Spring break last week meant a road trip to visit family on both sides, which also meant stopping at flea markets and thrift stores along the way. Here are a few of my favorite things. Some were lifted from my MIL's stash before they had a chance to make it into her Etsy shop, some were almost free, and some were just worth the extra hour they tacked on to the long drive.
Square one includes three Vera napkins, an unusual Pyrex casserole dish and matching green mixing bowl, a vintage sand bucket with fantastic coloring, a LOT of vintage binding, a green lotus dish, a fun metal trash can for my studio, a floral, vinyl tablecloth, and a yellow enamel Dansk stock pot with lid.
Then there were two vintage aprons (among other things not shown) from my MIL. Thanks, Cheryl! A few vintage pieces for Ruby, a crocheted daisy afghan, vintage placemats in a fun green color, vintage pink Minnetonka mocs, a Fisher Price person, and a lovely embroidered piece.
I also got this beautiful piece of chintz fabric from Brett's grandma. It's just so pretty I don't want to use it quite yet. I'll have to think of the perfect project. It's a tad blurry here.
We're hitting a point now where our walls and closets are finally full of vintage/thrifted pieces so it's much harder to come back from a thrifting trip feeling really satisfied. I used to get that cheap (sometimes) high every time I went shopping for my vintage Etsy shop, Pony Party. Springfield and the surrounding areas have some great thrifting so it's always been kind of easy.
As of this week, though, I'm taking a thrifting break. Unless it's a vintage sheet that I can use for quilt kits, something I absolutely need and can find cheaper than at full retail, (or something REALLY special in the wardrobe dept.), I'm going to leave it for someone else to pick up. Have I just put three clauses on my hiatus?
It's a fun habit but lately it's felt a little less satisfying and that usually means something. Thankfully, I have a whole batch of vintage dresses that have been waiting for warm weather (and a little time at the sewing machine) to be shared!
Anyone else have too much of a good thing in their life at the moment?
Square one includes three Vera napkins, an unusual Pyrex casserole dish and matching green mixing bowl, a vintage sand bucket with fantastic coloring, a LOT of vintage binding, a green lotus dish, a fun metal trash can for my studio, a floral, vinyl tablecloth, and a yellow enamel Dansk stock pot with lid.
Then there were two vintage aprons (among other things not shown) from my MIL. Thanks, Cheryl! A few vintage pieces for Ruby, a crocheted daisy afghan, vintage placemats in a fun green color, vintage pink Minnetonka mocs, a Fisher Price person, and a lovely embroidered piece.
I also got this beautiful piece of chintz fabric from Brett's grandma. It's just so pretty I don't want to use it quite yet. I'll have to think of the perfect project. It's a tad blurry here.
We're hitting a point now where our walls and closets are finally full of vintage/thrifted pieces so it's much harder to come back from a thrifting trip feeling really satisfied. I used to get that cheap (sometimes) high every time I went shopping for my vintage Etsy shop, Pony Party. Springfield and the surrounding areas have some great thrifting so it's always been kind of easy.
As of this week, though, I'm taking a thrifting break. Unless it's a vintage sheet that I can use for quilt kits, something I absolutely need and can find cheaper than at full retail, (or something REALLY special in the wardrobe dept.), I'm going to leave it for someone else to pick up. Have I just put three clauses on my hiatus?
It's a fun habit but lately it's felt a little less satisfying and that usually means something. Thankfully, I have a whole batch of vintage dresses that have been waiting for warm weather (and a little time at the sewing machine) to be shared!
Anyone else have too much of a good thing in their life at the moment?
WOW the baby clothes that you found are ADORABLE!!
DYING... i'm in love with everything.
Rachel- I know you'd never give it up, but OHMYGOODNESS! THat fabric is just gorgeous!! I think that is one of my new fave patterns!!
I sometimes have too much of a good thing with my crocheting. At some points, I have to put the hook down for a week or so. But then I pick it up all the more inspired and get working. It's nice.
Ha ha, that's funny you'd say that! I actually gave up thrifting for Lent! So I'm taking a break right now, too. I'm also to the point where I really don't need any more, but it's hard not to go looking for that perfect find. So I decided I needed a little break-it was becoming a little too addictive and time-consuming for me! I'm missing it, but I'm spending more one-on-one time with my kids as a result-part of my reason for giving it up!
everything looks so beautiful!
Ahhh!! Your finds are incredible!! There's just so much goodness amongst everything you've found!
I'm currently in the midst of a thrifting obsession!! :S
I managed to spend 5 whole days without visiting my local store (after going almost everyday for a few weeks! eeeps!) but today I caved!
I'm going to have to start selling some things so i can afford to buy more (& have space in our place!) hehehe
i want that fabric!! its perfect!
to answer that last question of yours, i just had baby #2! her name is Rachel (:
That fabric is so adorable! What a great haul! I went thrifiting for the first time in a few weeks yesterday, and sadly, it was a bust. Though I did find a pretty vintage sheet to add to my ever growing collection. Question: I always find vintage floral sheets... are there any other patterns that are obviously vintage? I always have a hard time telling. I love floral prints, but I feel like there is something else out there to be found? I'd love to hear your input!
Those aprons are adorable! Of course, it probably doesn't help that I already collect vintage aprons...
wow these all look great! next time i visit can we do serious shopping? please? thanks in advance. :-)
oh i know this feeling. i think thrifting is just like anything else in life--sometimes you need to get away from it to freshly appreciate it.
love what you found. <3
i love that daisy afghan! i'm a sucker for amazing thrifted afghans, myself. i have way more than i need in my apartment :)
I'm taking a break until we're all moved & settled, and it's painful. Our little apartment feels so cramped & i already have a box of things that need to be modified to put in the new place, so buying more stuff & not knowing how I'd use it seems silly. But not even going in when I have an hour to kill hurts!
wowza! you're certainly a pro at finding adorable things. i'm lovin' all the florals and pretty colors in your findings. thanks for sharing :D
I know what you mean! I can't justify buying more things unless I really need it in my wardrobe, or I can sell it. Or if it's a piece of furniture I need (I'm still trying to fill out all of this space in our apartment!). Also, the girls in Canton keep complaining that I always deplete the selection at our thrift stores. So unless I need to make a shop update, I haven't been thrifting as much as I used to.
BUT! Those children's clothes! aaaahk! I'm obviously aching for a child of my own. :)
I've been feeling the same way with my thrifting. I've had a crazy streak of good luck, and it's reaching the point where I don't know where to put it all. I think I need to make a list of things I NEED and only pick up those things if I happen upon them. It's just so hard!
oh wowee wow wow.
the apron is amazing!
i have that same exact daisy blanket! weird! my boyfriend (at the time) found it at goodwill and bought it for me. i was always hoping that it was handmade by some little old lady with too much time on her hands but i guess not. oh well, it's still my favorite anyway! :)
the afghan is a dream. you seem to score the greatest afghans, and incorporate them so perfectly in your home. cutey cute cute.
nice score! Love those baby clothes, and the aprons!
Oh, I love the daisy afghan and the apron with the red & yellow trim!
my, you have good thrift shops!
And that fabric from granny - just gorgeous.
In reply to your last question...new found hobbies! In the past few months I've tried cross stitch, crochet (straight lines only!!) and most recently sewing.
Most recently pimped up some old jeans into an apron (http://chippernelly.blogspot.com/2011/03/favourite-old-jeans-get-pimped.html#comments) and now feel an addiction to aprons coming on....
Also mildly addicted to flickr AND pintrest...all of which is fun but must remember I have a husband!
thanks for sharing your finds,
fee x
Lol... I was just posing about this same problem this morning. It is wonderful to be near to such great vintage treasure troves, only my house is in desperate need of some breathing room. So I too am taking a break. Perhaps the feeling comes from Spring?
oh my goodness, everything is so beautiful!
Sigh...such cute stuff. Usually I go to estate sales every week, but the last 2 weeks I just haven't felt like it. Maybe I'm getting maxed out also. Hmmmm?
Oh, I have that same daisy afghan. Hope you didn't have to get out a weird smokey smell out of yours also.
Lovely crocheted daisy afghan!
Love that flower embroidery picture! I've been thrifting so much lately - i'm so addicted!
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