January's sponsors have been ever so lovely to offer a ton of giveaways that I've divided up into two groups. One lucky winner will receive all of the items in this post if their name is picked from the comments section. Another lucky winner will be picked from the second group! Please stop by and see what my January sponsors are up to in their shops and blogs. They make so many good things possible over here at Smile and Wave!
Gussy Sews
One Pearl Button

Alli is generously offering a $25 gift certificate to her shop!

Come On Over, Clover

Hi there, I’m Kara from ‘Come on over, Clover!’ and I’m very excited
to share this giveaway with all of the lovely Smile & Wave readers.

I love all things paper and all things pretty and would love to offer

Crafted By Mei

Mei is offering the Glam bracelet below as her giveaway item. Valued at $30.00.

One Pearl Button

Hello! I'm Alli of One Pearl Button. I'm a graduate student, crafter, photographer, vintage-lover, and scooter-rider, currently shivering the winter away in Ohio. My blog is where I document my creative life and connect with other creative people - stop by sometime; I'd love to get to know you! I also own a shop, OPB Studios, which features prints and other items made from my original Polaroid photographs.

Alli is generously offering a $25 gift certificate to her shop!

Come On Over, Clover

Hi there, I’m Kara from ‘Come on over, Clover!’ and I’m very excited
to share this giveaway with all of the lovely Smile & Wave readers.

I love all things paper and all things pretty and would love to offer
$25 store credit so that you can pick something you love! We stock
handmade stationery, including gift cards and tags, as well as some
cute vintage finds. My blog is also about all things pretty, and is a
place where I gather images that I find as well as display my own
drawings and artistic creations. Good luck and I look forward to
seeing you around!
handmade stationery, including gift cards and tags, as well as some
cute vintage finds. My blog is also about all things pretty, and is a
place where I gather images that I find as well as display my own
drawings and artistic creations. Good luck and I look forward to
seeing you around!

Crafted By Mei

I'm a Malaysian, living here all my life & loving the multi-racial neighbourhood. I have been beading for years, selling my pieces to locals for 2 years now, the encouraging response I got from my local buyers prompted me to try the international market by starting an etsy store in April 2010. It's so exhilarating to know that my handmade stuff are being worn on the other side of the world, places I have never been to!

Mei is offering the Glam bracelet below as her giveaway item. Valued at $30.00.

To enter to win share the best part of your weekend thus far in the comments below!
Giveaway open to U.S. and Canada residents only. Comments open until Monday, January 31st. Please leave a way to contact you in case you are the lucky winner!
1 – 200 of 349 Newer› Newest»Getting ready to start a new (my final) semester and having all my friends come back!
The best part of my weekend has been all of the rest & relaxation! It has been a lazy weekend for sure!
The best part of my weekend so far has been taking tons of pictures! it's really been fun!
Best part of my weekend so far? Music shopping! :)
xo, Jamie
The best part of my weekend thus far is the weather. It actually got up to 50 today and with the sunshine it was extra nice. I am so ready for spring!
finishing the first season of nip/tuck!
great giveaway!
:) ashley.kay@hotmail.com
Spending a Saturday afternoon at home after a week of running too much.
Best part of my weekend is easily going to the home and garden show and signing up for a veggie gardening class!
the best part of my weekend has been watching my daughter, zula belle, eat more spaghetti than should be humanly possible for a 10 month old.
Best part of my weekend so far has been sitting on the couch with my husband sharing a SKOR bar and watching Youth in Revolt.
The best part of my weekend is that Hubby is helping me build shelves for our kids rooms for my birthday gift...it's the help crafting more than the shelves that are his gift. It's been a blast.
And these giveaways are awesome!
Such a generous collection of lovely things! The best part of my weekend has definitely been the craft fair I participated in this morning. I made a few sales and handed out lots of business cards - a great feeling!
Well I work all weekend. But last night (friday) my husband surprised me by coming home from work early and we had a date night!
My best part of the weekend was finishing a drawing (http://twitpic.com/3ubu7l), beating Dead Space 2 with my husband and delicious foods (Sushi) :D
the best part of my weekend has been hanging out with my boyfriend and enjoying this BEAUTIFUL Missouri weather! :)
Best part of my weekend -- sharing donuts with my little girl :)
cynthia.jaeger@yahoo.com <3
Ended my personal quest to find the best taco in the OC. (it happens to be five min from my house and costs a dolla fifty. holla!!!!)
The husband coming home from work in time for dinner. It was lovely.
The best part was seeing my little boy in a fit of giggles for noobvious reason. Such an infectious laugh. Makes me giggle just thinking about it!
Best part? So far it has been this awesome drunk couple who came into the tattoo shop I work at tonight.
You can't get tattoos or piercings when you are WASTED!!
Favorite moment is having my nephews over for a sleepover! So thankful my sister lives near and we can share motherhood together! <3
AW they are all so cute!! This is the first weekend after i started the new semester and I love catching up on my blog reads. Yours are always a favorite
the best part of this weekend was getting to spend time with my friend zack before he deploys to Iraq next friday.
Best part of my weekend so far was going to yoga class for 2.5 hours. All that time stretching and breathing is very therapeutic.
the best part of my weekend has been letting the dogs in the bed while Boyfriend is away. :)
the hummingbird haps
The best part of the weekend so far has been relaxing and finally having a chance to do some non-school related reading :)
Best part of my weekend is still to come.. But My weekend has so far started off so well.. I am excited to have some ppl to pratice my photography on... so I can't wait for my 2nd shoot to happen. So sunday will be a day of more calls to plan these shoots. =)
The best part of my weekend was discovering a new underground coffee shop and thrift store and spending time with my hubs. :)
The best part of my weekend was finishing a crafty "tour journal" - a collection of photographs and love notes - that I'm making for my boyfriend while he is on a two month tour with his band. I'm looking forward to mailing it to him this week while he has some time off so the distance doesn't feel so far. :)
caseyjchampion(at)gmail(dot)com :)
The best part of my weekend was relaxing and watching law and order: svu. A wonderful way to end the first week back at school!
I;m feeling lucky! Today I went to the QuiltCraftSew expo with my Gramma (80!) and Aunt who are both lifelong sewists, and Iwon the grand prize! An accuquilt Go! Baby cutter with some dies. Let's keep my luck rolling! mamashustling@gmail.com
btw- I also have a november baby named Ruby!
I;m feeling lucky! Today I went to the QuiltCraftSew expo with my Gramma (80!) and Aunt who are both lifelong sewists, and Iwon the grand prize! An accuquilt Go! Baby cutter with some dies. Let's keep my luck rolling! mamashustling@gmail.com
btw- I also have a november baby named Ruby!
I finished a bag (without a pattern or anything, woo!) that that seems like I've been in the process of making for quite a while. Im 16 and still in high school, so its hard to find time to make things every time i get an idea in my head. But i used my bag today and Im already loving it!
--Erin :]
so far the best part of my weekend has been teaching the kid to say "bubba." 18 month olds are adorable. yoursmineoursblog@gmail.com
a date with my husband, clean floors, and a refinished desk. loving the giveaway!
carly.pepper at gmail dot com
What beautiful things and amazing sponsors!! Best part of my weekend? A trip to the new cupcake shop! It was divine!
It warmed up enough for me to take my dog on a nice long walk on the levee. There were sea gulls flying over the river calling out to each other, and I closed my eyes and remembered the beach with my grandma. :)
My weekend has been lovely so far .... Having my hubby home both days is such a treat!
going on a date with my husband has been the best part so far. dates without the kids have become few & far between
The best part of my weekend has been making the cutest baby in the whole world laugh :)
Best Part of my weekend....hmmm 15 mile bike ride to Starbucks with the hubby and making the best homemade peppermint patties with the kids...I love recipes that are easy....not to messy and everyone can help! Feeling blessed this weekend! Life is Good!
best part of the weekend, thus far, getting off work 40 mintues ago! time to relax!
My favorite part of this weekend thus far has been getting together with a new found friend! :)
Best part of my weekend? I went to a drama/acting seminar and class. It's something I haven't done in quite a while and I'm excited to get back into it!
The weather was wonderful today, and I'm looking forward to some more sunshine and relatively warm weather tomorrow, as well! Spring can't come too soon :)
the best part of my weekend was my weekly thrift-therapy! I found a pair of vintage Zodiac brand booties with aztec patterning<3
75* in Dallas woo hoo!!
Best part so far - Finding new music on bandcamp.com and finding a cynthia rowley scarf for $7 & throw blanket for $19 @tjmaxx
My friends and I got together for the first of many to come soup nights. After a long week of teaching young kids, soup night was the perfect way to unwind.
The best part of my weekend was having some time out to myself to do some crafting. What a lovely lot of sponsors you have!
I made cupcakes with my friends! It was a pretty great night!
Wow, what gorgeous items these shops have! The winner will be one lucky shopper.
The best part of my weekend was a bookstore date with my husband! Thanks for the opportunity!
Hi Rachel, Let me first say I feel like a stalker because I know you from back in the day at WPBC and have silently followed you for months now. So, sorry and hi.
The best part of this weekend thus far was having my hubby and brother clean out the garage so we can park our car in it. We have had 5 break-ins in 8 months. This is a BIG deal!
the best part of the weekend was staying in tonight and making beef stroganoff for dinner!
Favorite moment was taking my kids to the park and seeing their smiles and basking in the warm sunshine.
the best part of my weekend was hanging out with my friends and playing just dance!
Best part of my weekend was the fantastic deal I got on an old dresser that my husband and I are going to refinish for our living room...I can't wait to spend time with him working on it!
Best part of my weekend was scoring a great deal at my favorite fabric store! :)
Best part of the weekend was going ice fishing with my sons for the first time. We caught enough fish for dinner!
Wouldn"t it be such a treat to win?!?! The best part of my weekend was dancing with my husband tonight to an 80's cover band at a formal party with my good friends. Fun times!
what a generous giveaway. the best part of my weekend is hanging out with my daughters.
Saturday was my dad's birthday. It was so much fun celebrating one of my favorite people all day.
best part of the weekend: our just-turned-5-year-old discovered blackberries growing on our property and picked a large bowl full. so we had to make an apple & blackberry pie for dessert didn't we?
...and it was GOOOOOD!! :)
(it's so lovely to see the faces behind the products. a lovely touch x)
Making smores in my new firepit! and this wonderful 70 degree weather!
best part of my weekend, thus far, has been taking a stroll down memory lane by looking at old family photos....with the family.
thanks. erin.
I'm in the middle of my exams, so the funfactor has been quite low so far. But I did watch the first episode of Pride & Prejudice yesterday evening. I've already watched that series a million times, but after a hard day of studying, the only thing I want to do is to stare a Colin Firth for a while.
best part of my weekend was getting netflix and watching movies with my man !
The best part of my weekend so far was starting my taxes. I know I'm weird but I love doing my taxes. :)
The best part of my weekend so far?
Quitting my burrito rolling job. BLEGH.
But I'm happy about it, so it's pretty great.
getting ready to move to my dream home!
Going shopping with for my husband for valentines day!
The best part of my weekend so far has been watching my 9 month old learn she could splash in her tub, then sharing cupcakes and wine with my hubby after her bedtime. :)
Best part of my week... spending time with my wonderful cat. Not as sad as it sounds... right?
the best part of my weekend so far has been gathering items to take to the craft swap! I can't wait to meet crafty ladies today and swap supplies!
A 4-hour nap was by far the best part of my weekend :)
Spending lazy moments with my daughters and husband. Making a pot of soup to enjoy for supper! Now if only i had thought of making some homemade bread!
Getting up super early to have a few moments to myself. I never thought I'd be a morning person.
Birthday party for my big Girls, 4 and 5.
My weekend has been really quiet. And the best part is coming soon as I'll be leaving to a soccer game in 7 minutes! I've been waiting for this all week!
Deconstructing an 80 year old chair in my Reupholstery class!
The best part of this weekend has been finally catching up from a week of being sick!
Dinner with some girlfriends!
The best part of this weekend was starting my first quilting class!! (and date night with the hubby!)
Awesome giveaway! The best part of my weekend so far was doing absolutely nothing but watch a Jennifer Aniston extravaganza on tv with the hubby! :) Today I'm heading to the fabric store- that is always fun!
I haven't done much this weekend other than working, but I enjoyed watching Inception and eating cinammon hearts :)
Great giveaway
Painting, sewing and baking to my hearts content while my handsome hubby took care of the kids!
Date night with my hubby...
The best part so far? Having a tea party with my 3 yr old last night! She kept 'clinking' our glasses together:)
wow these are some really great shops!!
best part of my weekend so far : candlelit picnic with hubby in our living room :)
the best part was taking a break from homework last night and going out for a yummy dessert. grad school makes the small things so special. hmph!
the best part of my weekend was having movie night with my kids and husband. we all snuggled up in our bed and watched Lilo and Stitch.
best part of the weekend so far-getting my 1 year old to say "apple" (so cute!) and hanging out with friends last night :)
Date night with my sweet husband.
Well, work and school work have not allowed for the best of weekends, but Friday night I did open a brand new labeler and organized all of my craft things in nicely labeled boxes! How beautiful!
Spending Saturday night on the couch with my husband, a big blanket, oreos, a beverage and bad t.v.
Spending the weekend in Branson SHOPPING and EATING with my favorite ladies!
After two of my kids being in the hospital last weekend the best part of this weekend is us all being home and healthy!!
Finally starting to get some concrete wedding planning underway!
Great giveaway! My favorite part of the weekend was having my husband home after being gone all week!
amazing giveaway-full of beautiful things.
yesterday i had a 30 minute power date with my hubby of 10 years to starbucks. we shared a quick cup of coffee and hurried conversation but it was worth it. love that man.
This particular weekend has been filled with awesomeness, lots and lots of hanging out with good friends, late-night conversations, tasty homemade dinners and many many beers. So I guess the best part of this weekend has been all of it!!
LOVE IT!!!! What fun sponsors you have! The best part of my weekend has been having my husband back...he's been gone for three weeks! Loving our family time! xoxo
The Stop motion film that I just made with a friend, debuted at a dinner last night and it was a HUGE hit. I felt to so lucky to be a part of something so awesome!
And that people actually liked it ;)
The best part of my weekend has been some sweet, heart-felt phone calls from my sister who is 1500 miles away. She's my best buddy.
The best part of my weekend so far is that my infant so took two long naps yesterday and I was able to get a lot of quilting done! But I have friends coming over for brunch in a few hours, so I think the weekend will be getting even better :)
The best thing I've done this weekend is sign up for a cool conference in FL that happens on my birthday week and my family, I haven't seen in a while, will be there : )
Getting the news that my sister and brother in law are having a baby!!!
the best part of my weekend has been bringing home the nursery furniture for our first baby. we almost lost the crib on the freeway but it is home safe now!
The best part of my weekend was hosting a baby shower in my home :) jennlr9 at hotmail dot com
The best part of the weekend so far was discovering my two-year-old daughter hiding in my bedroom with my red lipstick. She stole it from my makeup bag and slipped back there to put it on. She actually did a pretty good job! Bless her little baby heart.
The best part of my weekend? I got my hair done yesterday...and got bangs!!!
Chinese New year is just four days away and I had not one but TWO reunion steamboat dinners with family and friends! It has been raining here in Singapore so it's extremely cool now! Best weather for steamboat!
Wow--these are all so lovely! Best part of my weekend so far--SUNSHINE--in all of its forms---sun on my face, catching up with a good friend, running around with my kiddos, watching kids having a grand time at a six year old birthday! thanks!
What an adorable collection of people and things! The best part of my weekend so far has been going up to the High Line elevated park when it was freshly snow-covered. So pretty!
Seeing my favorite band live for the first time, it was magical!!!
best part of my weekend will be catching a nap as soon as my 12 month old crashes down for his....sweet slumber!
The best part of my weekend has been the weather! The temp. has shot up to 60 and I have been able to play outside like a kid during my whole Saturday.
best part thus far.. taking a short walk in the frigid snowy outside with my curious little 1 year old.
the best part of my weekend was getting the internet back!! hehe. we just moved last weekend and i just got the internet/cable this morning (about 10 mins ago actually) your blog was one of the first i visited, xo!!
you can contact me through my blog :)
The best part of my weekend? Getting a shot in the rear-end to stop this sickness!!
A full afternoon of board games with great friends, lavender green tea, and listening to Midlake!
Love, Erin
The best part has definitely been motivation to go to the gym to keep on working towards my goal and catching up with one of my best friends in London!!!
drea78 @ hotmail. com
oh wow, what an awesome group of giveaways!! :) Thanks for the chance!
this weekend in Alabama we had a freakishly warm day of 70 degrees! it was awesome!
bed time! ha ha ha.
thanks for a chance to win.
My favorite part of my weekend... the whole thing possibly? I just love the little extra time with family and friends. And sleeping in! :)
Snowshoeing and tubing--winter wonderland!
Oh, the best part of my weekend was spending TWO nights alone with my husband as my parents and in-laws graciously offered to watch the kiddos. It was wonderful!
The bestest thing on any weekend is getting to snuggle with my 2 boys :) The best part of this weekend is hearing my 4yo explain to my 7yo why we could never go on vacation! Apparently there are no bathrooms at 'vacation' and he doesn' want to carry toilet paper to go 'do stuff' in the snow ;)
hugs, margie
TheBumbleGirl at Rocketmail.com
Spending time with my four-year-old daughter. Her imagination never stops!
The best part of the weekend is taking time to breathe. I save chores for the week; on the weekend I make time for projects that are actually FUN!
akempffer at gmail dot com
Cute cute cute items! The best part of my weekend is enjoying the beautiful weather with my husband and baby boy :)
The best part of my weekend is date night... Saturday night, then a quiet mellow Sunday. It's wonderful.
best part of the weekend was spending a few hours with one of our favorite families--the kids play while the parents eat and chat! It was lovely.
Sarah M
Best part of my weekend has been just laying in bed with my husband in the mornings while our two kiddos entertained themselves for a little while. It isn't something that happens very often!
The best part of my weekend was getting 4 straight hours of sleep last night...my little Lucy (5 days old) finally slept!
sleeping for 15 hours O.O !!!
hiking this park http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Stone_Fort_%28Tennessee%29 and celebrating my youngest son's 21sth birthday. guess that's 2 things.
I was blogging while my boys laid in my bed and I look over and together they say "Mommy were thankful for you!" Yup that is the best part of my weekend so far. . .Possibly the best part of my week or month. Thanks for sharing,
Best part? We bought an Eames-style lounge chair and we have a new couch coming next week!
Everything in this giveaway is so amazing!
The best part of my weekend so far is today - my sister's birthday! I'm on my way to my home town to celebrate with my family, which is my favorite place to be.<3
The best part of my weekend so far was the realization that I LOVE fresh roasted beets! Kinda weird, but true. I really do love them. Thought about them all day after eating them in salad.
Thank you for this lovely giveaway.
the best part of my weekend was watching the babies get baptized at church. One little girl was crying loudly and then she realized the whole congregation was smiling at her and she thought it was totally funny and started laughing and being a flirt back :)
Spending some quality time with my family. It had been needed.
My best part is today!! I have sewing boot camp class thats 6 hours long! It's gonna kick my but into gear and teach new things I haven't yet tried on my own! :)
All so pretty! The best part of my weekend was being in the delivery room when my 5th little nephew was born. Absolutely the coolest experience ever. :)
amymorby (at) gmail (dot) com
Love the sponsor for being so cool! Thus far the highlight of my weekend was my baby saying duck.. he is 7 months old but loves ducks and last night he kept saying duck.. kinda sad none of them said mama first but duck is better then dad!
So far it has been fun planning my hubby's birthday with the kiddos.
I got to spend lots of time with my boyfriend yesterday and made sweet potato chili that was delicious!
Best part of my weekend so far: Family game night Friday evening- mom, dad, my sisters and the hubs, all with the puppy hopping from lap to lap while a mean game of Balderdash went on... mayhem ensued... twas grand. -e
just relaxing with my boys-my husband and my dog ;)
Waking up and watching youtube videos in bed with my husband. Can't beat that!
The best part of my weekend has been hunting for a Vintage Art Deco Dress for an upcoming gala.
The best part of my weekend was TACOS!
Thanks for the giveaway!
THe best part of my week end was my friends surprise birthday party....she had no clue, it was priceless!
last night i went out without my darlin baby for the first time since october! saw a hip hop show and drank a beer, so fun.
The best part of my weekend has been hanging with my two-year-old little lady. Love me some quality time with my dear!
The best part of my weekend has been lunch with an old friend I haven't seen in a while, and talking like no time had past.
waffles with my husband and son!
the best part of my weekend was finally getting the piles and piles of our laundry done and having my friend give up her saturday to come over with a bottle of wine and help me organize my house. stress free now!
My favorite part of the weekend was going to the beach and taking pictures of the kiddos while they run around with their dad :) admorales@live.com
finishing up a remake that took too many hours this week! yay!:)
Yesterday it was unbelievably mild here in OK. I stayed outside and soaked up the sun!
It had been six months since I got my hair done and I finally got it cut and colored yesterday! Wahoo! And it's also my birthday weekend. Double wahoo!
the best part of this weekend has been making save the dates for my upcoming wedding while listening to the rain crash down in the backyard.
I celebrated two years (!!) with my partner this weekend. We had little getaway, we went out to eat and went cross country skiing. It was delightful! Today is all about relaxing with him. I wouldn't have it any other way!
The best part of my weekend so far has been to spend a few hours with my very best friend on his birthday yesterday. We went out for coffee (though it should really be "hot chocolate and tea", for neither of us had coffee), and played a game of scrabble on my Iphone. Sweet and simple!
Our baby took a bottle!!! Babysitters are now an option for more than 3 hours at a time :)
Best part of my weekend is feeling well enough to eat good food, after being home sick for the last 2 days.
The best part of my weekend was the 70 degree weather we enjoyed yesterday which meant my sweet little on could climb and swing outside to her heart's content!
The best part of my weekend was celebrating my sister's 21st birthday at her casino themed party!
The best part of my weekend has been a little Valentine's Day shopping! Fun!
The best part of my weekend was cuddling with my boyfriend! Love these sponsors!!
Relaxing on a Sunday morning with a freshly brewed cup of coffee!
the best part of my weekend so far: sleeping in my brand new all-natural latex bed (sounds weird, but it's the most comfortable thing in the world). i LOVE the weekends!!
I had a great time ice skating yesterday. I went for the first time in years and it really made me happy :)
Lazy Saturday spent running errands with the boy...and Burger Kitchen/Magnolia Bakery as a rewarding lunch after finishing them all :)
Just being able to relax :)
Best part: I had breakfast with some awesome ladies this morning. Lots of laughter and sharing about life. And yummy omelet to go with it.
How sweet! The best part of my weekend thus far was my husband getting up with our son so I could sleep in. Heaven.
So far the best part of my weekend has been my time spent with my boyfriend and his good friend. We ate pizza, went and looked at records, and went to the book store!
Best part of my weekend: vegging out on the couch, watching DIY channel and downloading ebooks.
GIANT indoor garage sale this weekend!!! Fun,fun, fun hunting treasures.
Sneaking in some naps with the baby!
the best part of my weekend was snuggling in bed with my hubby-i started working over nights the end of nov and i miss him so much-i work at our local university hospital and with all the overtime and school work it's all been great-but i miss more of it :)
My weekend has been full of my three cuddly cats, precious time with my dear fiancé and a lovely night out with close friends. I'm thankful for all the love in my life and my continued dedication to exercise in training for a 10k in April!
Walking my dog in the beautiful 70 degree sunshine!
That bracelet is stunningly cute!
Going out to dinner with my husband last night!
The best part of my weekend so far has been a vegan brunch at a restaurant in St. Pete, Fl. So amazing!
<3 Elizabeth
The bests part of my weekend so far is helping so many wonderful causes through my blog.
Yesterday afternoon my husband and I spent a couple of hours walking around our neighborhood. The sun was out and it felt so good to be outside again after so many cold days indoors.
cute cute cute! The best part of my weekend was sleeping in this morning;D :D :D
my sweet 14 month old learned how to blow kisses. i love this weekend!
kodibevelle at gmail dot com
Thrifting with my hubby yesterday...the weather was perfect!
Beautiful fresh fallen snow to cover all the dirty brown snow underneath...
Let's see, in honor of my friend's birthday I went bowling for the first time in years and years. And I had a blast!
The best part of my weekend was cozying up with the kiddles & hubbs to watch a movie Saturday afternoon. It' the first time in a long time we haven't had to be somewhere on a Saturday & it was soooo nice to relax.
I had a super Saturday of antiquing and finding some Pyrex in pristine condition!
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