Ruby took her first steps this weekend!
I was at home behind the sewing machine while Brett had the kids at the library when she surprised him. She wasn't interested in showing me when they got home but did it a second time while they were out that afternoon. I finally got to see it before bedtime and then today she took about six steps in a row while I was on the phone telling my mom all about it!
In fact it almost felt like she was checking off her milestone to do list this weekend as she signed 'more' for the first time, is waving to everyone she sees, is saying something like 'bye' and 'uh-oh', and has figured out how to hold Sebastian's digital camera to take a picture! We've been signing with her for at least six weeks now and it just felt like she wasn't interested or we weren't making it clear enough and then all of the sudden, she did it back! I was so happy! We taught Sebastian sign language and I know it saved us months of frustration with figuring out what he wanted and helped other people in his life bond with him.
We decided to have the boys get flu shots since they are both at school. Sebastian was very brave and still won't let me take his band-aid off because he's so proud of his shot.
We had a busy weekend but Brett and I got to spend a lot of time together TWO EVENINGS IN A ROW because we got our kids down for bed at 7:45 p.m.! It's one of the few things I love about these long nights. I'd make every night date night if we could.
I got to play outside with my kids, tackled some major sewing projects, slept a full 8 hours (twice), did some yard work, planned some meals, helped with laundry, and watched Brown Bear, Brown Bear become Ruby's favorite new book. Overall, it was another full weekend but the kind of full that I need.

This week look for a DIY of mine to magically appear on Elsie's blog along with many other exciting DIY's, how-to's, and recipes from some of my favorite bloggers and friends!
Be back soon!
Oh my goodness are they getting big, and Sebastian's proud face reminds me of my little brother when he was small =]
Oh! And what spurred the interest of teaching your little ones sign language?
Basic signs help cut back with the frustration of not being able to figure out what they want (more, help, food, water, mama, daddy, please, thank you, etc.) and really helps you feel like your baby/toddler can communicate with you even if they can't use clear words yet.
It's so fun, too!
I love that!! I don't have any kiddo's yet, but I'm totally storing that idea for the future! =]
your little girl is so well dressed. what a cutie! I love the pic with the guys and their flu shot bandaids!
Such cutie cute cute kiddos! I love seeing what you guys are up to, lady. (And don't think I didn't notice the amazing sailor outfit on Ruby!!!)
Big congrats to your little lady!! I love hearing about your kids milestones. It makes me excited to start my own family in a couple of years.
aw sounds like you had a great weekend! Restful yet productive...those are my fav!
That pic of Sebastian and Brett made me laugh! A walker! Wow! Way to go, Ruby!
Sarah M
That sounds like such a good, relaxing, and refreshing weekend! Also, Ruby's little striped cardigan really makes me smile :)
You have a beautiful family! I love the picture of Ruby on the stool with her pink cardigan. She looks like a baby gap model - lol.
I've been reading your blog for over a year now and I finally realized who you've always reminded me of! - Mary from the lovely old movie, Babes in Toyland. It's a good thing because I totally idolized her when I was little :) That last picture did it - you have such a beautiful profile!
I love the flu-shot pose by the guys - that was a good idea :)
It sounds like you guys had a big weekend! Your kids are adorable, too.
Ruby's outfit is so CUTE! I love little girl clothes.
this post is so adorable! the picture of brett & s with bandaids nearly killed me and OMG go ruby, go!!!
So excited for little Ruby, she is just growing like a weed!!!
As far as the signing thing we taught our 3rd son 4 or 5 simple signs and it did help. Too bad he was our last as it would have helped significantly with the older two. Oh well live and learn!!
So glad you had a fantastic weekend!! Isn't MO beautiful this time of year?
My son (age 6) screamed when he got his flu shot. Wasn't at all proud! lol
(I'm assuming that's what all the deleted posts are about)
The beauty of America is we all have our own choices, please don't judge. Would you want someone to judge your choices?
I'm not sure what you are referencing. I haven't deleted any posts regarding flu shots. I deleted a spam comment at the top but that was all.
Are you having trouble posting?
Woohoo, go Ruby! I love her little pink boots too. And I'm jealous of your 8 hours of sleep. I mean I've been getting six, but 8 sounds amazing!
Sounds like an amazing weekend! Can't wait to sleep through the night again, but I am treasuring every moment with my little 3 month old. We all know they grow so fast!!! Going to check out Elsie's blog now.
i love your fun, exciting weekend! those are all really great things, hooray!
I think that more people would benefit from learning sign language at any age. I learned the basics a few years ago and love to show some of the signs to the kids I work with (3rd and 4th graders.) Kudos to you for teaching this wonderful skill to your kids.
ooooo.. id really like to know more about how you taught them sign language!
Oh, I thought that's why people delete comments, I thought they were taken down because fo rude comments!! LOL, I feel foolish!!
No worries! I get a lot of spam these days so usually those are the deleted ones. It's just computers linking to random generic sites selling ripped off handbags, etc.
Such a beautiful and loving family. It makes me so happy to visit here.
her little boots are sooo cute!! I got my flu shot on saturday. If it weren't mandatory (I'm in military too) I don't know if I'd get it.
Go Ruby! What an exciting weekend for you all.
You and your family are just so beautiful!!
Aven asked today when his shot appt is (the one for school since he just turned 5). I told him it was next week and he said, "well if I see her come after me with that pokey thing I am just gonna jet outta that room because you know mom, I AM a speed racer."
Perhaps I need to show him how brave Sebastian was ;)
I had so many comment reactions to your post today (I know what you mean about checking things off the milestone list - Ella started walking a couple weeks ago and is also now starting to "talk" more and now will *finally* sign "all done" - we've been working on that one a LONG time!)
But then I came to slept 8 hours IN A ROW and not just once but TWICE. Now THAT I would pay good money for!! :)
PS Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting - it meant a lot to me!
Oh, boy. Good luck with your speed racer! Sebastian remembers that his dr. told him he didn't have to get a shot until he was 5 and he reminds us whenever the topic of his age comes up. I was kind of shocked that he did so well with this one. Maybe because Brett went and got one, too?
I don't hate shots in general but if I don't absolutely need it, I'm not getting it. So, I can appreciate where our boys are coming from!
I was thinking about the 8 hours reaction today, too! I feel like such a different person when I'm not woken up three times a night. I was trying to weight the difference between a good night's sleep and a $300 gift card to my favorite store and I would still pick the sleep. Hands down!
Hooray for your sweet girl~ I love those first wobbly steps!
Adorable. great blog thanks for sharing :)
So little girl has the same floral green dress and striped sweater:)
1st steps -- yay! what a cutie pie! ^_^
Oh, and my daughter is getting SO good with her signs -- I LOVE it!
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