I love seeing the various takes on traditional holiday decor that pop up online each year. I've gathered a few from some of my favorite sites for your drooling pleasure. The colorful trees above are tree decals from
Artware Editions. I think they're RAD.

If you're unable to purchase a tree because you don't have the room or don't trust your cats, you might consider adorning a vase of branches similar to the ones
displayed here by
Nestled In.

You can enjoy a white Christmas even if you never see snow with this fresh set up from the
White Company. Using a white background to show off pops of color is another one of my favorite ways to decorate. This Christmas vignette from
PixieGenne combines a little bit of everything and kind of takes my breath away.

Check out the
window displays at Anthropologie as captured by
House On Hill Road.

Yes, please! Next year, I'm filling my living room with paper chains!!!
Oooh -- love the paper chains!
i started drooling when i saw that store window... oh goodness
I love the snowflakes hanging from the branches! I love decorating with branches... and snowflakes just add that unique touch! Thanks for all the awesome pics! I've never seen any of these, so I'm drooling right now. ;)
wowowow!!! sooo cool!! I seriously wish I had the time to do so many of these creative things!!
Dude! Loving tree #1 at the top on the right! yummies! We did the branch thing last year and it rocked, too! :) So much yummy Christmas inspo here!
THANK YOU for reminding me that I can decorate my old dried branches! They're just sitting here...all barren and desolate-looking...I'll have to get out the scissors and make some paper snowflakes.
ah paper chains! we always used to make them in primary school for christmas, maybe I will make some this yearto decorate my room.
Woow, the paper chains are great! Maybe I'll do something like that in my house (but we won't be able to move inside, hahaha). Thanks for great ideas!
Oh Anthro, my love! They never fail me. Now if only I had more money to actually SHOP there instead of just *stealing* their ideas...
sigh... so beautiful!
i love those paper chains and your fabric wreath! my son and i made chains with from a "pound of paper" package from the craft store last year and loved them so much they never came down. they are one of the first things people notice and ask about when they come into the house.
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