Acrylic Stamps by Angie
I love this cute little robot stamp. I made this card for my husband last night and left it near his coffee pot to find before he went to work. It reads 'Love Bots For Life'. I'm just waiting for the right picture of Sebastian to be printed before I use them in a LO.
Check out Angie's other stamps HERE.
Leave a comment with your name and favorite smell and I'll choose two winners to receive one of these lovely stamps by Angie.
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My name is Andrea and I love the smell of fresh ground coffee.
Andrea beat me to it, but coffee is the best smell in the whole whide world!!!!
my name is jessica! even though i dont drink it, i have to agree with the others and say my favorite smell is coffee!!:) when i walk through the grocery store or at a book store, i cant help but take a big wif!:)
I'm Monica and my favorite smell in the whole wide world is the smell of my daughter after a bath. I do beleive that they should bottle this smell !
My absolute favorite smell is how my nieces smell when they snuggle up to me. One smells like baby lotion, the other like bubble gum, and the oldest smells like outside. I love that smell. How do kids get the outdoor scent to cling to them. Am I the only one that can smell it? Others look at me like i'm crazy. especially in spring or fall when it's crisp and cooler. and you go in for the kiss on their chilled cheeks and get a big whiff of fresh air. yummy
Yesterday as I was coming back from the grocery store I smelled SPRING in the air! I did! And that is my favorite smell!
My second favorite is when I smell FALL in the air.
And I'm so not kidding! I can smell the seasons!
Hi! I'm Ann-Marie and my most favorite smell would have to be Ajax, you know, the cleaning agent that forces me to take huge wiffs (probably not the best idea, but I gotta do what I gotta do)... :)
My name is Annie and my favorite smell is fresh laundry. (Who can resist the smell of a newborn baby, though?)
Definitly my FAVORITE smells are
1. LAVENDAR! (its sooooo relaxing!)
2. My fiances aftershave (what a comforting smell!)
3. COFFEE!!! (smells like PROGRESS!)
/Have a fab day!
Veronica ;) My fav smell is Ethan's head after a bath. mmmm
My name is Dixie. I love the smell of baby lotion on a baby. Just so sweet. And I also love the smell of rain. I love to sit on my screened in porch and smell the rain. Love it, love it.
My name's Tina & my favorite smell is the smell of my boyfriend when he hugs me & whispers some sweet words into my ear. :]
jenn and i love the smell of wisteria.
cute card.
My name is Sarah...and I am so boring because my favorite smell of all time is Vanilla!
Hi! I'm Szilvi and my favorite smell is the smell of fresh summer rain.
my name is Sue and I would have to say my fav smell would be the heavenly scent of lavender growing in the garden in spring. Bees buzzing around just add to the experience.
ps: the stamps are simple gorgeous!
My absolute favorite smell is rain on a hot summer's evening. You know what I mean? Earthy & fresh. It's the best.
Oh, it's me, Sara, and my very favorite smell is the cologne M wore when we dated--whenever I smell it I am instantly transported to that feeling of young love...
Fresh baked cookies straight from the oven; gardenias from my garden; clean bedsheets dried in the sun!!
My name is Ariana (like it says above, lol).
I like the smell of BBQ. Yum.
Besides food my favorite scent is vanilla :)
I live in Washington and my favorite smell is just before it begins to rain. I wish I could bottle it!
My name is Jennifer, and my favorite smell is that of a small baby.
My name is Bekka, and I love the smell of hay after it rains.
Hi I'm Aleks, and I'm addicted to the smell of wet cement! mmm
*Just so you don't think I'm weird...you know the smell just before it rains, like the cement smell*
Oh it's a toss up. I love the smell of coffee in the winter and the smell of rain in the summer.
Do I have to pick just one smell??? So HARD!
If only one, I'd have to say spring. The smell of spring in the air after a rain or when the sun is finally shining and the flowers are finally blooming... Aaaahhh... it's almost here!
BTW, name is Rachel. °Ãœ°
Those stamps are darling!!
My name is also Rachel, and my favorite smell is of a new book. I love getting a brand new book, taking it home, snuggling in bed, and sniffing it as a I enter a new world :)
Hi there! My name is Meghan and my most favorite smell ever has to be blueberry waffle sticks from McDonald's! Sadly they don't sell them anymore, but a few years ago when I worked there and they sold them, it was like heaven to me =:)
My name is Carol and my favorite smell is homemade bread while it is baking. Admitedly, I also love the smell of yeast while it is being kneaded.
I love the stamp! Really cute!
my favorite smell is freshly cut grass..I roll the windows down during the spring just to get a whiff
my very *very* favorite smell is the smell of my boyfriend when he hugs me tight and leans in and says, "hey guess what? i love you." i don't think i could live without it.
lisa marie
favorite smell? I can't pick just one but my top three are Newborn babies, vanilla and roses.
I love the smell of cinammon. So "home-y" and warm...like my parents' house!
I am torn... my 2 favorite smells are fresh cut grass and food cooking on the grill... in the summer there are so many evenings when the 2 mix together... pure bliss...
<3 <3 <3
ever since i was a little girl my favorite smell has been band-aids. i was obsessed with them as a little girl and put them all over my babies and dolls and myself. and now my daughter is always needing a band-aid for something! so how can i turn her down? band-aids make everything better right?
Mine's easy, baking cake! That card is really sweet.
hi ya....fav smell hmmmmm new books/stationary, the lawns have just been done and they smell summery....but my fav at the minute would be my son when he sucks his fingers as the days are numbered when he won't be that scrummy anymore(he'll be three in a few months) and his smooches won't be as often as they are now (like all the time)!!!! enjoy your day RXXX
Hawaiin Tropic suntan oil- definately my favorite smell. Well, besides my babies of course!
Hi! My favorite smell is apple and cinnamon cake, when it just left the oven! hummmmm....
Hi I'm Jackie and strangely enough I LOVE the way my fingers smell after chopping onions and/or garlic!
Vanilla, for sure!
--Lindsey Z.
My name is Haley and I love the smell when you pass Laundromats. clean clothes smell sooo good!
my name is jessica and i *love* the smell of coconut, mmmmm....
the smell if in-n-out!
Karina K
My favorite smell is my son's hair. He's not a baby anymore (3 years old), so it's not a powdery baby smell. It's just him - Ari - with his little boy smell, and it is delicious.
Those are adorable! :)
Hi, my name is Charin and I am addicted to smelling warm vanilla sugar Bath & Body Works products :)
Hi Rachel!
I love the smell of my little girl's hair after a bath. It's just like that newborn baby smell!:)
Great to see some stamps with SPUNK!!
My fave smell is brewing hot apple cider with lots of cinnamon - all the best family memories have that smell!
luv bindi
My favorite smell of the moment is the linen spray I bought yesterday at BBW's, it's Lavendar and Chamomile and it is divine and sooo relaxing. My perennial favorite would have to be fresh coffee grounds, it is just so delicious!
my name is melissa and i love the smell of my baby's freshly washed head....yum!
my name is Paola and I love the smell of a beautiful and crisp autumn day. mmm...
My name is Kendall and I like the smell of my husband's shampoo!
I love the smell of Baby Magic baby lotion on babies and toddlers.
- LaTisha (who is on her way to sniff a bandaid because she's very curious)
My name is Patty, hello!
The way it smells after a rain storm!!!!!
Well, coffee is def. on the top of my list! But my fav. scent to wear is gardenia by far!
It reminds me of summer nights, and my mom wears the scent, so when I smell it, I immediately think of my mama!
Oh! And my name is Emily! LOL!
...hmm...I'm a vanilla girl, myself...but not perfumey vanilla...Natural vanilla: I'd wear it to work and everyone would say I smelled like cookies..he he. =)
The stamps are wonderful! Love the robots!!
My name is Jenessa, and the one smell in the world that makes me happy is the smell of a new book. Borders = Heaven
I have to say my number one favorite smell is that of my husband! He always smells good and it just drives me crazy!
Second to that is a canlde scent called Beachwalk from my local candle factory.
Those stamps are wayy cute!!
What a fun little game!
I adore the smell that comes out of the vent outside when the dryer is on.
Hi my name is Erin (feels like the first day at a new school when everyone goes around the room introducing themselves ;) my favorite smell is associated with a time, place and state of mind. Every so often I get "mommy" time no little one to chase after so I do my favorite thing on a chilly, cold, snowy day. I head to Starbucks and order a grande extra-hot soy Chai tea latte. The best smell on a cold, "momma" day with free time and a cozy sweater is warm, spicy Chai.
My favorite smell is that of my grandma, frankly I don't even know what it is but I kept one of her sweaters after she passed away and I keep it in a zippered clothes bag and only smell it occasionally. I am afraid I will some how use it up or release the smell by opening it too much. It is so amazing the memories that smell brings!
Hi Rachel
Can't believe how many comments?
Love the smell of fresh rain on my window at the farm and also diesel fuel fumes weird I know but I love it !!!!
But I can't submit because the stamps are mine already !! Ha Ha
I love the smell of baby. They smell so nice so butifull..
My favorite smell is sunlotion at the beach. because I love pretty and hot weather and smelling it means I'm on a holiday! Love, Mandy
Hi Rachel, I HAVE to leave my first message now those stamps are so cute ! My fave smell is laundry hung outside and freshly baked applepie by my husband :D
I love the smell of fresh baked croissants
I'm Marieke and my favourite smell is the air outside after a fresh summer rain.
I'm Pauline from France ;)
My favorite smell is rain during a hot summer day!!
have a nice day!!
I loooove your card! So sweet. Cute stamps!
My favorite smell is the smell of a newborn baby. I'm due 27 april and I can't wait to hold my baby boy for the first time and smell him!!!
My name is Silvia.
I love the smell of the pine tree in my backyard!
Oh...and the smell of cute stamps with fresh ink :-)
My favorite smell in the whole word is vanilla :)
My name is Katie and I love the smell of burning leaves in the fall.
My name is Dianna and I love the smell of sunscreen while on the beach- all coconutty and salty....mmmm is it summer yet?
Hey Rachel this is Cody Stull. I can't resist the smell of fresh linens being put on the bed. =)
I'm Addie, and my favorite smell is definitely my baby after her bath.
My name is Nikki and I absolutely love the smell of rain here in Colorado. I lived in Georgia for awhile, and boy, rain does NOT smell the same everywhere!
Nature after it has rained is my favorite smell!
While I have many favorites... I just love going outside and taking in a deep breath and smelling that clean fresh smell. :)
I also love the way newborn babies smell. And new tires, and gasoline, and many more things. lol
Well my name is Lauren, after much thought- I think that the best smell is the smell of a warm that has the scent of a freshly mowed lawn (that is maybe even still damp with dew and even fresher!)..... mmmmmmm!
Oops! I had a phrase get erased- so here is the CORRECT scent :) (mea culpa!)
L :)
Well my name is Lauren, after much thought- I think that the best smell is the smell of a warm summer morning breeze that has the scent of a freshly mowed lawn (that is maybe even still damp with dew and even fresher!)..... mmmmmmm!
my name is amie powell. my favorite scent is fresh picked daisies, because I know that spring is here.
My favorite smell is fresh cilantro. It reminds me of my childhood in Colombia.
freshly mowed grass, the ultimate smell of summer
that card is so cute! my favorite smells are fresh laundry and coffee...mmm.
I love the smell of fresh cut grass and I absolutely love the smell in the air while it's raining there is just nothing like it.
puppy breath, coffee and my husband :)
my ultimate favorite smell is my awaken sea salt scrub from arbonne. it smells like lemon and coriander - - yummo!!
i love the robots - i'm definitely going to have to check out angie's stamps! thanks rachel!! ;o)
My name is Rachel, too, and one of my FAVORITE smells is the smell of brownies baking. About 20m after going in the oven. Mmm... then slap some cookies & cream ice cream on the freshly baked brownies! :) LOL
you are just too cute with that card! i love doing little stuff like that too!
Adorable lil card and love love love the stamps!!! Heheh you know me Marie!
Those stamps are ADORABLE! So is the card that you made! :0) Hmmm...my favorite smell? I think that would have to be the smell of frshly-baked chocolate chip cookies. *drool*
My name is Niki and i LOVE the smell oranges.
my fav is cookies baking in the oven-any kind of cookies!!!
Aw love the stamps!
My fave smell is a freshly vacuumed and dusted room. Lame i know!
Oooh so fun! My name is Sarah and my fave smell used to be vanilla, until I started having babies. Now it has to be the smell of a sweet babe's head! :)
my fav. smell is the smell of sweetgrass.
Christen Krumm --- old books. oh my gosh! i love the smell of old books!! :)
My always makes me smile scent is chocolate. Baking chocholate, hot chocolate, chocolate icing...I even have chocolate scented shower gel!
Michelle (Louisville, KY)
gasoline :)
Oh my goodness! These stamps are adorable! So different!
my *fave* smell has to be the smell of my babies hair in the morning...still warm and cozy from sleep, but fresh from last nights bath....mmmm
well i have all the normal favorite smells and i have some bizarre favorite smells
so since i see alot of my normal smells posted already, i'll give u a bizarre favorite smell
THE smell of HOT TAR BEING SMOTHERED ON A ROOF TOP. is that crazy? i also love the smell of a puppys breath...weird i know...
lynda in calif
am i too late???
yes, i love the smell of coffee beans.(:
Hope you guys feel better soon!
How wow are those stamps!! VERY WOW!!
Hi, I'm Sharmaine :)
Smells... baked bread, oranges, coffee, shampooed hair... I could go on! Have a strong sense of smell and love that I do. The smell of rain on a hot day makes me sneeze though, sad because that is another cool smell!
I hope I'm not too late!! I'm smauge and my favourite smell is Vanilla. (that really sounded like a 12 step program didn't it?)
The "smell" of the beach- sand,sun,coconut oil and saltwater...ooh,Summer- I'm trying to be patient!!!
My name is Cheryl and my most favorite smell is fresh lavendar.
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