
In The Studio

I spent two glorious hours painting my workbench, sewing a curtain to hide the storage, and watching last week's Project Runway while the kids napped. Ruby's favorite place for afternoon naps is in her swing in my studio and she's a heavy enough sleeper that I can make a moderate amount of noise without her waking up. She's good company.

I've got some sponsor giveaways this week so come back often! The weather has been much, much warmer this weekend so I've been a spray painting fool and hope to have my studio spruce pics ready soon. And those chalkboards...I promise they'll be up THIS week. PROMISE!



  1. where do you find project runway current season online!?! i can't find it anywhere!!


  2. Just curious..How can you managed to taking care of so many things in a time?
    You are a diamond.


  3. Rachel, I look forward to seeing pics of your studio. I need motivation to organize mine!

    Christen, last season it was on Project Runway's site, but It took a few days for the new episode to be posted.

  4. Christen,

    Here's the link!



    I think about things I want to tackle while I'm caring for the kids so that when I have the spare hour or two when they don't need me, I can get right to it. I listen to music or watch tv on my computer while I work because it feels like I can relax and be productive at the same time.

    I didn't finish my work table but I am allowed by all to leave a project halfway done until I can get back to it the next day. I usually don't leave them half done for too long, or if I know I won't have time, I clean up and stay patient.

    And sometimes I should probably be vacuuming my house or doing dishes instead!
