I found a bunch of acrylic gas station letters and numbers at a flea market in OKC, OK that have been sitting around just waiting for something to do. I had a small stack sitting on my side table and needed something to put my coffee cup on when it dawned on me. DUH. Make them into coasters.
Being acrylic, they are a little tricky to cut. I tried using kitchen scissors but then decided to try and use my paper cutter. It needed sharpening anyway. I would suggest using an X-acto knife or sharper craft scissors.
Mark them in the middle or cut them into squares so they are even on all sides.
They have a really modern, graphic feel to them and it's another way to add a little bit of an industrial feel to your home. I found mine for $ .25 each so I didn't mind cutting them in half. You may be able to find some at your local flea market or Etsy. Here are a few.
They'd look great in black and I've seen some in orange and would be the perfect house warming gift for a friend with modern tastes.
Very creative, and pretty! I'll have to find some of those signs :3
ReplyDeleteVery cool Rachel and your home looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteOh good grief, just started looking through your Flickr! Looove!
ReplyDeletebrilliant!! we have a bunch of metal ones, but now I'll be sure to start looking for plastic. :)
ReplyDeleteyou're so clever. love 'em
ReplyDeleteHow cool! Beautiful home - you are so creative <3 Love your blog, just found it.
very clever!
ReplyDeleteOoh! These are fantastic!
ReplyDeleteLove them! You make fabulous look so easy :)
ReplyDeleteThis is such a cute idea! I love easy DIYs :)
ReplyDeletevery cute and inspiring idea. i simply love upcycling old pieces.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering where you got your blue lily of the valley tumbler? I have a small yellow juice glass just like it. I found it thrifting and have tried to find others like it on the internet, but no luck. Thought you might know more about it. Thanks!