
Another Public Service Announcement

Inspired by William Edmonds' piece.

I've stopped short of tattooing this across my forehead.
It's my new motto for life on those days when I feel too tired or want to wing it.
Phoning it in, as they say.
I want to be ambitious in everything; as a wife, as a mother, as a friend, as the creative director of my surroundings, as the manager of my household, as my own boss and now my own motivational speaker.
This is my new pep talk.



Laura said...

I just love this. Thank you for the motivation!

janaetime said...

Mine is: Be kind, for everyone is facing a great battle.

Unknown said...

wow. good.

Ashley said...

i love your new peptalk :)

 Amy said...

Rachel, you said it, girl! I needed this today. :)


Jenny Holiday & Aaron said...

awww I LOVE this!!!! :)


Kira said...

I like that you called yourself "the creative director of your own surroundings." I need to think of myself in those terms. I think it would create a sense of accountability for myself at home. Sometimes I feel like I take my creative hat off the second I leave work.

Jari said...

oh i like! i'm definitely using this motivation too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this. I need to remember these words more often

Gaby said...

I definitely need to be reminded of this too. I can be far too lazy!

Unknown said...

Be ambitious in your own self-care as well! Sometimes as a mom (woman, wife, creative director, etc.) we need to phone it in one day, to get tanked up for the next (HA - hope that makes some sense!) Just...balance...you are already awesome, you don't have to be superwoman (not every day at least!)

Tanya said...

awesome! i always burn myself out trying too hard to be the best at things ... i have to have a mellow out kind of motto or i'll be dead by the time i'm 40!

Rubyellen said...

hear! hear!

thursday said...

I love this quote and this idea Rachel. Of course, I'm up far too late tonight so I have a feeling it won't be my mantra in the morning. :/

thursday said...

But now that I've finished my big huge project for the month I know it can be my mantra once I'm well rested.

Sorry for the double comment. I didn't want to leave here on a bummer note. :)

Unknown said...

I hear you sister!

Shayna said...

That is great! I couldn't help but laugh at the first sentence. I think it would look fabulous on your forehead. ;) And as someone else noted, I love the phrase "creative director of my surroundings". I think I've always kind of lumped that in with "managing the home," but really they have their differences.

bigcountry. said...

love this. it made my day. linked it on my blog. hope you dont mind.

jeny said...

I believe in this mantra too. It's the days when you try your hardest and there is no movement that cause us to back peddle I think. I have also started telling myself to JUST BE in the moment. That way I am not trying so hard that I miss the little things along the way. :)

Tracie said...

It's okay to cut yourself some slack too. We moved almost 6 months ago and the move drastically changed our routines. I have had to really work hard to be the mom I was before the move. I decided the guilt trips were not helping and I just do my best. Hang in there!

Christina said...

Good words to start the day. I would pair it with Tomorrow is Another Day ... if I didn't live up to my expectations today ... i.e. phoned it in ... then I've got a fresh start in the morning to be a better mom/person.

katielicht said...

this is really similar to my two rules for working in an office: 1. work as hard as you can every day, and 2, mind your own business. between those two things you can pretty much navigate any tough situation. BUT, it's not too bad to phone it in every once in a while though. The occasional lazy evening or afternoon on the couch are just the rewards for working hard the rest of the time!

RachelDenbow said...

Agreed. Maybe this wasn't fully balanced w/ my natural ability to relax when I've earned it and sometimes when I haven't! Thanks for everyone's input and sentiments!

kiki comin said...

LOVE THIS. thanks.

Katia said...

this is great!
I could imagine this thought to provoke the most fullfilling way to live. Ever.

ricebabies said...

I feel the same, I try hard everyday, I expect a lot of myself and can get quite disappointed when I don't meet my own expectations. Trying to balance my etsy shop, a blog, my job, and my kids, plus keep it all clean and in order...ekk

My kids are always first, I figure try hard but make sure I try hardest where it counts.

Have a great one.

Gina said...

thanks for sharing!! we all need to be our own motivational speaker every now and then

letter A studio said...

Perfect post Rachel. I was telling my hubbs last night how worn out I am from holding down the fort. I needed a little pick me up & your post was to my rescue. Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

I really like this ... although I had to chuckle because I am currently struggling with the feeling of trying too hard, or no matter how hard I try it's still not enough. If it's not one thing it's another I guess. Here's to trying hard most of the time and not beating ourselves up for the occasional phone in.

Allison said...

Yes! So perfect for the end of a really busy and exhausting week. Thanks for sharing.

Anna said...

i needed to hear this today. thank you.

the hummingbird haps

Anonymous said...

Wonderful quote, it's so true. Love how you photographed it to get the message across, very cute.

jen geigley said...

ooooh, I so needed this pep talk today! sometimes, by the time friday rolls around I need to hear this. or read this. whatever. thanks!

Nichole said...

I feel like this should have been a post on my blog... That is my mission. To try hard everyday. Glad im not alone out there.

check out my blog...its just getting started.


Tara said...

Everyone needs a motivational motto!