I first found Lindsay's beautiful ornaments two years ago when I was running the RVA kit club and still frequently scrapbooking. Her handmade ornaments caught my eye with their bright color schemes and vintage feel. I have a soft spot for miniature trees, I suppose.

Her Etsy shop,
Other Such Nonsense, is full of handmade holiday cards, ornaments, and wall art in bright, beautiful colors. We just received our
second ornament from Lindsay last week and already have it displayed on our tree. It's perfect for Ruby's first Christmas!

Lindsay is giving away this beautiful, pink WISH ornament to one of my readers. All you have to do is leave a comment sharing a favorite holiday memory from your childhood and I'll randomly pick a winner on Wednesday.

I finished the construction part of our Advent calendar this afternoon! I've wanted to make one for a few years now but never settled on an idea in time for December 1st. I finally gave up trying to figure out an insanely creative, beautiful, AND simple way to make ours and settled for a simple design that I finished in about two hours this afternoon. Breaks for tending to children included.
Be back soon,
My favorite childhood holiday memory happened when I was in middle school... I really wanted (and needed) new shoes. My mom spent a lot of time and a lot of the money we had to buy me some old-timey boots that laced up the front for Christmas. When I saw them I cried and then proceeded to wear them until they were completely worn out! Happy Holidays! I love the ornaments... they're so pretty!
One memory I have is a pretty funny one. I remember one year when I was little I was too impatient waiting for everyone to wake up so we could open presents so I went ahead and opened all the presents including everyone else's! When my parents woke up I was already playing with the dollhouse. :)
I remember getting a New Kids On The Block video & being so stoked about it. :)
:) my favorite holiday memory is going to the christmas market. it's more of a tradition. i don't know, if you have something like this is the u.s., but it's very big in germany. for example in the town where i live, the christmas market lasts 1 month! it's crazy, but it smells so so good... like cinnamon and cotton candy and hot wine punch... and good foods. :D and of course snow.
i love snow. <3
A favorite childhood holiday memory... my Mom baking Hello Dolly cookies in the kitchen & letting me help. :) Now I bake them and let my little girls help! The circle of life is such a beautiful thing.
Those ornaments are Darling!
Oooh, my favorite holiday memory has to be decorating the tree with my Dad. My Mom and brothers were never really into it, but my Dad and I loved it, and it was always a nice bonding moment : ) Luv Anne
Favorite childhood holiday memory...ice skating after opening one gift each on Christmas ever. Then off to church for the candlelight midnight service and home for hot cocoa.
My favorite childhood holiday memory would have to be checking my stocking super early every Christmas morning. I just couldn't wait for everyone else to get up to check it!
Happy holidays!
Cute ornament!
It happened when I was in elementary. A local radio station was asking kids to get one of their presents from under the tree to open early. It was supposed to be sneaky and funny. My siblings and I, with my mothers prodding, decided to call in. Amazingly our call went through, and I was the one chosen to "open" a (bogus) present while speaking with these morning radio DJ's.
Now, I wasn't very slick, and said my present was something lame, like socks..they said that was a loser gift, and I should open anothere. So I pretended again and said it was a puppy...(which was an obvious lie, even though I thought I was fooling someone.) It was really funny, even though I was nervous. Mostly it was awesome because I was on the radio..and it's a really fun/random memory.. the end.
My mom would plug the lights in while they were on the floor to check which ones were burned out. My brother and I would lay there checking each bulb, and eating Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes.
My tippy-top fave is the tradition my Mom had of putting up the tree on Thanksgiving evening and watching Miricle on 34th street. There was one year when my Dad, brother and I traveled to Winlock Wa. to celebrate our Great Great Great Granddads 94th birthday over the Thanksgiving period and I KNEW that my Mom was home keeping the tradition even thought we were not there.
i was about six or seven when i cracked my head open on the 23rd of december. i was a very clumsy little girl and it seemed like holidays were no exception. my parents and i spent the wee hours of christmas eve in the er getting stitches while i tried to be brave.
i remember waking up on christmas morning and rushing downstairs and seeing the most beautiful porcelain doll underneath the tree with a note from santa... reminding me that just like my precious new doll, little girls were very fragile.
the ornament is beautiful! enjoy the christmas countdown with your beautiful family!
ohmygoodiness! i love these! would be lovely on our white tree! yays!
ok fave memory... christmas PJs!! every year we got to open only ONE gift on christmas eve, and it was ALWAYS pjs... but that was sooo fun! my sisters and i always tried to convince each other that ours were the cuuutest. we did this from very early childhood up until a few years ago... when we stopped getting pjs... boooo
My favourite Christmas memory...Christmas eve my sister and I were way too excited to sleep. So in an attempt to release some of the anxiety we would reveal what gifts we knew the other one was getting. I know it ruined the surpise but it helped us get to sleep.
When I was younger, my grandpa lived in a cabin in the snow, and each year after Christmas my family would go visit him and go snowboarding. He had a bunk room downstairs where all 5 of us kids would sleep. The bunks were built-in and reminded me of little caves. We'd stay up all night telling stories and goofing around!
That ornament is adorable!
My favorite childhood memory is driving 13 hours to Florida to spend Christmas with my grandparents. My grandma had a white tree with all white ornaments and lights. It was so beautiful. She'd light the tree in the morning and we'd eat the best buttermilk pancakes and bacon for breakfast after spending lots of time to open presents. That memory is so special to me because my grandparents are not longer here anymore.
Oh my goodness! This ornament is perfect for one of my many trees. And the one holiday memory that will stick out for ever is the day after christmas when I was 9. I opened all of my gifts and was given all the furnishings for Barbies house but no house. I was devastated. I kept repeating,"how can barbie have furniture but no home to decorate." My mom, calm and understanding, said,"you know maybe santa wanted to leave you a special something at our home." Happily he did. I was able to see barbies house from the front door. I do not know if it was the light or some sort of miracle but it seemed to be lit perfectly for me and everyone to else for miles. It was magical. Thanks for the walk down memory lane! :D
My favorite childhood holiday memory was every year when I was a kid, my mom would put up our silver Christmas tree and I remember thinking that I wanted a real tree. Now that I want the same tree, they are overpriced but I just still miss helping my mom decorate the tree.
my favorite memory is waking up christmas morning to my dad and older brothers/sisters jumping on my bed. it was a singing train. dad would wake up the oldest and then go to the next oldest, and so forth. we would be singing christmas carols until everyone was in line. such a fun memory that i hope to carry with my family!
what a cute ornament...
My favourite christmas tradition is waking up christmas morning. I am always the first one up. I go wake up my sister and then we go and wake up mum and dad. We all sit on mum and dads bed and open our santa sacks. Then we make pancakes for breakfast before we open presents. Dad is always in charge of handing the presents out. This year is our first christmas since my sister moved out of home so I am not sure how the tradition will work this year but I'm sure it will be a great christmas all the same.
how sweet! love these.
when i was growing up we didn't have a lot of money. Every Christmas eve while we were at midnight mass my Dad's friend would sneak in & put presents under our tree. We got home early one night & caught him in the act. I sincerely thought he was Santa for years. Best Christmas memory ever.
I always loved baking cookies for "Santa". He always ate them all too. How funny that Santa was Dad and he got all of our great cookies and milk. I still know how to make the best home made cookies to this day. So many more but I won't bore you. :) Love the ornaments. Thanks Rachel.
my favorite holiday memory. Is how every year my grandpa and i had traditional of going to see the Christmas lights downtown. I miss those days. I also fondly remember when i finally got teenage mutant ninja turtle i wanted!!
the decoration is wonderful going to have to buy some as gifts
Gosh, I really don't have good memories from any Christmas in my lifetime. That is why this year, now that I'm married to a man whose family loves Christmas, I'm making the effort to recreate the holiday in my mind into the fun and joyful time it never has been before. I'm decorating for the first time this year. :)
my fav childhood holiday memory was one year on christmas eve i was laying in bed too anxious to sleep when all of a sudden i heard bells. i got up and ran to look out my window. i swear it was santas sleigh..to this day! :)
My Mum would always stick our school made Santa's with cotton wool beards or other art work about Christmas to the tree. Even when they had gone yellow with age.
Everyone else we knew had these beautiful co-ordinated trees, but the way Mum placed our drawings on the tree was if she was hanging a fragile ornament. It's my favourite memory because it taught me Christmas wasn't about shopping and having the best things.
It was about love.
hi rachel, these are lovely!
i cant pick just one favroite holiday memory-- there are so many favorites. i think today i'll chose to remember the new pajamas that always appeared while we went to late night church on christmas eve... new pajamas for the lovely, relaxing, present-opening christmas morning. :)
My favorite holiday memory is when we would open presents at my grandparent's house on Christmas eve. Every year at some point in the night you would look at my grandpa and he would have a big bow stuck to his bald head. It was precious :)
My favorite holiday memory is how we'd all cozy up and read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas on Christmas Eve right before we'd go to bed. It was my favorite thing, sitting in front of the tree with the beautiful lights...oh...I miss that!
Ahh, these ornaments take me back! My parents had candy cane ornaments in various sugar-sweet colors, and they had faux sugar crystals all over them. Every year I would try a little nibble, as if this year would be the one where the candy would be real. (I'll admit, they still look good enough to bite, even though my little teeth knocked off a crystal or two!)
Yay, my favorite childhood holiday memory fastly turned into tradition :) every year on Christmas Eve my Mom would give my brother & I one present to open....our Christmas P.J.'s I loved that sooo much that now we do it every year with our daughter.
My favorite holiday memory is getting my first bike. It was Christmas Eve and I was little and refused to wait until morning to take it for a spin. My entire family stood outside with me for an hour in the FREEZING snow and watched me make laps up and down the street. I wish I could get a little bit of that four-year-old enthusiasm back!
These are beautiful! I remember one year instead of going to a tree farm to cut down our tree we actually went hiking through the woods on a lot that my Dad owned at the time! We found a tree - it was HUGE - and cut it down! We had to trim it SO much! LOL!
My favorite holiday memory is the year it snowed on Christimas Eve. I lived in Florida, so it was a VERY rare event. And actually, it hasn't snowed there since!!
Love these ornaments! My favorite Christmas memory is my dad reading us his old, tattered version of "The Night Before Christmas" that he's had since he was a kid every time we're done decorating the house the holidays each year. I think my brother and I will be in our 50s or 60s before this tradition ends!
these memories are all so special!
One of my favorite holiday memories is sitting in the living room with my mom, little brother, and grandparents watching Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas. It's my favorite holiday movie, so cheesy and heartwarming.
My favorite Christmas memories all involve my Grandma and Papa's house. It always seemed magical--especially at Christmas. One year my brother received a hand-held tape recorder from Santa. He brought it along to Grandma and Papa's house and managed to capture Grandma's laugh (snorts and all) on tape. We played it over and over again. My grandma laughed with her whole body. It was the best.
a childhood memory..my sister I would wait til my parents went to work and we were on holiday break from school..any presents under the tree we would OPEN..see what they were and wrap them back up...I know I know...we were BAD..but it was so much fun at the time for the two of us..(being all sneaky ) ..it's a memory I always share with my sister who I miss So very much!
Every Christmas morning with a family breakfast we had 1/2 cranberry juice and ginger ale...we thought that was so special!
i love christmas and as a child i was a bit impatient and not afraid to voice that! i was so impatient (and horrible) for christmas to come, that after days of begging to open my gifts, my parents finally gave in and let me open gifts 2 weeks early. so much for christmas peace!
I just love her ornaments - so adorable! I would have to say my favorite childhood memory was waking up really early on Christmas morning and sleeping next to the Christmas tree so that I would be right there when my parents were ready to open gifts. :)
Getting a handmade hope chest from my father for Christmas one year has to be my number 1 favorite memory, knowing how long it took him to do it. '
PS it was made out of quilted maple, a rare wood
One special memory I have is from a year my dad had to work on Christmas day. We were all worried about dad being there when we opened our gifts. Well, my parents had it all figured out and we came home on Christmas Eve to a tree full of presents. We were so surprised. That was the year we got our first family computer, too.
My parents remind me of this memory EVERY Christmas! One year...back when i was 12 years old...(i am 40 now) stickers were the "in" thing...we all had sticker books...right?! Well this particular year i got SMURF STICKERS...the puffy ones...these were like the bees knees...I mean...they were the TOTAL BOMB! And upon opening the box an gazing at the contents ....i screamed...WITH TEARS OF JOY...."ohhhhhhhhhhhh SMURF STICKERS!".. To this very day....i still get the smurf sticker tease. ehhh..i dont mind!
My favorite childhood Christmas memory happened every Christmas Eve. The entire family would get together at my grandparents to have dinner and exchange gifts. I remember the mantel ran the length of one wall and it was just packed with stockings. My grandma never forgot anyone and she would stuff them to the brim.
My cousins and I had found some books with christmas carols in them. So we would go in the baseet and rehearse and then would come up and perform a "concert".
I loved when I was little cause we always had SO many presents to open. It was so magical!
One of my favorite holiday memories is doing the Christmas play at church. It was my first year in our big production and the first time I had a solo and sang. It felt amazing and I know that's why I started taking singing seriously. We always spend Christmas at church and that one is a special memory.
Wish I had alot of good memories to share but I don't. But I did/do try to create them with my son. I want him to have what I never had. But I do remember love watching those old christmas cartoons - you know Santa Claus, Rudolph - they still play today. And we would listen to christmas songs and a record player. Same record every year. But my parents never played the record player any other time so it was nice and different.
One year for Christmas, my mom made my sister and I some home-sewn Care Bears. At the time it was actually quite devastating, but in retrospect, how awesome! These ornaments are totally adorable.
my favorite childhood holiday memory is making cookies with my mom. sugar cookies using cookie cutters, then homemade icing. that was the best!
those ornaments are sooo cute! i'm glad you introduced her to us!!!
Opening Christmas jammies with my 3 sisiters the night before Christmas is my favorite memory:) Thanks!
christinbanda at yahoo dot com
I have many favorite memories... one of them is decorating the tree at my mom's house on Grey Cup Sunday. Another is baking with my sister and mother in law. Another is listening to Kenny G at 7am, with Lauren my sis, waiting for my mom to wake up so we can open gifts. :):)
Those ornaments are lovely! It would match my tree tooo! XO
christmas time was always rushed when i was little... my parents divorced when i was six, and i have no memory of when they were married... but we did do christmas eve every year with my dad and he would buy chocolate covered cherries for us and sparkling cider and put on the christmas albums while we decorated the tree... and we would get a new ornament every year. that was fun. and now i have two trees full of ornaments. my dad still does that for my kids and i love it.
very cute giveaway - those ornaments are lovely!
Thanks for sharing Lindsay's adorable ornaments. These are so fun!!!
One of our holiday traditions is to watch "A Christmas Story" -- most of my cousins can recite most of the movie. We were opening gifts Christmas morning at my grandma's house, and my cousin Steve got a pair of socks, and he threw them over his shoulder like Ralphie in the movie. His mom totally freaked out (because she hadn't seen the movie), and she thought he was just being rude. We thought it was hysterical.
I can't wait to see the rest of your holiday decorating!!
One of my most memorable childhood memories of Christmas would be the year I received a note from santa. It was a note letting me know what I wasn't as good as I should have been. I was very suspicious because he wrote on my notepad :)
Last year in December my dad decided they needed to remodel their kitchen...it wasn't finished by Christmas so we ended up eating Christmas feast at the Chinese Buffet in town. I felt like we were almost in A Christmas Story! :-) good times with my family though.
cute ornaments!
christmas, 1979: i was 4 years old and woke up and to find a mickey mouse loop the loop toy set that santa had set up for me the night before, running as if santa turned it on just for me to find. pure magic.
One year after baking a large batch of cookies for Santa, our family dog Gracie snuck into the kitchen and ate all of the cooling cookies. I think I ended up leaving Santa cheese and crackers. Happy Holiday's!
A memory I have of Christmas is always making white-chocolate covered bark pretzels...sprinkled with M&Ms. Fun times for kids as small as 2 (just did this with my son last xmas, too!)
Sarah M
My favorite holiday memory as a child is going to midnight mass and going home afterwards to open all my presents. My mother and I are both veeeery impatient so the thought of waiting the next day was just too much. We all agreed (with a struggle from my dad) to open them that night! This was after I found out that Santa didn't exist, of course.
my fave memory was cabbage patch kids doll...my sis and i both received similar ones when we were small.my parents not having alot when we were young saved up to get them for us. a memory i will always cherish!
My favorite childhood memory was when I received two New Kids On the Block dolls and being so surprised and a fabulous jean jacket that I wore for like years!!!
One of my favorite childhood memories would be the last year my sister believed in Santa. My parents were up in the attic getting the presents down and she mistook the noise for reindeer on our roof. I don't think I have ever seen her so excited... or so willing to fall asleep! I hope you and your lovely family have a wonderful Christmas!!
Favorite childhood holiday memory??
hmmm. Probably heading to my Granny's after our sunday school christmas concerts and visiting and eating and all that good stuff.
My favorite memory is one my Mom tells over and again. The first year that Cabbage Patch dolls came out, they were untouchable so my Mom thought since we were young enough that she would fool us with knock-offs. It worked great until my Sister and I promptly ripped their clothes off and inpsected their bottoms for the famous signature (something my Mom knew nothing about:) and proclaimed "these are NOT cabbage Patch dolls!"
Don't worry we have learned to be much more gracious over the years.
My favorite memory in lying down in front of the Christmas tree with my little brother and little sister looking at the Nativity scene that my mother had made years before, it always fascinated us that she had made it (in her ceramic class) and we were perfectly content to just lie there and look at it. That is the first memory that always comes to my mind when I think about Christmas.
cute cute ornaments!
my favorite childhood holiday memory would be waking up really really early with my sisters and sneaking down to the christmas tree to see what santa brought us :)
Watching A Charlie Brown Christmas with my brothers and sister. Love that movie :)
I remember waking up at my grandparents' house every Christmas and looking outside the screen doors onto the snow filled deck where I could see actual proof that Santa had come! This proof was what I thought were reindeer hoof prints...only now at 22 I realize that they looked like the footprints of of our family English Springer Spaniel (who passed away some years ago)..oh well, a part of me still believes that they were really from the reindeer.
my fave memory is getting those goldtone personalized christmas ornaments (you know, the kind from the mall) from my grandparents, a new one each year. My grandma has since passed. but every year, looking at the ornaments brings her back and many smiles, and the reteeling of the stories on how i got each one to my kids :)
Let's see...my favorite childhood holiday memory would have to be making gingerbread houses with all my cousins in our matching christmas pjs! It's the best, we still do it every year.
I really love those ornaments, they are so pretty!
My favorite childhood holiday memory..mmm i have 2 :D
1 decorate the tree with my father and listen to loud Queen music
2 and hanging the xmas cookies in the tree with my mum. We made groups off 4 biscuits together! One for my sister, one for my brother, one for my other brother and one for me :D <3
My most cherished childhood memory is definitely celebrating an Austrian version of St. Nick's day. We put out shoes on the eve of St. Nick's, and when we woke up they were filled with treats and trinkets! I loved it because I always felt special for having something to celebrate my heritage plus I got a little bit of an extra Christmas.
My favorite childhood holiday memory would be the year my mom video taped my brother's and I singing Christmas songs. We were being goofy hitting each other and dancing and being altogether obnoxious. My mom got annoyed with us and the camera fades out then back in to us standing straight with serious faces singing all monotone.
From the time i was a child all the up into my teenage years, my parents/aunt/uncle would take my brother and I along with our cousins to look at Christmas lights and get a Christmas tree. We would all pile into this huge hideous van and sing songs, look at lights, eat cookies, and then go pick out our tree. I miss those times and wish my kids had cousins nearby to continue the tradition with.
We used to do Christmas presents on Christmas Eve because that's when my grandparents could be there to watch me open presents. So after eating dinner my grandpa would take me on a walk to look at Christmas lights (I lived in FL so it was never horribly cold). On our way back from our walk my grandfather was able to "throw his voice" to make a "ho ho ho" noise so it sounded like sound was coming not from him but from the roof. Every Christmas walk I always knew that Santa had been to my home because my grandpa had made sure I'd heard him!
so sweet!
my favorite memory is drinking eggnog with my grama out of her china cups...she had beautiful teacups that she brought out each christmas just so we could have our eggnog.
I love watching Elf while drinking hot chocolate and eating sugar cookies! :)
my favorite childhood memory was when my grandfather had me and all of my cousins over one christmas. it was just us and him, and one of his friends dressed as santa claus. my dad and uncles made sleigh tracks going down the sloped roof for us to find on our way out. even though i didn't know at the time how much work went into making that night special, i remember telling everyone i could about it (even my grandfather - over and over again). <3
My favorite holiday memory is the year I got my vintage Holly Hobbie kitchen set. I still have it in my garage. I can't bear to get rid of it. I remember spending hours and hours pretending, (or batending, as my 4 year old says) that I was cooking the most wonderful meals for my Holly Hobbie and Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. I wish I was still little so I could enjoy something that much again!
ps. The ornaments are so cute!!
My favorite memory (& tradition) is putting up christmas lights & decorations with my family!
It usually takes a weekend to get the whole job done, but every year, we work together as a team to get our home looking its best for the holiday.
i begged and begged for a hair crimper. i finally got one for christmas went straight to the bathroom and proceeded to crimp my hair. needless to say, i went to morning mass with an afro.
One Christmas my younger brother was super sick with a very high fever. My dad carried him downstairs so he could see if Santa had come and to open presents with the rest of us. The reason this is one of my favorite holiday memories isn't because my brother was so sick (because that would make me pretty twisted!) but because I thought it was really beautiful to watch my entire family care for him.
These are so adorable!! One of my favorite memories of Christmas as a child was lying underneath the Christmas tree, looking up through the ornaments and lights. It was so magical! I still try to do it at least once each year.
my favorite memory is going into downtown seattle every year on christmas eve for christmas shopping and taking pictures with santa! i loved seeing the lights on all the trees and professional gingerbread houses at the sheraton hotel. its still one of my favorite places to be every year during the holidays.
my favorite holiday memory would have to be when I was like 6 or 7yrs old. I got a yellow and pink playhouse, but before I could open it my family made me try to guess what it was. I totally knew, but kept guessing random things in order to keep my moment going...ha (:
My favorite memories are simple but it was the time we would spend together on Christmas morning as a small family and then we would always go in the afternoon to hang out with the extended family. And of course when I got the hair crimper and made mom do my hair so I could show off to the family. :)
Waking up on Christmas morning with my brother and sisters and remembering the magic of Christmas!
such adorable ornaments! i love them.
my favorite holiday memory is one of the earliest i can remember... my father played the whole santa game like every parent does and made it all sound so real and magical and wonderful. so when christmas eve came, i wanted to meet this santa person! after i was tucked into bed, and the lights turned off, i crept downstairs to check for signs of a merry intruder. but instead i saw my father placing beautifully wrapped gifts under our tree! i watched for a while, and then went back upstairs confused, as i was a young child. i don't think my dad knows i caught him, even to this day!
so cute! i love them!
every christmas eve, my family would have friends over for a snack supper and then we'd open presents after the friends left... and after my brother and i slaved away to clean up the whole mess of the dinner. of course we had never cleaned so fast in our lives! and the food was always delicious...
my favorite Christmas memory is the year I got my first Cabbage Patch Doll. It was the only thing I ever really really wanted and when it was under the tree on Christmas morning I was so excited. I found out later that our neighbor had stood in line at Toys R Us to get one for me and her kids for something like 8 hours!
Cute :) One of my favorite memories while growing up is going sledding on Christmas morning, after opening up all of our presents. Then returning home to a nice cup of hot chocolate. Good times!
I WISH I would win! My favorite Christmas memory is that my mom always put the special quiz issue of seventeen magazine in my older sisters stocking. I was so thrilled when I was old enough to get one too and we spent all day doing those silly quizes. From what you're going to be when you grow up to how to know if the cute boy likes you. As a young teen I was desparate for all that "expert" advice!
I hope it's not too late for winning this gorgeous ornament - I've never seen anything like this before. It's so beautiful! WOW! I would love to have that on my tree.
What I enjoyed most about our Christmas when I was a child was seeing the tree for the first time. Over here, we celebrate Christmas on the 24th and the tree will be put up on that very day. The children are not allowed to see it until a little bell rings. It's so full of magic because I always believed that little fairies put the tree in through the window :-)
We had just finished putting up all the decorations for xmas one afternoon when I was about 7 years old and my mum put on some jive bunny xmas tunes and we jived around the living room - me wearing my absolute favourite swirly pink polka-dot skirt with layers of petticote under it, which I wish I still had now! It was just a magical funny afternoon full of excitement that makes me happy to remember :D
my favorite childhood memory is when my family would decorate our house for christmas.it would take us all day,we would listen to old christmas music like bing crosby && drink hot chocolate.xo.
One year, my mom and I strung fresh cranberries for the tree, and we made aromatic ornaments with oranges and cloves. I still remember their fragrance mixing with the pine, and I'm so glad we took that time together to decorate our tree with handmade items, which is why I think Lindsey's ornaments are so special!
these are SO gorgeous! thank you so much for the giveaway!
When I was 6 my house burned down and we lost everything. So that year for Christmas, my mom and 3 older sisters wanted to make my Christmas perfect, so they cut out black felt feet and placed them from the front door to the Christmas tree and sprinkled "Christmas spirit" (glitter and tinsel) all over so I would think that Santa had just left. I ran to tell my mom upstairs and when I got back down the footprints mysteriously disappeared! I was in such awe that I had almost seen Santa Claus and everyone else missed him! That was the best Christmas ever and I couldn't tell you what one of my presents were!
ooh i would love to win that!! totally gorgeous - my favourite memory.... is getting up at 5am and sneaking into my sisters room, we would watch christmas cartoons and sing christmas songs and play games till my mum woke up.... then she would ring the bell at the bottom of the stairs after her cup of tea and we would run down!!!
These are so lovely! i love vintage ornaments, they remind me of christmas at my Grandads.
I may be too late, but love the ornament, so thought I'd give it a whirl!
My favorite Christmas memory from my childhood is sitting by the fire, looking at the beautiful tree, and listening to old-time christmas music with my mom and dad.
When I was about 8 years old, I was so excited for Christmas that I woke up at 4 in the morning and opened all my presents while my parents were still sleeping. Later that morning my mom made me lay the wrapping on top of my presents and pretend I was just opening them so she could take pictures!
i would have to say my most memorable (not necessarily favorite ;) holiday moment from when i was young was the time on christmas morning when we were all taking turns pulling out a gift out from under the tree to open... i pulled out one of mine and it had a big pile of semi-liquid dog poop on top of it. at first i thought it was fake - a joke from my step brother - i soon discovered it was no joke and unfortunately quite real, and all over my hands and lap :( pretty sure that it is a favorite memory of my step brother's though - i think he STILL laughs about it!
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