"Hi.....My name is Cheryl and one of my favorite titles is Rachel Denbow's mother-in-law. My etsy shop,
Made Ya Look, is a hobby because I love vintage treasure hunting. My favorite treasures are hand-quilted quilts, chenille anything, and vintage baby things. Feel free to ask if there's something specific you are looking for, I might just know where to find one."

This giveaway is for $25 store credit. Just leave the name or lyrics of the radio song you love to hate in the comments section below! Winner will be drawn and announced Friday!
Ugh- Bad Romance by Lady Gaga! Awful song! But I can't stop listening!
anything by katy perry!
oh my goodness. i went to middle school with hayley williams- the girl behind the song " can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars, i could really use a wish right now"... it's so terrible, but i can't stop listening to it and remembering her years ago! so funny!
Baby - Justin Bieber
goodness i cant stop xD
Hmm, that's a tough one. I kinda just hate the radio right now, but I'm not lovin' that.
baby, baby, baby - such intelligent lyrics from Justin Beiber. :S
Miley Cyrus!
ugh i agree with everyone else, miley cyrus and bieber. cute cute headboard though!
can't get it out of my head:
Just gonna stand there
And watch me burn
But that's alright
Because I like
The way it hurts
Just gonna stand there
And hear me cry
But that's alright
Because I love
The way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
lady gaga. once i hear her, i just can't stop singing.
"Hillbilly Bone" on the country dial, lol
California Girls by Katy Perry!
It's kind of embarrassing. :) :(
Your love your love your love is my drug.
can't stand it but dang its catchy.
Three Little Birds on Your Door Step....
Thank you!~
Just Dance, by Lady Gaga. She is just so darn catchy! :)
"wake up in the morning feeling like p. diddy" oh Kesha -Katie
I'll Stop The World And Melt With You.
-Modern English
Fritzi Marie
"can't read my, can't read my, no you can't read my poker face... she's got to love nobody..."
i have no idea if these words are right, but they are always the words that i get stuck in my head when i hear anything about poker (lady gaga's poker face this song is...)
of course the glee version was genius!
Oh her shop is beautiful I love vintage things! hmmmmm....although I sometimes like Owl City, Fireflies is one of the songs that you kinda like, but you also hate it cause it will get stuck in your head for ages.
Alejandro by Lady Gaga. Pretty sure I don't like it, but sometimes I catch myself singing along.
Probably anything by Katy Perry.
The Climb by Miley Cyrus. I hate that I like her!!! AHHH!
Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship! I REALLY love to hate this one (and listen to it while I hate it)!
Anything by Ke$ha. Is it just me that thinks she could do with a good hot bath?!
Katie x
"I'd tell the violins 'it's time to sink or swim' watch em play for you"
ugh. awful, i know...but beiber has invaded my life.
I can't be tamed!!!!!!!
Keisha's Tik Tok. I know it's not a summer song, but it doesn't seem to be going away!
Anything by a Dutch singer named 'André Hazes'
i wanna be a billionaire so freakin' bad!
Anything by Rhianna really, especially Rude Boy - I keep catching myself singin it. Argh!
"all the single ladies"
I hate: "I don't know much but I know I love you" ... I don't even know why I hate it.
OH, that doll crib is to die for! I love vintage decals and doll furniture!!
For me, it's Miley Cyrus's "Party in the USA"- so catchy and fun, but so dumb! Doesn't help that it's my three-year-old son's absolute favorite song!!
Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together...hehehe
all the new pop songs out ow aren't that great but I can't stop singing along....what about..."i wanna be a billionaire so freakin bad'
ppuh-puh-puh-pokerface puh-puh-pokerfaaaaaaaaaaaaaace
Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus...i can't help but sing and dance
rachel k.
ugh! B-I-N-G-O has been stuck in my head recently. My kids don't even *know* that song, so I have no idea how it got there, just that it's annoying!
Sarah M
california gurls by Katy Perry..
It's on the radio every 5 minutes
OMG Katy Perry's new one....California Girls...I cant help it...please dont tell anyone :)
Anything Lady Gaga. It's just too catchy to ignore.
Probably the song Savior by Rise Against. I actually love it but the words get stuck in my head and I have to sing it for hours!
Love to hate Love Shack by b52's:
Huggin' and a kissin', dancin' and a lovin', wearin' next to nothing
Cause it's hot as an oven
The whole shack shimmies
YEA! the whole shack shimmies!
The whole shack shimmies when everybody's
Movin' around and around and around!
Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby!
Folks linin' up outside just to get down
Everybody's movin', everybody's groovin' baby!
Funky little shack! Funky little shack!
'Can't Be Tamed'. I have always found Miley Cyrus annoying, and kinda yucky. The fact that I like her song makes me so mad!
Ohh the your love is my drug song.. super cheesey but so catchy.
My baby girl is totally into that song by David Guetta and Kid Cudi - "All the crazy stuff I did tonight, will be the best memories." It's terribly annoying (and the "stuff" is actually a much worse word), but my year old baby is attracted to the thumping beat. :)
Sexy Back... that song makes me cringe but I can never turn it off.
ANything by Lady Gaga, but if she's one...I am singing along!
Katy Perry's Teenage Dream makes me glad I don't have impressionable teenagers!
right now its california girls by Katy Perry
I am not a fan of Lady Gaga's Bad Romance... I cringe when I hear it.
cute!! Uhh... the song I love to hate?? "I Like Big Butts"... ROFL! I totally know every single word, and have a massive rap session when it comes on in my car. lol!
Lady Gaga gets me every time--her songs are just too catchy!
Don't Call My Name, don't call my name...Alejandro...
I love Lady Gaga, but I DO NOT like this song, yet, I listen and I SING IT! Oh, well. You can't always win! HA!
bad romance by lady gaga
Caught in a bad romance
Caught in a bad romance
Rah rah ah-ah-ah!
Ro mah ro-mah-mah
Gaga Ooh-la-la!
Want your bad romance
i'm actually ashamed that it sticks with me.
party in the usa. replays constantly on my daughter's ipod.
Wow this is weird, I came across this shop just the other day. I rummage around my local flea market myself so I'm very much in love with these kind of items!
I normally hate radio songs but Mark Rondons new song, Bang Bang Bang is making me wanna dance..!
Definitely California Gurls.
Anything by Lady Gaga.
What do you want from me by Adam lambert! I really hate the song but it's kinda catchy at the same time:)
I can't stand California Gurls by Katy Perry, but I find myself humming it all day!
anything miley....party in the usa! lol! :)
I put my hands up... playing my song...
or something like that. Miley.
Um anything by Kesha.
I am so glad to know that I'm not the only person who has a love-hate relationship with Lady Gaga. I don't want to like her music, but it just gets stuck in my head!
this song. gets in my head & won't go away!
woah lover, lover, lover,
you don't treat me no good no more
woah lover, lover, lover,
you don't treat me no good no more
Well the truth,
yea it hurts to say,
I'm gonna pack up my bags
and I'm gonna go away
I'm gonna split
Something about airplanes and shooting starrrss...jsut need a wish right now wish right now wish right now (wish right now this dang song would stay OUT of my head!)
california girls, we're unforgettable. daisy dukes, bikinis on top! sun-kissed skin, so hot, we'll melt your popsicle!
i'm really not a fan of katy perry, just on principle, but this song is so catchy. and i'm an east coast girl, so it's even worse!
squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com
hmmm probably rude boy or whatever - by rhianna. hate the lyrics - disgusting! but its so catchy!!
definitely california girls!
I want to enter this, but I'm afraid I have to admit to not listening to the radio. I'm an iPod girl, and I skip songs I don't want to listen to.
most taylor swift songs... ugh!
Hot N Cold by Kate Perry; I know it's like, the worst song ever, ESPECIALLY because it's about a wishy-washy idiot, but it's so fun to listen to. >__<
Solo, I'm riding solo, solo, solo...ugh! Get it out of my head!
California Girls by Katy Perry. I don't want to like it, but I can't help myself!
"I dont wanna break break, break break your heart!"
Always gets stuck in my head! (I am not a fan...)
The Alejandro song by Lady Gaga--they play it during Zumba and I hated it at first...but it's soooo catchy!
I don't know the song name, but "Can I get some fries, with that shake, shake..." Ugh. Drives me insane but I can't stop it from running through my head. :)
The song that I love to hate is totally "Baby" by Justin Bieber! Love that kid!
Anything Justin Beiber is just NOT my favorite.
Katy Perry, California Girls...
xo, Jamie
California Girls
unfortunately the lyrics aren't unforgettable.
My current favorite songs to hear on the radio are "Riding Solo" by Jason Derulo and "Cooler Than Me" by Mike Posner...they are roll down your window, stick your hands out, and sing at the top of your lungs songs--I can't get enough of them and those songs are the best kind!
Also "Love the Way You Lie", if only so I can scream "Look me in the eyeball!" at the end.
Currently have:
"Wrong baby wrong baby wrong" stuck in my head!! by martina mcbride
Thanks for the chance!@
Laura @ Win Lose or Blog
Ke$ha- "Your Love Is My Drug". It's horrible, but whenever it comes on the radio, not only do I listen, but I sing along!
anything nickelback just makes me cringe!!
In the summer, anything by Bob Marley! It makes me want to turn my car around and drive to the closest beach!!
I wanna be a billionaire soooo freakin baaaaaad!
I listen to Christian radio, and I don't really hate anything on there. Other than that, I think Katy Perry and Lady Gaga are pretty obnoxious. And rappers talking about butts all day long. :)
So i only listen to my IPOD and NPR...does my un-hipness disqualify me???
Hate California Girls by Katy Perry. We aren't all like that, I promise.
"Hello! Hello! Hola! I'm in a place called vertigo!"
I hate that I love U2. And I really don't know why...
Till the end of time "Singles Ladies" will be the song I love to hate....
California Gurls- Katy Perry, such a beating yet I can't stop singing it!!
Tick Tock by Kesha. It's somewhat of a secret guilty pleasure.
Anything that is by Katy Perry. So annoying...
Ohh wooaah Ohh wooaah Ohh wooaah
You know you love me, I know you care
Just shout whenever, And I'll be there
You are my love, You are my heart
And we will never ever-ever be apart
Are we an item. Girl quit playing
"We're just friends"
What are you sayin?
said theres another and looked right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time,
And I was like
Baby, baby, baby ooh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ooh
Thought you'd always be mine, mine
Just awful!!
Lady Gaga's song Alejandro
Bomb in a Birdcage (A fine Frenzy)
Tik Tok from Ke$ha.
ugh, poker face by lady gaga. embarrassing, yes?
Anything by Lady Gaga!!
that Demi Lovato song...I can't think what it's called, but I secretly like it!
California Gurls. And I'm a CA girl!
probably 'party in the usa' by miley cyrus. :)
Ha oh gosh basically all of those listed in the comments they are all so bad but yet so catchy haha
Fly by Sugar Ray Leonard - I get so tired of "I just wanna fly"!
Single Ladies. It drives me crazy and makes me want to move at the same time. Ugh.
"daisey dukes... bikinis on top.... "stuck in my head all last weekend while i was on a trip. funny thing was, it was a male co-worker who kept singing it and getting it stuck in everyone's head AGAIN!
OMG. Or anything by Justin Bieber. Either one makes me cringe.
California Girls--I end up singing it out loud cuz its stuck in my head, then I look around to make sure no one heard :)
any lady gaga song, so catchy! definitely love to hate!
"daisy dukes bikini on top!"
'lover, lover lover- you don't treat me no good no more'... eeek! sticks in my brain.
Lady gaga seems to be winning. It drives my boyfriend crazy when i start singing bad romance!
The new katy perry song!
I am so tired of hearing "I Wanna Be a Billionaire" by some fool. UGH!! haha
Wake up in the mornin feelin like P.Diddy. Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm gonna hit this city. Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of jack cause when I leave for the night I ain't comin back...Ke$ha. Tik Tok.
A radio song I love to hate.... hmm... I would say Katy Perry music, I don't know enough to sing it but I can't change the station when it comes on.
california girls, we're unforgettable =P
California Girls by Katy Perry - I just can't stand it! :-X
California Gurls by Katie Perry
Teenage Dream by Katy Perry!
We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes
And the flashback starts
I'm standing there
On a balcony in summer air
ugh yes totally that lady gaga song, i feel like it's on nonstop and it hypnotizes me everytime! this shop looks so sweet, it would be such a treat to win something from it. love, sarah
One word: Ke$ha. Ahhhh!
jackiecollyer at hotmail dot com
Lady Gaga - Alejandro.
I hate that I can't change the radio when it comes on but then I find myself singing to it (even though I dislike it)
"This time baby I'll be bulletproof" times a million times.
Baby - Justin Bieber
I do not have a Bieber fever!
xo ashley
I'm terrible with lyrics - I sing along to songs but I dont really pay any attention to what is actually being said.....
I rarely listen to the radio, however, I love Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magic Zeros:
Man oh man you're my best friend,
I scream it to the nothingness,
There ain't nothing that I need.
any stupid, silly song my husband is singing - they always get stuck in my head! but it always makes me laugh...
"I like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch" I don't even know who sings it, but nonetheless...terrible.
I've been singing "There's no place like home for the holidays" constantly lately, even though I'm sure I haven't heard it all summer. I think the fact that it was Christmas on Mad Men last week got my mental calendar mixed up!
I love hating One Less Lonely Girl.
I want to be a billionaire
California Gurls.... X_x
Lady Gaga!
that horrible California Girls song by Katy Perry - ACK
It's gonna have to be anything by Lady Gaga - especially Bad Romance
there's an usher song that my mom just loves and turns it up and sings along to it. i only know the part that goes 'pow pow pow' and then 'wow oh wow'. i hate it but it cracks me up that my mom loves it.
another Katy Perry here but the new one "teenage dream"...been in my head for days..and it will be played to death before her new cd comes out Aug 24th...seriously catchy tune..geesh..I can her it now!
Definitely Bad Romance by Lady Gaga! It's not awful, but I've made a hobby of groaning when it comes on.
Love vintage!
I love to hate pretty much everything on the radio. It's all terrible, but it's always stuck in my head!
at the moment i'd have to say, anything coming from the building site / house reno next door. the builders like to turn it up for anything with a dance beat.
its such a beautiful old weatherboard house with a white picket fence and i'm so pleased that its being lovingly restored by a sweet young family that really, i don't mind that i'm listening to death metal right now. :)
I love to hate We no speak Americano! So annoying but catchy!
I love to hate all Justin Bieber songs! What a poser.
Katy Perryyyyy
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