
Blog It Forward-Starter Blog #10

In case you're new to Smile And Wave, I'm Rachel Denbow, a 28 year old creative-type who spends most days in her old, crooked house making pretty messes with two little people. I regularly sell handmade accessories and home decor through Red Velvet Art and teach online art journaling and craft classes with one of my best friends, Elsie Flannigan. This blog is a way for me to stay connected and be creatively challenged in this season of life. Nice to meet you.

I'm happy to be able to share in this beautiful networking project aptly named Blog It Forward. It's the brainchild of some pretty ladies who got to talking on Twitter about a way to collaborate and share in the blogging world so that new blogs gain exposure and we all discover something new. This first round is all about what inspires us personally and while that usually includes beautiful interior design or classic vintage pieces, lately it's been bold, whimsical art. These are a few recent favorites that have been personally inspiring.

Anna Maria Caramela

And even though it's not an illustration, I can't resist a great pattern in textile design. These colors will get me every time.

Dainty Time

Thanks for stopping by Smile and Wave and be sure to check out The Wife Of An Artist on Thursday, February 11th to see what inspires her! The full list of participating bloggers can be found here or visit these links to see the rest of the starter blogs.

Creature Comforts, Design For Mankind, Heart Fish, Hula Seventy, Ink On My Fingers, Oh, Hello Friend, Poppytalk, sfgirlbybay, The Paper Pony.



p.s. A big thanks to Victoria for all of the love and attention that went into organizing this project along with Ez of Creature Comforts and Hijiri of Heart Fish.


  1. Love these illustrations, Rachel! Blog it Forward is such a great idea - I can't wait to discover lovely new blogs!

  2. what a super great idea!
    loved your post :)

  3. *drools at all your inspiration*
    Awesome idea on the Blog it Forward!

  4. It's some good art, inspiration there..I love some of them ^-^, some is much too bold for me to understand..perhaps I haven reach to that level yet..^-^ who know?

  5. I think it's a great idea, I hope one day we'll do something like this here in Italy too.


    PS. I love these illustrations!

  6. I love the idea of blog it forward. what a great way to discover new blogs! that last picture is so beautiful. i would love to make a quilt like that for my girls.

  7. ooh I love the colors in the first one!

  8. Great choices! I cannot believe that the last one is quilted fabric! It is seriously amazing. I just got lost in daintytime's photostream for a good while...

    I'm excited to see where Blog It Forward will take me next :)

  9. thats a lovley idea...and a nice post of you, too...always fine to visit you here...thanks for sharing...;)...cheers ines from germany

  10. wow, rachel! we clearly have the same taste in art! thank you for sharing some new artists i hadn't seen before, and so much great inspiration! and thanks so much for helping us kick this off in such a great way. i love this. :)

    xoxo, v.

  11. beautiful picks - and some "new to me" ones! thanks - always an inspiration!

  12. Wonderful inspirations! Such eye-candy! Thank you for sharing this with us today! xox Ez

    Creature Comforts blog

  13. Always inspiring. I found Blog it forward too late, but I think its a most wonderful idea.

  14. I am new to your blog, strangely enough! I love your banner. Also I am very inspired by your ability to focus on a single point of inspiration for BIF. :)

  15. cool idea and i love your bloggie.

  16. Hi Rachel!

    love all these - they are all so unique and amazing! wow.

    love the patterns... that looked like a painting! crazy!

  17. Awww these are some great art and inspiration! It's very different than a lot of the other posts too!

  18. So happy to get to know you and have you as my blog leader! (Group 10 all the way!) :)

    Great post with great images. I love that last quilt image from Dainty Time. Beautiful composition & color mix...


  19. I love reading your blog. The pictures on this post are beautiful and they bring to mind an artist that you may enjoy. Lisa Telling Kattenbraker is a batik artist. I bought one of her prints at the Utah Arts Festival a few years ago and just love it.

  20. great inspiration post, I love to see artwork that inspires other. thanks for sharing.
