
Vintage Here, Vintage There: Warm Weather

A New Collaboration
We took full advantage of the sunny weather today after so many days of rain and gray skies. Total mood changer! We went to a few fabric stores, played in the front yard, and made some messes inside. We're good at making them but I wish we were better at cleaning them up.

VIntage Here, Vintage There
Vintage Here, Vintage There
Ruby's wearing: Thrifted vintage top, tank top American Apparel from Gilt Group, white capris from Old Navy, navy Mary Janes gifted (Old Navy) from my mom.

Upset About Something
Sebastian's wearing: Vintage shirt from Miskabelly, pants and shoes, Target.

Vintage Here, Vintage There
Vintage Here, Vintage There
I'm wearing: Vintage floral dress, Red Velvet. Vintage belt and shoes, thrifted.

Holding On Tight
Holding On Tight
Do you think it's easier or harder to incorporate vintage into your wardrobe during warmer months? If you love vintage dresses, probably. Even with cardigans, tights, and boots I was always a little too cold to feel really comfortable wearing dresses in January (or April this year!). Now that it's May I foresee dresses every day that we're hoping to get out of the house.

All Dressed Up
Here are a few of my favorite every day dresses from some favorite shops: Collared, Embroidered, Checked, and Denim and lace.

I'm looking forward to seeing how Rubyellen styled her baby bump and three beauties 'over there'. They always look so good! Oh, and see how much fun they had for True's fifth birthday over the weekend. Ponies!

Thanks for reading. I appreciate it so much!


  1. Oh, I like the checked dress! Very cute. Yours is even prettier though!!

  2. i love the polaroid of you on the afghan!! Yay for vintage summer dresses!

  3. the composition of that first photo is fantastic!!

  4. So pretty Rachel!

    There is truly nothing worse than feeling the cold so I like to always be on the lookout for vintage coats.
    It's also great that so many vintage dresses are in polyester. People might curse that material but I love it. Polyester always looks wonderful with tights. They were made to go together. :)
    We are going into our winter now and I find myself choosing the more muted colours. The brights seem kind of strange to wear in the cold months ahead.

  5. You and your family are like the cutest people on the planet. For real! I LOVE when you post pictures of little miss Ruby! She is too cute for words! And I see the little mister is in on the vintage action today too.

    That checked dress? So you! You need to own that.

  6. Sebastian is looking so tall! Can't believe how the years go by! xx

  7. fab photos, I went thrifting yesterday and came home with so many wonderful things! hugs xo bonitarose

  8. sebastian is so flippin tall!!!!!!

  9. Love that little ruby!...you can tell she has a great little personality in all of your photos.

  10. You guys look adorable! I love that dress your wearing. While I always find an excuse to wear vintage....I actually prefer being able to wear my vintage dresses in the cooler weather with tights.'Course I live in Dallas ...so perhaps there is milder Winters here.
    Plus I can ALWAYS pair a vintage blouse with my beloved over-alls!

  11. once again, beautiful as ever.

  12. I tend to think the opposite of you as far as dressing for the seasons. I don't wear much vintage, but I do feel like I can put together a better, more stylish outfit in the cooler months because you can add lots of layers for interest. Summer here in Austin is brutal, so I end up wearing nothing but t-shirts.

  13. Aw your little girl makes me wanna have a little girl to dress up & be a little sister to my boy. Such a cute little family u guys are.

  14. I love Rubys little bald head <3

  15. these are my favorite VHVT pictures of you guys yet... they are just too sweet and stylish. the soft tones, especially those dreamy blues, have me achin' for a tall glass of lemonade with a side of cotton candy! <3

  16. I linked up with Hart + Sew today (she's been featured here before..yes?) with my youngest 2 wearing vintage (MY VINTAGE even!).


    I haven't had the chance to full on thrift since we've moved but the summer dresses would be the perfect thing to hunt for!
