
Feeling Far Away

What do you do when your energy is gone and you have so much still to do?

I stop and take pictures of myself.
HA! No, I just happened to fit this in after S had gone down for his nap and Brett was finishing up addressing kits at the computer. We FINALLY got the last of the kits sent out today after some magical deliveries showed up on my doorstep. Things got sorted out with companies and everyone ended up happy and generous in the end. If you ordered a kit, you're getting a little KI Memories love.
I also managed to finish Emma's quilt. I had more trouble with the binding than any quilt I've ever made. I'm not sure if it was the high-loft batting or the fact that the top was more complicated, and therefore not straight, but it puckered like crazy. Its on its way to SoCal to live the glamorous life.

More to catch up on. More to plan. More to make. If you're still expecting a call or e-mail from me, I apologize for the wait.

In the midst of all the doing, I'm trying to focus on the living. Sebastian has a way of drawing my attention to the present. Mostly it involves going outside and playing catch and practicing our words but it is refreshing. I'm so thankful for the chance to stay at home with him and the older he gets the more creative things we'll be able to share. I've already pre-ordered this book by Soulemama so that I don't miss out on all the ways to fill our days.

We call ourselves team 'Stay At Home'.


dani j. said...

beautiful photo - love how the light hits you.
That quilt is just lovely! I just got an email from Urban Arts and Crafts here in Kansas City and they've got Denyse Schmidt fabric in now..... I'm thinking I need to start hoarding some for when I finally start my RV quilt tutorial!

can't wait to get my kit!


cara harjes said...

i heart team stay at home!
go S & R, go!

hugs to you!

Emily said...

I love the lighting of the first photo, it looks so timeless. I also love the reflection on your glasses in the last one, and the angle taken with S in the background.

Your quilt turned out beautifully. You're always such an inspiration. Makes me want to sew, sew, sew!

Anonymous said...

I just love your sunglasses! What kind are they?

RachelDenbow said...

The sunglasses are from Target last Fall. FredFlare.com also has some fabulous glasses that are similar.

Thanks for the comments, ladies. (smiling all day)

Michelle said...

Love the quilt! And so glad I'm not the only one who always has so much to make...eeek! =)

Paz said...

The quilt is just gorgeous!!
You are so photogenic by the way, lukcy girl.

Cannot wait to recieve the RV kit, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt! Great photos.... and fantastic news about the kit. I can't wait to receive mine as it's my first!

Melonie said...

Love that "team Stay at home." I've been at home for 8 years now and have loved every minute of it! Love the new quilt!

Jenna said...

team SAH rocks! its a tough team though. my team mates are pretty demanding on me and don't let me get much done during the day. i LOVE that quilt, its so beautiful!

Charin Adams said...

Great picture Rachel! :)
I'm feeling low on energy too...but apparently I think I can fight that by blogging at 11:30 at night instead of sleeping :)
We just got a redbox machine in our town! It's crazy how excited I am :) ha ha

Holly said...

Oooooh! I MUST have that book! Thanks so much on the tip! It went straight to my wish list on Amazon! :0)