One of my local mom friends wears an amber bracelet for her carpel tunnel and has a necklace for her 10 month old son and has shared my enthusiasm for how much relief they've brought them both. Our babies are one month apart and we both went through that first tooth without the necklace so it's been easy to compare the last four teething bouts compared to that first one.
Ruby started wearing her first one at four months and was young enough then that she's used to having it around her neck now and doesn't get irritated having it on, but I would recommend amber for your baby/toddler no matter how old if they are still teething. I have seen more and more moms talking about them online and am so glad that word is spreading about such an easy way to help relieve babies from teething pain naturally.
Check out Ashlee's descriptions for more information on amber teething necklaces and browse through her adorable chomping necklaces for moms. Babies are always chewing on necklaces anyway so Ashlee has come up with a stylish one that is easy on the gums and won't fall on the floor when they get bored.

Ella wears an amber necklace as well (and most people think I'm just accessorizing too) From what I've learned about amber, the lighter and "milkier" the color, the stronger it will be as far as the anti-inflammatory properties go.
I take Ella's necklace off every night and was wondering if you do the same?
I always get excited when I see another baby rocking the amber!!! :)
i find this fascinating. A few blogs i read have mums who have babies wearing amber. At first I just thought they were cute necklaces, but as I learnt about the benefits I was sold. If I have babies one day they will be wearing amber necklaces.
I wonder if they work good for wisdom teeth? My wisdom teeth move more and more each month. Maybe that might help me. hmmm...
I used to take it off when she was younger and didn't have much strength but now I leave the smaller necklace on if she's wearing it. I always check to make sure it's fastened tightly so it won't slip off and it's small enough that she never lays on it so it won't bother her cheek.
I saw a woman on a local news clip whose two babies were wearing them!
My son is now 15 months old, he is still teething but I'm worried he would pull it off and choke on the amber I was wondering if they're hard to break when pulled by a baby. Thanks for the info.
Good question! Ruby will chew on hers every now and then but isn't quite as strong as a 15 month old, however, the necklaces are knotted in between each stone so that if it happens to break, only one stone will fall off. The knots also strengthen the necklace.
All amber necklace sellers will tell you to take them off when they sleep or are unsupervised and I would also tell anyone that just to be safe. Maybe it's the second child thing or that we've had one for so long but I don't worry about it.
Here in Germany Amber necklaces for babies are very very common, you can even get them at the drugstore! I never tried one though (don´t really know why, just didn´t), but I have a lot of friends who did and they were tres content about it! Plus the necklaces look totally cute!! ;-)
xoxo Trine
I never knew that it's so good for babies, but my Granny used to wear a big amber necklace to help her thyroid gland problems, and it really helped her after surgery.
As for me, I just love amber for it's colour and warmth. Good to know that it's not just pretty))
Wow! This is really fascinating! I had no idea about the benefits of Amber. When we have our next child (whenever that will be) and we get to the teething portion of the show, I will definitely get an amber necklace.
wow how neat! i'm going to have to get one of those for our next little one:)
I tried both Amber and Hazelwood necklaces for teething. We personally found hazelwood to provide more relief, but the necklaces kept breaking and the wood beads would peel. I'm expecting #2 any day now (41 weeks pregnant now!!), and will be getting another Amber necklace!
i have an amber necklace for my 16 month old son (it's dark with smaller stones) and everyone comments on how cute it is. my husband wasn't keen on it at first (his boy wearing a necklace) but i was at my wit's end due to the teething so we gave it a go and i love it. he doesn't play with it or pull on and it's short enough he can't get it in his mouth. and i love the fact that i don't have to give his tylenol anymore for teeth. we love it! (i even have a bracelet that seems to be helping my tendanitis)
I love Ashlee's products! How fun for her that you've feature her :]
Is there any danger of strangling? I don't have any kids yet, but I'm trying, so this is really exciting. I've never even heard of them before. I also have a bit of carpal tunnel syndrome and might look into getting a bracelet for myself. :)
Most of the necklaces are loose enough that they won't easily choke and tight enough that they are hard to get caught on things. However, each kid is different and I would never say it's 100% risk free. I do believe the benefits outweigh the risks, though.
aw so cute and clever! :)
This is incredible! I've never heard of this. I'm going to pass this info on to my "mom" friends. Thanks!
interesting :) just curious though - what if they break? the little pieces seem hazardous?
I'd be way too worried about strangulation, them getting caught on something, beads falling off and choking, etc. It would stress me out 24/7! LOL
But they are very cute. :)
mylittleadventures, peaceloveapplesauce,
I can understand your concern for safety. All sellers suggest only allowing your baby to wear it while supervised, which is most of the day when they are little and with you all of the time, or a babysitter. You could also limit wearing time to when you think a new tooth is coming but it's most effective after it's been worn a day or two.
The beads are knotted individually so that if it should break, only one stone would come off. If they are supervised, you'll probably notice it breaking.
There are always the 'what ifs' involved but women in Europe keep them on their babies regularly and I've never been worried with Ruby wearing hers.
A good option is buying an anklet or bracelet instead of the necklace. I know some moms that let their babies sleep with an anklet on under footed pajamas so the benefits can last through a sleep session.
I love when you post stuff like this :) It's so helpful. I have a 3 month old son and even though I have been told time and time again that he is too young to be teething, my hippie doctor and I agree that the whining and drooling and chewing on his hands mean a tooth is trying to force it's way up. Poor Boogie :( Thanks for the suggestion about wearing the anklet under jammies. I'd have a lot more peace of mind knowing it's so far away from his mouth and throat :)
Look how blasted cute she is! So adorable!! xx
I have heard a few mothers in my area talk about how good these amber necklaces are and I plan to get one - thanks for the review, but also thanks for bringing the teething necklaces (wooden chewy ones) to my attention, they look gorgeous!
Ok, so I'm probably dumb but at a quick glance/read I thought it was a teething necklace--as in the child has to gum/chew it to feel relief and I thought it looked a bit short for that. Upon reading the comments I see that it only has to be worn, not come it contact with the mouth. That makes a LOT more sense. Couldn't quite figure out why you'd want a baby chewing on little chokeables on purpose ;)
I love the Baltic Amber teething necklace! My 7 month old son has been wearing one for 3-4 months now and has done really well with teething. Plus it's adorable! I get so many compliments.
We LOVE our amber necklace -- and my daughter looks SO sweet wearing it!
I always thought Ruby looked so cute with her necklaces. I am so interested to know why and so glad you shared, we aren't at the teething stage yet but to be prepared I've just popped over to Tweet Baby and ordered a necklace. Thanks!
I just gotta say, your baby has one of the most precious, expressive mouths I've ever seen on a little one. She is a abnormally adorable baby:) Good work on making her!
i have been wearing amber necklaces for headaches and it has changed my life! and they are so pretty! so natural and beautiful colour. my sisters put them on all their kids. the light ones are apparently stronger. love it!
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