I've got TWO new DIY's over at Danielle Thompson's blog this week that you'll want to bookmark if you like to use fabric backdrops in your photos. Go see what I made out of these rods and hooks and then find yourself some felt and a staple gun! Danielle has been hosting some fantastically creative people lately with freebies and all kinds of eye candy so take a look and scroll down a bit.

My arrow garland made it onto OhDeedoh in a Valentine roundup last week! There are a host of fantastic Valentine themed projects floating around the interwebs but here are a few of my favorite!
20 Handmade Valentines in 20 Days

Mer Mag's Handmade Valentines which I saw via Aesthetic Outburst.

Mer Mag's Handmade Valentines which I saw via Aesthetic Outburst.
It was also fun to see the quilt I made for Modern Patchwork in one of Ashley's posts as a backdrop for photos (second photo down). I told Ashley that as soon as I started working on that project I knew it was meant to be hers when it was done. I was more than happy to pass along a quilt knowing it would be well-loved and well-used!
Have you ever had that experience with something you intended to make? Someday, when the kids are grown and I have a little more time on my hands, I plan on making a quilt for each of the special people in my life. Yes, this is the plan.
I've added the Modern Patchwork button to the sidebar for easy access to the post with all of the information on it. It's been great to hear back from excited customers and I can't wait to see some finished projects! You can purchase Modern Patchwork here through PayPal or here through the RVA website if you'd like to pay with a card.
We've got quite the snow day on our hands so I plan on baking lots of biscuits, making sure our laundry is caught up, and possibly thinking about shoveling the sidewalk just for the thrill of it. Being a California girl, I've never shoveled a sidewalk before. Yes, I like to live on the wild side.
The kids are having dance party #1 of the day to burn off some energy and I'm enjoying my second cup of coffee. What are you doing on this glorious first day of February?
Have you ever had that experience with something you intended to make? Someday, when the kids are grown and I have a little more time on my hands, I plan on making a quilt for each of the special people in my life. Yes, this is the plan.
I've added the Modern Patchwork button to the sidebar for easy access to the post with all of the information on it. It's been great to hear back from excited customers and I can't wait to see some finished projects! You can purchase Modern Patchwork here through PayPal or here through the RVA website if you'd like to pay with a card.
We've got quite the snow day on our hands so I plan on baking lots of biscuits, making sure our laundry is caught up, and possibly thinking about shoveling the sidewalk just for the thrill of it. Being a California girl, I've never shoveled a sidewalk before. Yes, I like to live on the wild side.
The kids are having dance party #1 of the day to burn off some energy and I'm enjoying my second cup of coffee. What are you doing on this glorious first day of February?
Hey Rachel - I really liked the projects you posted over on TFL. I have an old cork board outside, I'm going to check it out and see if it's salvageable for the felt board project.
I'm really excited for the Patchwork course still. I've decided that it's going to be my personal splurge next month. My partner and I have been attacking our credit card debt this month and it's felt so good - but I think this good behaviour deserves a reward, no? I want to make that quilt!
I loooooved that quilt when I saw it on Ashley's blog. All that white space just makes those little fabric bits that much better. I need to learn how to quilt just so I can make one. Wow! Today I'm working and then watching Biggest Loser in the evening. It's the only show I watch on TV. I also just had my second cup of coffee!
such great links!
I shoveled my first sidewalk this winter too! And I love the DIY felt board. Why buy one?
Great fabric storage idea!!
I saw your post on Danielle's blog just this morning. I totally need a felt board and can't wait to make one of my own. I am trying to figure out how to squeeze your e-course into my budget this month. I'm really ready to learn how to sew more than just a straight line. Tonight it will be me, the hubbs & Parenthood on tv. Oh, & a bowl of ice cream.
great tutorial rachel! and that cross-stitched heart is absolutely.lovely. also, this is random but i really love the look of the modern patchwork button you made. i love that font!
Thanks for the link, lady! LOVED your tutorials- I would never have thought to do make either of those...and now I'm going to! Ha! I also need to take your class. The quilt square I tried today was horrible. :) xo, A
oh! love they way you hang fabric! i so need to do that! thank you for sharing!!
I celebrated February by making a spicy black bean soup in the morning and throwing it in the crock pot to perfume the house all day. We ate it with buttered slices of baguette, decorated with slivers of radishes and flakey sea salt. I love cuddling up with my family and warm food when it's chilly outside!
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