
Who Do You Love?

How are you showing them?

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you lovely readers, commenters, and lurkers alike. You make this place special.


Violet said...

Happy Love Day!

My wonderful Bub has to work ALL DAY.. so I think I'll amke myself some cookies and treat myself to lunch. Score!

I might make my pups some doggy treats.. but we'll see how it goes. Human treats trump doggy treats.

Hope your day is Love-tastic!

polinka said...

have a nice valentine's day!
my DH is workig all day and tonight as well, but he'll surely bring me some flowers :(
but I'll make my own sweet valentine's day, treating myself!! :)

Lisa said...

happy valentines day to you too missy! hope it's super special :)

Amber Ulmer said...

Happy <3 Day Darlin! Lil love for my blogger friends on my blog today... Hope all is lovey for you and your precious fam!!! xoxooxox

cara harjes said...

happy heart day, lady!

we are keeping it simple today . . . dinner and a movie. and if all goes well, herb will be getting a homemade low-carb cheesecake along with his card!

big hugs to you today!

jarispry said...

Happy *Heart* Day! Love reading your blog Rachel... you are very inspiring.

my husband and i are in the process of relocating so he's in mt and i'm in sd still. so my girls and i will make some kind of special dinner (probably heart shaped pancakes!) and eat them by candlelight. they too are my special valentines! ;o)

have a lovely day!

Cathy De Los Santos said...

hehe lurkers.
Happy Valentine's day to you and your family. I will be celebrating it with some Chinese food and some quality time with my daughter, fun! Maybe we'll make hearts for daddy when he gets home.

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you too! I'm baking cookies for my husband right now!!

eef said...

Happy valentine's DAY!!! Had a surprise breakfast :D xoxo

lisa*marie*derenne said...

happy valentine's day!

my boyfriend and i are going out for mexican (his fav) and then meeting up with another couple for a movie late...but i'm making him his fav dessert-banana cream pie as a valentine gift! yumm!

Holly said...

Happy V-Day, Rachel! Nothing exciting here...just another holiday where hubs is deployed. But, I hope you enjoy your day! :0)

Sara Berry said...

You! Hope your day is as lovely as you are!
Thanks for the CHA update--I wish I could have been there to see it all up close with you!

cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

heart brownies
steak dinner
duff beer can game
my name is earl quote calendar
v day underwear
(bonus st. pat's undies...there was a sale!)

Kara said...

i love God, my family, my girls, and the many blessings that He has bestowed on my life!
hope that ya'll had a fabulous day!!

Michelle said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you had a great day.

I made two layouts for my Valentine's album and bought him a dvd.