope that counts, 'cause it's definitely a fave of mine. :)
such a beautiful print!
my favourite camp song is "the bubble gum song", sung in a brooklyn accent, of course!
Mine is when we would all be in the mess hall and someone would start in with, "ride a broom around the room _________" there is a portion of the song that says "We won't shut up ti;' you get up" and if they wouldn't do it...they had to, "do it now or gargle mustard!" haha. oh camp.
I was so shy,
and happy no one ever sang the song to me!
My favorite camp game is Mafia because it makes you think and everyone can get involved! I played it for the first time in March when I went canoeing down 65 miles of backcountry river in Utah. Love the giveaway!
I love "Capture the Flag!" Oh how I miss camp...
Suzy in NY
I never went to summer camp but at school we always sang a song called "Didn't we have a lovely time the day we went to banger" and sounds really camp-ish :)
And we always played this "wink murderer" game but with a detective who ought to catch the murderer.
sweet! My favorite camp song is row row row your boat! LOL.
"Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other's gold.
A circle is round, it never ends. That's how long I'm going to be your friend!"
Also, we love to sing old TV show themes and commercial jingles around the fire. Don't know why, we just do.
I think my favorite campfire song is o susannah:) and I love roasting starburst over the fire it so yummy!!
I think my favorite campfire song is o susannah:) and I love roasting starburst over the fire it so yummy!!
Oh goodness, this probably wasn't a camp song, but my family sang it when we were around the camp fire--There a hole in the middle of the sea! So cute and fun when you're young!
I've never been to camp myself but now I'm a volunteer at a Hole in the Wall camp, Camp Boggy Creek, and my favorite song is "you can't ride in my little red wagon!" Ah, I love my campers! :)
As freaky as it may seem, we used to love to play Bloody Mary. You go into a dark room, say her name three times and she is supposed to appear. There was something so fun about scary ourselves! Looking back it's just funny. :)
Michelle from Conyers, GA
Love playing Frisbee when we're out camping! And when we're sitting around the campfire, nothing beats making spider wienies! I won't eat them any other way when I'm camping. :)
My favorite camp song is Father Abraham...had many sons... and many sons had Father Abraham...one I remember from Girl Scouts long ago.
my favourite camping song is "the ants go marching", or the one about the bear. reminds me of my dad!
I loved playing Gotcha, It's a game where you have to 'kill' somebody by spraying them with a small watergun. You' have to do it sneaky, because nobody is allowed to see it, if so, you've blown your cover, and the person you have to kill knows you're his killer, which makes the game a lot more difficult. If you are able to 'kill' him/her, they are out, and you have to kill the person they had to kill, until only 1 person is left who is the winner! we played this during the entire camp, which was about 10 days. Oh how I loved the camps with the youthmovement here!
My favorite game is a good old scavenger hunt with really good clues. I have set up a couple really good ones where our church youth group had to cross a shallow river, climb up the mountain, cross various things, etc. When I saw them all running around, I wished I was doing it too! It looked so fun.
i never went to camp but i love singing "down by the bay" with my kids and making up funny rhymes!
I like
I woke up Sunday morning, I looked upon the wall, the skeeters and the bedbugs were having a game of ball. the score was 6 to nothing, the skeeters were ahead, i got so darn excited, i jumped right out of bed!
My favorite camp game? Either night tag (sooooo much fun) or catch the flag.
My favorite camp song? I only can think of toddler tunes since I sing them to my daughter all day every day (well not that much, but you get it) so if heads, shoulders, knees and toes were a camp song that would be it!
:o) Tara
I always went to a church camp called Camp Glisson. It was the best! Anyway, my favorite thing and what we would pack most for were the creek hikes. Each "living group" had a theme such as 80's, Camouflage, Barbie/Ken, and one year we were even space cadets. You have to incorporate your costumes while wearing your bathing suit, then go with your living group and hike through the creek and play random games throughout the hike. Creek hikes were a BLAST!
Love that lovely print!
I loved playing a massive game of capture the flag when I went to camp, all across the campground. I remember when it was very rainy one year and we got super muddy while playing. Fun!
Love volleyball and love board games. These two just seem to go hand in hand while we camp.
cindy b.r
cute print!
how sad is it that i can't quite remember the words to my favorite camp song?! its been too long! but i believe it went something like, "i love the mountains, i love the rolling hills, i love the flowers, i love the daffodils..."
we dont have 'camp' in ireland..kids had summer clubs but that was just sport really!! I was good at volleyball until i staved my finger..that hurt a lot! And i also rocked at netball. I think my fave was netball.. because i was good at it!
Every summer on the last night, we'd sing 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall, but each person would get to substitute a liquid. 97 bottles of lemonade on the wall... 93 bottles of strawberry milk on the wall... etc.
Assassin! It's like the game Gotcha that someone mentioned but with balled-up socks instead of water guns.
My very favorite camp song is Princess Pat and her rig-a-bamboo! I sing it all the time, especially in gym class!
She'll be coming round the mountain when she comes!
I don't know if this is for sure a camp game but I love the "don't smile" game. One person tries to make everyone smile by saying "if you love me won't you smile for me" or something like that. If you smiled you were out! I was always out the very first time. I can't keep a straight face.
Oh I love camp! We used to sing a song about a bullfrog and smack each others hands as we sang it. Kind of a complicated game to explain but oh so fun! :) - Jordan
I love tug of war! So much fun!
<3 Kristen
ooh we used to play Partner Tag! we'd get the entire gym to participate, so it was so much fun! oh my god I miss it.
Hmmm... we always loved to sing country road.
alexisandtim @ gmail
hide and go seek in the dark!
I think any song sung around the campfire with a guitar. There is just something really comforting and relaxing about sitting back and hearing the sound of the fire crackling, the creek flowing gently and the guitar tune floating dreamily through the crisp night air. Love it!
The cup game!
My favotite camp song?
The ants go marching one by one!
ok, i don't know a camp song or game, because i did not love going to camp, but we do go camping. and our favorite game when we're camping is DUTCH BLITZ!
Camp games were always the best! My all-time favorites were capture the flag or kickball. I would play them any day of the week, even now :)
-Teresa Johnson
When I used to go to summer camp we played a lot of fun games, but the one that comes to mind is "Red Rover"...that one was fun!
anything involving water on a hot day. like throwing water balloons...
I think it would have to be the classic "telling stories around the campfire" bit.
Snipe Hunting! :o) LOL!
Christina :o)
mow. that would be my favorite camp game. it's a card game. the rules are simple. (1) you can't know any of the rules (only one or two people do) and (2) you can't break any of the rules.
yes. it's crazy fun trying to figure it all out.
When I was little, the only camps I attended were girl-guide-related.. one of my favorite songs was always the Mosquitoes and the Bedbugs.
Ha! One of my best friends from growing up is in town visiting this week and I know that we are going to end up singing our favorite camp songs! (We met at summer camp so that makes it even more special)
The one we love most is called "Oomplicka"
The best verse:
He went down to oom oom and frizzled and fried
frizzled and fried
frizzled and fried.
He went down to oom oom and
frizzled and fried.
Frizzled and Frizzled and fri-i-i-i-ied
Ommplicka plicka oomplicka plicka oom plick plick plick!
Yes. The song is about a man who laughs all the way to his wife's funeral. Morbid, and hilarious.
Mine is Magdalena Pagdalena! Cool giveaway!
we always played "mafia".
I was good.
I loved the song "Sally the Camel" I went to 4-H camp for at least 5 years in a row and we learned LOADS!
I don't have a favorite camp song or game because I never went to camp ( :[ ) but I still want to enter.
i always loved freeze tags, tv tags, etc. they were so much fun and we could play them for hours!
I am a life long 4-H'er so I am a camp veteran. All time gavorite camp song is "I'm alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic".
I am horribly happy & annoying in the morning. Just ask my boyfriend.
Mafia would have to be my favorite campfire game. It takes a while to explain but it's so fun and gets really intense!
hmm... at church camp, on the way to chapel, we would always sing "going to the chapel and we're... gonna get ma-a-rried." :D
I never went to a camp so I don't have a favorite camp song! I also don't have a favorite camp game... How sad!
We love to play the name game. Everyone has roughly ten minutes to put as many names into a jar that they can think of. Then you are paired up and try to give clues to your partner having them guess who the name of the person is. So fun!
YMCA camp songs are my favorite. The YMCA theme song is one of my favoite. Brings me back to my childhood (goodtimes) instantly!
I love to play the name game. It can help hours pass.
I love 'down by the banks'!
love gingiber's shop and blog! my favorite camp game : big booty. so silly but so fun.
my favorite is Flea! -katie
I hope my vote still counts ;)
You didn't say when the entry ends....
My favourite camp song is this Shark Song - I would have to sing it for you... ;)
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