
Lisa Leonard Giveaway!


Lisa Leonard has generously offered to share something pretty with Smile and Wave readers! She's been designing and hand-crafting silver jewelry for years and has most recently teamed up with Ali Edwards and designed the Word of the Year necklace to capture that word that sums up what you want in 2011. Lisa's high quality designs can be customized with names and initials and are a great choice for a meaningful gift.

Lisa would like to give one lucky winner $50 worth of shop credit to Lisa Leonard Designs! To enter to win this giveaway I'd love to hear what you're most hoping for in 2011. Comments will be open until the 20th when a winner will be picked. To ensure that you'll receive your prize please leave a way for me to contact you in your entry as we've had a lot of unclaimed prizes in recent giveaways.

Thanks for your readership and thanks for the great giveaway, Lisa!



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Lish said...

I am hoping to open my own little Etsy store this year - time to get creative!

Melissa said...

I hope that this is the year that I have the willpower to lose weight and get healthier.
missmelissaf at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I looking forward to spending more time with the lovely ladies I live with in The Fremont House, and just enjoy the end of my college career. :)

Anonymous said...

I hope to go on more adventures, even if it's just little day trips!

pinksuedeshoe said...

I really hope to get back to what is really important. To focus on my family, eating healthy, spending time together and try to live each day so that when I look back on this year I don't say to myself I should have done it differently. Beautiful!

Chelsea, Tea Talk said...

I'm most hoping for the confirmation that I will actually be starting grad school in the fall. Oh my!

<3 Chelseabird

miss morgan... said...

i'm hoping for the ability to carryout fun new crafty endeavors.

Unknown said...

I hope to become a mom again.

Anonymous said...

I hope to get a new job this year! I've got good leads on 2 right now, so let's hope it's one of them. :-)


Lauren said...

I'm looking forward to graduating with my B.A.


Jenny Holiday & Aaron said...

Ohhhh How fantastic!! I adore everything about this!!

And wow...I didn't have to think for more than one second...THE word for this year... BALANCE! My goodness!! It is what I want more than anything!! :)

Thanks bunches for this fab giveaway!!

Love from the nj shore!
xoxo Jenny Holiday

Unknown said...

i'm hoping that my family will stay healthy, positive and relatively happy while we finish up on the foreclosure of our house.

Laura said...

I'm hoping for more balance in my life this year. I'm also hoping my Etsy shop will take off a bit more.

Unknown said...

Without taking for granted, in 2011 I'm most hoping for a clean bill of health for our family.
Maya mayaquarius@hotmail.com

Victoria said...

soo lovely!
this year i'm looking forward to bake alot more. yumm(:


Natalie Call said...

I'm hoping that this year will be a little better than last year!

Anonymous said...

In 2011 I am hoping to be able to live in each moment and savor the time with my 10 month old as I know it will go too quickly!


larissa bree said...

I am hoping this year to get my life in order and start living my life and doing things i want to do.



ManaRose said...

A positive pregnancy test : ) email:manarose222(at)hotmail(dot)com

Nicole Jeannette said...

I'm hoping for an engagement ring and to get into grad school! Here's to hoping! ;)

Leah said...

I hope for peace of mind this year.


Kelly said...

I am hoping to be more spontaneous and go on fun adventures with my friends!
-Kelly Elizabeth

Sarah Thompson said...

I'm hoping to enjoy each and every day with the little people in my life and my sweet hubby.

Nic said...

I am hoping to get engaged. I am in love and he wants to marry me, isnt that great! i can't wait until he askes. snicklet89@yahoo.com

E.E. said...

I'm looking forward to redecorating. First project is my home office, then on to the bedroom. I'm ready for a change :)

Jenni said...

Hoping this year will be the year of getting organized. My grandma passed away 3 years ago and I have yet to find a place for some of her stuff (as the executor, there is a lot of paperwork involved). Also, I'm hoping this will be the year of wearing some gorgeous Lisa Leonard jewelry!!

Sarah said...

I am hoping to be one year closer to graduating with my law degree... then I'll be almost done!

colleen said...

something I'm hoping for in 2011 is to live life without fear {or with less fear at least}

colleensimply {dot} blog @ gmail {dot} com

... said...

I'm hoping to learn how to sew so maybe I can open an Etsy shop, just like the bloggers I follow that inspire me.

Jessica Jolly (snapshotinsanity@yahoo.com)

ragamuffinbeauties said...

I am believing for breakthrough for my oldest brother1 He and his wife have endured a long battle caring for their son amidst my brother being unemployed for almost three years. They blog about their son Carter here: www.cartermcates.com

Jenni Carlisle

Anonymous said...

I am hoping to learn more knitting stuff and make straight A's this semester.

shelbyrad91@yahoo.com is my email

Kitty said...

I love her sweetheart necklace. The word for the year necklace is fabulous. In years past, when I was single and in my twenties, I would have picked reciprocity and validation as my words. But now, on my 5th year of marriage I think I would pick passion as my word.
I'm hoping that this year will be full of creativity and success for my husband and I. I want him to write many many poems (he's a poet who teaches english at a university) and I want to make many many pretty things and maybe a baby too. I'm hoping this is our lucky year. 11 is my lucky number.

Wishing you love,
Fritzi Marie

gabriella said...

I am hoping to stick to my resolutions, and do really well in school!


Queta said...
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Queta said...

Guilt free creative time since I will be finished with school this year!

geetargeek AT gmail dot com

Cory said...

I'm hoping to celebrate my 5 year anniversary with a little getaway [hopefully wearing one of these pretty necklaces!]

Kate said...

I hope to take action on some of my ideas this year; going back to school and opening my own Etsy store. One down, one to go!

marvelousmama (at) gmail (dot) com.

Tammy said...

I'm hoping to live in the now, enjoy the stage that my boys and family are in and not wish away the days. Even when it isn't very glamorous, which it almost never is.

Stephanie said...

my hopes for 2011 are continuous health, contagious laughter, and constant love for my family.

Ellen said...

I am hoping for a safe & healthy delivery for our first, very anticipated child!

BB said...

it may sound cliche, but i'm a-gonna say it anyway. the thing i am most hoping for this year is ... love.

i've had a good long break from it (and all boys) for some old-fashioned healing and i'm ready (again) i'm ready to offer my heart for some man's hands to hold.

cheesy, a bit unrealistic or head-in-the-clouds romantic, but i can't help it ... the heart wants what it wants, right? ;)


Unknown said...

I have a top secret special project that I am planning with some partners. Hope that it happens for us this year!

lily field furniture said...

My goal for this year is to simplify my life. I want to live an uncluttered life so that I can spend more moments with my children and not have too much "stuff" to do. LOVE lisa- thanks for the giveaway!


Haley said...

I'm hoping for trust, simple as that.

house full of jays said...

In 2011 I am hoping for a beautiful natural birth, a new home and courage to explore my creativity!

The Lungos said...

I am looking forward to a little more balance with family, work, friends, crafty time, etc.

Holly F. said...

I am most hoping to stay in the home we're in now for 2011! It's the best place I've ever lived and I don't want to move ever!

miss.rumphius said...

Oooh! Lovely! I'm hoping to transfer schools this year!!



Anonymous said...

Ooh! I love Lisa Leonard- my fingers are crossed! :)

This year I'm looking forward to decorating my craft room and making it into a super cute and inspiring space!

katydidinc said...

More kindness and love.

Jen said...

I would like to spend lots of time creating this year!

stochastic said...

2011 is the first year I won't be in graduate school, so I'm ready for what life has to throw at me--I can't wait!

Samantha :)
mmmbrains (at) gmail (dot) com

Carleen said...

I'm hoping to lose weight and to get more healthy.

Dawn Trest said...

Hoping to spend tons of quality time with my family and make the most of every day!

Shannon Beth said...

I'm looking forward to restoring my sense of self - and crafting more more more!

And I love love love Lisa Leonard.

*fingers crossed*


Kim W. said...

im hoping to travel a bit. and do more sewing! :) kutekiwi77@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I am hoping to be able to do a better job at being a good mom. And losing a few pounds wouldn't hurt any. :)

Anonymous said...

im hoping for all a's and b's this semester, all a's would be great too! (hillary_mraz@hotmail.com)

curlyqmosaics said...

Beautiful jewelry! This year I hope to be more organized! Great giveaway!

Little Tree Vintage said...

This year is going to be tough but what i would love more than anything is to finally move out on my own and start my career!

Anonymous said...

Jumpstart my business, while still in college! Love!

Unknown said...

I am hoping to get my house more organized. We just moved and I have to find a system that works for us in the new house

Amy said...

I want to continue on this healthy living journey i'm currently on. I want it bad.

Jenna said...

In 2011, I'm hoping to grow in patience and contentment, and to become more fluent in Spanish.

Unknown said...

I'm hoping for a healthy itty bitty baby we just found out were expecting in September! I woul love a necklace with my new littles name!!


little love said...

I'm hopingthat 2011 will be the new start that I so desperately need! xx

HustleMama Handmade said...

Aaaah, balance. In all things: my crafting, marriage, kids, etc. To feel like I'm doing an equally good job at all aspects.

mama*thayer said...

I'm hoping for lots of peace and contentment. :) We have a big year ahead of us with lots of changes and moves possibly so I want to remain content through all of it.

Jenna said...

i'm hoping for financial freedom this year, as well as direction for growing my little business.

Paula said...

A J-O-B!

palershade [at] gmail.com

Dear Skeletons said...

I am hoping that all my hard work on my knitting and opening my first store will be worth it in the end.

Anonymous said...

That last one is PRESH! What am I looking forward to? Hmm... expanding my creative horizons, learning more about photography, and finally achieving beautiful skin :)


Kira said...

I'm just hoping for a happy and healthy little family.


lizziedoesit said...

I'm really hoping to potty train my 2 year old son asap so i can enroll him in preschool this summer, start school and have creative space at home. I've missed making things so much but its hard with an 11month old and a 2 year old around. More readers would be lovely too! This Lisa Leonard giveaway is awesome! I've been wanting a charm necklace like this since my daughter was born! She'll be 1 in a couple weeks! xoxo Liz


marisa said...

a more 'organic' life: natural, flexible, & beautiful.

thank you for all the the beauty found here and for the rad giveaway!


Nichole said...

In 2011 I am most hoping for my little family of soon to be 4 will have a great year. No more set backs. Hubby finally got a job and we are on the up and up!!! :)

Nichole said...
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kristen davis said...

love lisa leonard jewelry!!
this year i hope to save enough money to put a good down payment on a house!

Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to be better about giving my days in 2011 to the Lord. I know they're His anyway, but I'm a bit of a planner.


MeLissa said...
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MeLissa said...

I'm hoping to have my family closer. Should my dad get this new position, my parents and brother will go from 11 hours away to only 2.5! It's been tough only seeing them twice a year for the past three years.

Almost forgot!

tamara said...

My hope is to have a healthy, natural delivery this September with babe #2:)


Hilary said...

I'm hoping to get into graduate school this year.. and if not, to figure out something else to do. Yikes!


CupcakeCatie said...

im hoping for everything to fall into place to open my own etsy shop. Im also hoping for the strength to get through a 2000 mile move this summer!

kelli leigh said...

I HAVE to learn how to knit this year! And finish the quilt I've been working on for the past 5 years.


HolyCute said...

I want to be a better person.

I want to be a better wife and make fantastic dinners everyday.
I want to be a better daughter and call my parents more often.
I want to be a better student and get better grades.
I want to volunteer and help others.
I want to craft and make my life and my loved ones beautiful.

Love the necklaces! Thanks for a great giveaway!

sarit.gabay1 {at} gmail {dot} com

Alexandra says... said...

I'm hoping to get my etsy shop up and running to a point where it becomes known much more than it is now. I'd like to be able to start selling at my local farmer's market and move towards selling a lot of my products locally. I'd love to continue working on my degree for school and learn to appreciate the simplest and sometimes most wonderful things that life has to offer.


Sadie said...

The thing I am hoping for most is a romantic getaway with my husband (we've sadly never had one since our honeymoon 4 yrs ago!) :)

shan said...

I am hoping that I remember how much I am loved by my friends and family.

Rebekah said...

Lisa's stuff is to die for I have had my eye on something for months! in 2011 I hope to stretch myself in many areas but in particular with business and creative endeavors. as always Rachel your blog is a vehicle for much inspiration and joy thanks for the chance to win! xo

Lisa and Rustin said...

Lookin forward to my little Blake turning one!

Laura Wynn said...

hmm..I'm hoping that my best friend will finally realize that he's madly in love with me.
In the real world-opening my own Etsy shop! I'm bursting with ideas!

chelle. said...

i love lisa leonards designs. thanks for this offer.

Anonymous said...

I am really hoping that my first year of University will go really well for me!

The necklaces are so pretty!

(ngai0 at hotmail dot com)

Annamarie said...

I'm hoping that the birth of my third child goes smoothly and that in 2011 all the good people that I know will be blessed and their lives enriched! Thank you for sharing your beautiful life with us!

Anzouya said...

Thanks so much for this amazing giveaway!
This year I hope I'll be able to pay off my debts and be able to follow my dream undistracted.

Kristin said...

This year I am hoping, now that our baby is getting older, for more time with the Husband. More date nights and maybe even a weekend away. Hoping to purchase our first home too!

Such a lovely giveaway, thank you!

Lisa said...

I am hoping to spend more time playing this year!

Angela D. said...

I'm hoping for a safe and healthy new year fir my family and friends. Last year wasn't so good so this year should be an improvement. On the lighter side I'm hoping to get more seeing in too. Thanks for the giveaway.

Dee said...

oh i adore Lisa L!! (i already have her 'Jumble of Charms' with all my kids names on...is it greedy to want more of her beautiful pieces??!)
this is the year of Intention for me. Forced intention - that will hopefully become a GOOD habit forever :)

Amy G. said...

I am hoping that in 2011 I can learn to be better at time management and use my time more wisely. That also includes making time for my etsy shop!


barrentree said...

A baby of our very own! :-) It's my hope every year. :-)

OKdanielson said...

I hope to love stronger, and leave the things behind that are holding me back

mandalyn07 said...

i have wanted one of these necklaces forever-

I am hoping i find peace in 2011.

also.. the 20th is my birthday.. maybe it's a sign :)

Natalie Elphinstone said...

I am hoping to embrace every opportunity that presents iteself, and to make some happen myself!

Anonymous said...

My hope for 2011 is to be involved with a community who I love and adore and feels the same in return.

KD-Quilts said...

I am most hoping to get to be a stay at home mom for my baby andnot have to go back to a 9-5!

Anonymous said...

This is exciting; I love Lisa's work so much!

Anyway, for 2011 I'm hoping to start selling some of my own creations, do well at university, maintain my wonderful relationship and enjoy my family's company. :)


Ana said...


That is all I need this year. Faith that all will be safe, faith that all will be calm, faith that all my loved ones will be together.

Jacci said...

i am hoping to have more fun in 2011 and be more adventurous :)
justjacci [at] hotmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

What I'm absolutely hoping for most is a job! I've been looking for one for waaay too long!

Heidi pumpkin pie said...

I am most hoping that my doctors solve my health problems and that I can buy the Honda Element I'm saving for!

Meggs said...

I hope that I will get a puppy and be more outdoors this year.


Unknown said...

I'm embarking on an 18 month mission this year so my word on that necklace would be FAITH. Its going to be the hardest and most fulfilling year yet :)

Rachel said...

In 2011 I'm hoping to feel healthier. I have spent the best part of a year feeling dizzy. I'm more than ready to be still and happy again. I'm also hoping to keep growing this exciting feeling of creativity.

Lyndz said...

In 2011 I am hoping for easy labor as I am birthing my first baby! A boy!

Tin said...

I really hope that my sister finds the confidence and the ability to do well in her interviews and exams and get herself a much-needed spot at university! Fingers crossed Stef!


Unknown said...

I am most hoping to get pregnant in 2011! -e

Mary said...

I am looking for more hope in 2011. Last year was rough, and nothing good starts without hope.


Elyndis said...

I'd love to spend more time with family and friends, that's always the best gift.

Chandra said...

I'm hoping to do a project every week with my son. i made a project advent calendar and we had so much fun together. I'd like to keep the fun going with a planned project every week.
chandradawn (at) yahoo (dot) com

FrancisLove said...

I hope to find a job that I love going to every day, where I feel like I am making a difference in people's lives :)

FrancisLove said...

I hope to find a job that I love going to every day, where I feel like I am making a difference in people's lives!

Jenni Austria Germany said...

i'm looking forward to maaaaybe a new job (but don't tell my current employers...) :) i check your blog all the time so in the event that i win, i will def. see it, don't worry!

wishful nals said...

wow, what a great giveaway! for 2011 i would like to make working for myself work! we'll see. so far, so good! :)

camille yanair said...

i'm hoping to learn how to let it all go and love myself :)

Danavee said...

I'd love to finish my little fixer upper for good. I'm close......just a few rooms left with small projects!

Cheryl Birkey said...

I have a huge fitness goal with the competition in April. I am hoping to stick with it to the end. I think I can I think I can...

Jenntage said...

I am hoping to complete our adoption in 2011! We traveled/picked up our new son and daughter from Uganda in nov/dec- but we still need to finalize it here in the USA!!! I am now the lucky mom to a 7 year old home- grown, 3 year old home grown, and two three year old heart- growns!

BlondeShot Creative said...

I'm hoping to get back into the routine of exercising on a regular basis.

Melany said...

My year is filled with so much unknown and I am relishing in it. My hope is to go with the flow and keep peace in my heart.

Shayna said...

I'm hoping for an extra special trip after my husband finishes school this Summer! :)

hello @ shaynamade .com

Yvonne said...

I'm hoping to step out of my comfort zone more!

Andy said...

2011 hopes...making steps towards having better communication with my son. he's one awesome little boy. we found out a few months ago that he has hearing loss and now has hearing aids. ready to have some conversations with him and not one word questions and answers.

Dixie said...

I'm looking to more "family peace" this year. Oh, such drama.

Anonymous said...

I am hoping for a happy healthy new baby this july!

janaetime said...

I am hoping to take the GRE and go to grad school!

Anonymous said...

I hope to take more pictures this year. Or improve taking pictures!


Megan Michelle said...

I a hoping to watch my photography portfolio grow!

kiwikate said...

This year I am hoping to continue on my travelling adventure, but maybe fit in a tiny little trip back home to New Zealand as well!


Gypsy Sparrow said...

a baby :)

Natty said...

Resolving to run faster unstead of farther and to sew my first quilt!

Catwalk82 said...

I am looking forward to hopefully becoming a mamma for the very first time!



Therese said...

I am hoping to be a crafting success and continue to watch my beautiful daughter grow and learn!

Amber said...

I am hoping for less stress, to get my boy potty trained and a new kitchen floor!!

I have been gushing over her necklaces for a year now! I hope I win!


Anonymous said...

ahhh! i LOVE that tree stump necklace! this year, I am hoping to do well in school, and graduate! :)

pulchrabliss at hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I'm hopping to have my love near me and find a job that I actually like.

Amanda said...

I'm hoping to better my photography skills, use Manual mode more than AV mode!

shannan said...

I'm hoping that God will let me be a Mommy this year :)

kendra said...

that i am faithful to regularly go to the gym, and to read at night.

Allison said...

I hope that 2011 will be my opportunity to build stronger friendships and create a studio space for my crafting! allisonlgray (at) gmail (dot) com

Domestic Bloggess said...

My one little word this year is 'learn' and for me it has taken on a life of its own already. It's amazing what the intention behind a word can have when you say it out loud. My hope for this year then now is to take all those opportunities that I have to learn and take full advantage of everything they can bring to my life and not be so afraid of the things I don't know and doing things that I know will stretch me into a more loving, gracious and better version of me.

Kathleen said...

I really struggled in 2010 - health issues, losing my job, etc. I started a new job the beginning of January and I am praying that this year will be filled with better health, new friends, being more creative, and loving others better.

SoulPony said...

i just want to be more open. if i had to choose one word for the year that would be it. open.

Daniel & Mindy said...

i want to continue to be come a better wife & friend this year :)

Caiti said...

"Cultivate" is my word for 2011, and I'm hoping to work on being intentional about growing and tending to the parts of my life that would be most enriching--relationships, career, hobbies, etc.

Christina said...

I'm hoping for something big... but right now its a secret!! (hopefully will happen in the next month!)


thearthurz said...

I am hoping to be able to find joy in life, not just when circumstances are good - but in all things. I also hope to be able to be in the moment more with my children, instead of rushing to complete tasks - just sit and be with them in the moment.

harmonybatham said...

I hope to finish a big part of our remodel!!
love that tree trunk necklace-so pretty!


Brittany said...

I'm hoping for lots of snow days! Gives me extra time to sew and be home with my pets.

Erin said...

I would love to move some place new with this boy I love...adventure here we come.

kimar9791 said...

I am hoping to concentrate on the three things I wrote on my list of important things this year. Family, friends and home.

Heather said...

I am hoping to Shine in every way this year.

Aldana said...
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Krista Wells said...

I am hoping to have a fresh change-of city, of weather, of mood, of job.

Sara Berry said...

I am hoping for a lot in 2011.
Mainly, I'm hoping for safety for my husband who'll be deploying and bravery for my kiddo who'll be missing his dad. And I'm hoping for a bit of bravery for me, too, as I try to make the best of things.

freaked out 'n small said...

In 2011, I am hoping for peace of mind...something I've been spinning my wheels over for some time! LOL!



czstout said...

I'm hoping to get to know God more this year! I'm reading the Bible cover to cover with a group of ladies, and I can't wait to see what I learn :]


ash2885 said...

I'm hoping to work on my writing a little more and really excited to learn how to use my new sewing machine!! let the crafting begin!

Brit said...

That grace necklace gives me goosebumps! In 2011 I'm hoping to find myself. As a mother, a wife, a friend and a person.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Leonard is a rock star!! I looove her jewelry! This is the year I'm hoping to get my Etsy shop open--no excuses!! vicki.terlap@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I hope to grow in love and patience for my children... things I can never have enough of!


Jacqueline said...

to hug more and be more huggable.

Ellie said...

I look forward to all of the changes in our family.


Unknown said...

I am hoping to be more aware in 2011...aware of what I need/want to live a fulfilled life. I also am hoping to be more aware of the thoughts and feelings of those around me.

Erin said...

I'm hoping that this years chaos will only make us stronger. We have two kids a boy that is 4 and a girl that will be 2 in March, and we're expecting 2 boys at the end of this month!!!

Unknown said...

i'm hoping to grow my handmade business lots!

erin said...

I hope that I can successfully balance nursing school with work and my family.


Christina R. Griffith said...

Im believing in gaining inner peace in 2011!

cr_griffith (at) live (dot) com

Becky said...

I'm secretly hoping to get engaged this year!

squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com

Unknown said...

I'm hoping to bring in a little extra income to help the hubby! Lots of sewing! but i'll have a new born and a 1 1/2 yr old on my hands, so i hope to be able to balance everything and not go insane!
<3 alyssahickman28@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I hope to spend more time together as a family! Doing more together and just taking time to enjoy each moment...


Alexa said...

I'd like more focus & self acceptance!


jaderox213 said...

i really love lisa leonard designs!

i'm hoping that mine and my sailor-man's life doesn't change too much when his contract is up and we move back home to texas. we have a few months to figure it all out, but i'm nervous that we'll lose a lot of our privacy and independence.


tammie said...

i'm hoping that i will finish more of what i start.

i love your blog and i love lisa leonard's jewelry. and i would totally love to win!
tammiecbennett at gmail DOT com

Katie @ makingthishome.com said...

thank you for this giveaway, ladies. My goal this year is to really challenge and push myself in my creative business. I have some big hopes, and this year seems just perfect.

Sarah said...


Thank you!!
In 2011 I am hoping for all the wedding craft projects I have been storing up to turn out all right and to be able to share in that process with friends!

~Heather said...

I'm looking forward to exploring my surroundings more as well as my closest relationships with family and friends.

julie.schellin said...

GRACE...I am hoping to be a more gracious mom :)

Jessica said...

i am hoping to grow. and to be more disciplined in certain areas.. such as grow in my relationship with God & family & friends. and be disciplined in finances/spending & exercise. and hopefully, become pregnant at the end of the year!

jessicacotten {at} gmail {dot} com

Sarah said...

I'm hoping to achieve consistency in 2011 :)

Holly said...

My goal for this year is to adopt a more natural approach to caring for my body. I actually have my first appointment with a naturopath tomorrow! I really want to make sure I know what I'm putting in and using on my body.


Unknown said...

oh I love them!!! my hope is for a happy heart in 2011 - with zero panic attacks! (and perhaps conquering my list of 100 things for 2011) Christie


Odette said...

a resurgance of romance!!

7harts01 said...

I'm hoping to make time to actually create more of the ideas I have running around in my head instead of just thinking about them! So much creativity so little time!=)


Jules said...

I'm hoping to get the job I went for an interview for last week!

iammeganwest said...

I am hoping to take a trip to San Fran with my husband this year. He's never met my California family!

nicole said...

I am most hoping to have peace in our family this year.


Karen said...

i'm hoping to move in with my wonderful boyfriend (we're apartment shopping now!), and to study abroad this summer!

Unknown said...

I am very much looking forward to the traveling I have planned for this year!

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