Brett's Vespa is back! It's back, it's back, it's back!
Here's how it happened. We had invited our good friends (best man and maid of honor in our wedding) and their kids over for a hot dog and marshmallow roast in our backyard and had a nice fire started when a police man walked around the side of the house quite slowly. I thought he was going to tell us we weren't allowed to have a fire but then he asked for James (Brett's first name) and if we had reported a scooter missing. We all perked up and he told us it was four houses down in the backyard! WHAT!!!! We had driven down so many streets in our surrounding area looking for it and it was in the alley almost behind our house!

Whoever stole it had tried to hot wire it but weren't able to get past the immobilizer and dumped it in the back yard of a house full of post-college guys that have their own bonfires. One of them came home from work and saw it in their yard and called the police to report it and said they thought it was their neighbor's bike. The police went down and got prints but couldn't get the VIN # to register in the system. Thankfully Brett had his MSU parking sticker on it so they were able to confirm our address and just walked a few houses up the street to our backyard! All of the parts that had been taken off were there minus some stuff that was in the seat. It won't start because some wires were cut so we'll have to take it into a shop somewhere in town to get it repaired. They could've just dropped it on it's side when they were done but they put it on it's stand. That was thoughtful of them.

He's so happy. It's really great to see him this happy after such a sad few days. Thank you for your concern. We'll have to see what happens next with insurance but mostly Brett just wanted THIS one back. YAY!!!
Third photo C. S.
so amazing!! :)
nothing like finding lost loves, right?
Yay! This makes me happy! The same thing happened to my moped in college - it was stolen, then found in a dumpster behind Walgreens. They, too, tried (unsuccessfully) to hotwire it. Woo hoo for tricky scooters!
Congrats, good luck getting it back in working order!
i'm so glad you guys got it back! and you are right, sooo thoughtful. if only they had been so thoughtful so as to not steal it in the first place...good for you for looking on the bright side!
Awesome!! SO happy for you guys!
That's great news!!
That's AWESOME!!!!! So, so great.
That is fantastic news! So happy for Brett :)
that's great news, so pleased you got her back. :)
such great news! YAY
Hooray! Look at how cute and happy he looks! xx
ps. Awesome find on the typewriter front! xx
oh my gosh, i'm so excited to read this today!
i was like, distraught (lol) when i read about it being stolen---so sad for ya'll.
but yah, yah, yah for it being found!
So happy that the bike was found! I hope that you have an easy time getting it repaired!
Awesome news!! I'm glad everything worked out for the best. It just sucks that people have such a disregard for other people's possessions.
i bet this just made his day. glad to see it back, even tho it needs a little repair.
Hooray! so happy for you both!
Oh, how I love Happy Endings!!!
man, I'm so sorry this happened in the first place, but YAY for it's happy return! good news :)
That's so GREAT!!! So glad you got it back!!!
Happy, happy, joy, joy!!!
Yay - so happy for you!
whohoooooooooo yay for thoughtful theives LOL & great neighbors!!!
yay, yay, yippee. what a relief. and later on you can laugh about the stupid theives out there...oh, but thoughtful ones who leave kickstands up. ;)
oh yay! that's great. my husband has had two bikes stolen in the past two years so I know that horrible sinking feeling of loss. you are so lucky!
That is so awesome! What a relief!
yAY! My roommate in college had a very similar thing happen to her vespa. She reported it missing and around the same time, the police noticed a drunk guy walking down the street with a vespa. They arrested him for having an open alcohol beverage, being beyond wasted, and then realized he had also stolen the vespa once they got him to the station.
So glad she returned : )
Hooray! I was just telling my sister about poor Brett's stolen Vespa yesterday. (So funny when internet life spill into real life!) I'm so relieved!
Sorry it's in pieces, but glad it's back!! Happy Weekend!
Wahoo! That's awesome you got it back! Amazing how things happen, eh? :)
I'm so glad for you that it was returned! You *could* have replaced it with a new one yes, but it's not the same as the one you surprised him with! I hope it can be repaired and driven soon
Now THAT was quick! So happy for Brett, he looks insanely happy in that picture. Hope you get to take it for a spin soon.
OH, I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS!!!! I read about the stealing a few days ago and felt so bad for him. SO, SO, SO happy again to hear that it is back!!!!
no WAY! so stoked to read this. unbelievable!!!!!
WOW! That's awesome it was recovered; however horrible it was stolen & tampered with in the first place. Hope it gets mended & will be as good as new!
Thanks, everyone! We're eager to find out how much in damages and if we'll be paying it all or insurance will be covering some.
Happy for you all! :D
yay! that's great!
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