
Giveaway Day: February Sponsors

It's giveaway day at Smile and Wave (pardon my tardiness)! Three of my February sponsors have some goodies for one lucky winner!! This giveaway will be open until the end of Wednesday when one winner will be announced. One winner for all three giveaways!!


"Hi! My name is Stacie and I run a handmade shop called Gingiber that specializes in quirky little doodles and handmade gifts. I just opened my own online storefront this February, and to celebrate I would like to offer a $50 credit to my new shop!

This giveaway is for $50 shop credit!

Artsy-Crafty Babe

I'm Beki, a mom who is crazy about making things. I love all things pretty, vintage, and handmade. I dabble in just about everything. My blog chronicles my crafty adventures as well as the daily life of me & my family. I have an Etsy shop where I sell my creations as well as PDF patterns for my bags. Of all the things I make, I always go back to bags!!

My giveaway item is this cute little orange purse made from vintage sheeting with a pink polka dot lining and detachable flower pin. Retail value is $35.

Giveaway item is the orange purse shown above valued at $35.00!

To Be the Bird

Hello, fellow Smile and Wave readers! My name is Amy and my Etsy shop, To Be the Bird, started out from a love for creative outlets, unique gift giving, repurposing, and the ever growing handmade selling community.

The name of the shop comes from a line from a poem I wrote years ago. The poem itself was not great or profound by any means, but the line 'Oh, to be the bird and never fear the fall' motivates me daily to live my life, my adventures, my artistic spirit with passion and to face fear head on. This little shop is just as step deeper into that spirit.

I hope you enjoy my products as much as I enjoy making them!

This giveaway is for $25 shop credit.

To enter this giveaway share something off of your to-do list today in the comment section below! Winner will be announced Wednesday evening.


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Brianne said...

My to do list includes finding someone reliable to help with housework while I await a double knee surgery (also, skiiing will not be on my to-do list for a looong time)

Liz said...

My first priority on my to do list today is to leave work early. I'm hoping if I plan on leaving by 4, I'll get out of here at 4:30. and i'm really not that hard of a worker, I just can never seem to leave when i want to...

Kaitlyn Rose said...

My major to-do priority for the day (or maybe the week) is to finish writing my personal statement for my grad school application. I just keep over-thinking it, so I'm forcing myself to start writing. :)

Allie Snyder | AmaryllisTruthStudio said...

I have my mid-term critque on Monday with all of art and art History faculty, eek! So in the next 6 days my to-do list includes having to complete three paintings and prepare an intro for my work. Oh, boy :)

Haley said...

my to-do list? write an entire essay analyzing my personality for my psychology class that i completely forgot was due today!
and i have to do this in the next 3 hours. YIKES.
xo Haley

Anonymous said...

My most important to-do on my to-do list is studying and passing my Finals so I may return home to my family that I miss so much!! :)

Anzouya said...

My to do list for today includes making something based on my blog's crafting theme for this week so I'll be able to post it tomorrow.


Great giveaway! :-)

Unknown said...

I am trying to finish up school deadlines. :-/ on the fun side, I started a granny square blanket that I hope to get done eventually!

Connie | Daydream In Color said...

On my to doo list today is to go food shopping! Our fridge is barren minus condiments. I've been so busy with visitors and work that I haven't had time.

Anonymous said...

my to-do list includes a blog update, a drs appt and dinner for myself and my mister.

i wish my to-do list included extra sleep.


Moe said...

On my to-do list there is a lot..but an immediate need to do is work on a tutorial post for a sweet blog friend.

Unknown said...

Clean the bathroom floor! We have 3 cats and their hair is everywhere...yuck!

Occasional Threads said...

Drop off rent!

CupcakeCatie said...

something off my today this is to clean my craft room, and sew a sewing machine cover. not too bad but who knows when ill get to it. hehe :)

Ashley said...

Grocery shopping...but I may put it off until tomorrow :)

Lexy said...

My biggest to-do right now is take pictures of all the fun thrift finds I acquired over the weekend!

Unknown said...

First thing on my To-Do List today was "Go to the dentist"! Glad I did, too! Found out I'm going to need a root canal (OUCH!) but got some stellar printed x-ray copies of my pretty teeth! I'm thinking about framing them.. modern art, right?


maschmidt121 said...

At the top of my to-do list is to tackle the laundry I've been putting off for too long. Blah.

Laura said...

i'll be making home-made chicken noodle soup for a friend who just got his wisdom teeth out... nothing like soup on a rainy day!

Hi! I am LiLi! said...

i need to post one blog entry today and finish sewing/embellishing 5 onesies for a (coming soon) daughter of a cousin. the rest of the things i need to finish are routine stuff (clean the house, clean dishes, laundry and cook dinner).

Thinking Out Loud

Julia said...

My biggest to-do today is to paint a 1970s desk for my 6-yr-old daughter's room. I can't think of a better thing to be doing in beautiful 60 degree weather!

sarina said...

The number one thing on the to do list today: to pick up my little pup from his surgery, get him set up and home and on his way back to peak yappiness!

That little monster is the best!

erin said...

Call my insurance agent about my homeowners insurance policy renewal. Grown up stuff, gross.


Anonymous said...

The most dire thing that needs to be done is getting my résumé together and then mixing up pizza dough and a quick stop at the market for dinner.

(I'd also like to finish the last 100 pages of my book if I have the time, but we'll see what happens!)

♥ Nadine said...

On today's to do list was to call a woman from my village who's in charge of the gym classes because something went wrong with my registration for a class. Her little son (7 years old) picked up the phone and he was beyond cute. Haha. :) You see, I got this already done. Yay me!


MissShapes said...

My major thing on my to do list is to finish a teddy bear I'm making out of an old wool sweater. It will be for a friend of mine's baby who is turning one!! This is a fun thing to have to do...I have other to do's that are not as exciting. :-)

Anonymous said...

My to do list is empty today! This is my last day at a job I have hated since day one! So I guess I could put RELAXATION as my one and only to do!

With Love, Jamie said...

SO cute!
On my to do list? A big shop at Trader Joe's!
xo, Jamie

Kristen said...

Going to see Weatherthans tonight!...although I should be studying for my midterm tomorrow...

Marissa said...

My to do list is far too long today... number ONE is unpack from our weekend trip to San Diego. Which I should have done yesterday. Whoops

Meagan said...

Cute giveaway as always! I have to take my poor kitten to the vet to check her incision from her no babymaking surgery. And then thrifting, hopefully!

nova said...

Oh my gosh, awesome!

My to-do list is pretty short today, it's my day off. I'm going to walk the dog, do some grocery shopping, play with my Diana Camera, schedule some blog posts and write my grandma a letter.

Pretty fun day!

Autumn said...

The #1 item on my to-do list today is study study study!! I have a big test coming up tomorrow:-)
xo Autumn

Rachael said...

today i'll be playing the "Toss It Game" with my stuff. last time i was moving and played this game i ended up tossing a car so i need to be a bit more careful this time...

Anonymous said...

Review Xmas '11 Sweater Pattern with my boss and the designers.

This is a great giveaway!! :)

Rebecca said...

Something on my to do list...spend some time with my favorite girlfriends!
*Thankfully this will be crossed tonight! Hoorah!
The giveaways look awesome!

letter A studio said...

On my to do list today - clean my oven, dishwasher & microwave. They are stainless steel & haven't sparkled in months. I decided reading your blog would be my reward for all my hard work. So I stopy by & see that you are having a giveaway - that's doubly fabulous!

janaetime said...

My to-do list gets longer and longer, but I'm hoping to make turkey burgers for dinner tonight. :)

kate said...

haha my chore list today has change the kitty litter on it. ew, but must do. :) it'd be hilarious if that won me this great giveaway!

Millie Wamsted said...

I need to finish cooking dinner to take to my sister and her husband because they had a baby on Friday!

Alison said...

After almost a year of living in my new house, my to do list still includes many of the things that were on it right after I moved in. The one I'm dying to tackle most, is finding frames for, and hanging all of the artwork that is STILL sitting behind the door of my closet.

Nina said...

I just got back from vacation so my to-do list is full of work related emails and phone calls to catch up on. Blergh.

Kelly said...

1. Post office (done!), 2. Library (done!), 3. to be determined when the 2 year old wakes up from nap :)

Siera Josephine said...

oh goodness whats NOT on my to-do list?! finals are coming up so i wold have to say wrap this quarter up is my need to do thing on my list!

Gina said...

vacuum the house, dinner prep, & help my son with a project he has due tomorrow. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

rebecca said...

Hi Rachael ... on my to do list today is drive into town to take the exam to get into art school! fingers crossed, yikes!

Tin said...

My to-do list? Write an essay about the monster Grendel. I definitely need cheering up!

Kate @ GreatestEscapist.com said...

On my to-do list: Make amazing tacos for my boyfriend for dinner. This is, I should note, basically the only think I can "cook." But he seems to want them weekly, so it's working out all right! :)

Aub-A-Rey said...

Next on my to do list is working out :p boring but it's time to start getting ready for summer!!

schooley said...

I wish I had something on my to do list that's as nice as the items in this giveaway, but what I have to do is apply for FAFSA (graduate school financial aid) for my LAST semester in school!

Stacy Hart said...

hope to feel some contractions, but in the meantime finish up some projects!

Anonymous said...

On my to-do list today? Smile more, write a letter to my grandparents, bake some cakes and photograph some outfits for my blog. The nicest to-do list I've had in a while.

Ariel said...

Oh my! The list is long....how about clear off my desk so I can get to it to take care of other things on the list!

Paula said...

I need to finish painting the picture frames laying on my living room floor and hang them - it's been a project on the back burner for too long. I've got one coat of paint on so far. It feels good to finally get it done.

Mandi Stephanie said...

start planning my me made march outfits :)

brandy; said...

my to-do list today includes making some hair clippies for my daughter and introducing her to stage 1 green beans!!

Ragazzarte said...

On my to do list is to meet up with an old friend and help her plan out her budget kitchen reno. I just finished my own recently.

Nissa said...

Making decorations for my daughter's handmade gnome/woodland 3rd birthday party. Stuff like a bunting out of vintage sheets, props for a "photo booth", and large cardboard deer! So fun!

Janice @ NearlyHandmade said...

Take my daughter to the nature preserve to see free ranging buffalo & long horn!! Should be fun!

Meredith said...

get dressed. setting the bar low so i feel extra productive. LOVE these shops, so adorable!

Madaline said...

My to do list at work i super long...why am i looking at blogs?

Everyone needs a break!! haha

Melanie said...

I have a long to-do-list... but the one item I am longing for is to set up my new sewing table and empty the 30 boxes of craft,sewing, etc supplies. We moved in December to a new house and I am finally done unboxing & decorating the house and the little one's room. Now it's time for ME!! I miss my craft area!!

Unknown said...

My priority? That would be studying!

Unknown said...

I'm going to take loads of macro photos on thursday! and by loads I MEAN LOADS

I also have to write an essay comparing two artworks of the same theme ... 500 words IS NOT ENOUGH it's incredible. I just can't write everything I want! stupid!! .. but I've got three more weeks to do this so I'm not really worried...

Shelby Mack said...

My to do list for today is edit pictures. I probably won't have time for much else :[

Lili said...

oh so much but, I really want to get my daughter Edie down for a good nap today !

Heather Louise said...

To do today: go swimming with my 11 year-old daughter. This is our only mom and me time. With three other sisters, it is really hard to get the one on one that she craves. This will happen today.

Maria Casteel said...

make vegetarian enchiladas :)

acandiedapple said...

The top of my list is scheduling an oil change. Nothing fun. But I do want to start a new dress for me during nap time!

Amanda said...

My to do list for today is short and mundane. But I realized that one scribbled bullet would probably arouse curiosity:

- dog chicken

That's my quick, lazy way of saying "Don't forget to make a weeks worth of homemade food for your diabetic dog"

It's in the pot now. Next up:

- Enter Smile and Wave's giveaway

Crossing that off the list....right....now

(thanks for the chance!)

Sara said...

My list includes a visit to the post office to mail birthing kits for Haiti, get a haircut, check the party store for some candy melts, plan our menu for Dr. Seuss's birthday, and wash the diapers!Busy. And fun!

Miki said...

Oh, my! I LOVE all the items in this giveaway! I'm so broke I can't afford anything right now, so I'd love to win tomorrow!

My to do list includes writing e-mails and making phone calls to volunteer for work. I've just got to the States and gotten married, but I still need some papework to be done before I can start working. I thought doing voluteer work might help me adjust to this country faster, I don't know ...


Tara said...

My to-do list has go for a walk on this beautiful 60 degree day and finish my babies blanket.

Michaela said...

Grocery shopping. And getting over this cold. Ugh.

Ruth Abel said...

My todo today is to stay awake while taking care of my sick little girl after a night of no sleep. Love this cheerful give away!

Faith said...

On my to-do list: dye my hair a new color (hot orange-red!), bake some whole wheat bread, make yogurt... oh wait, was I supposed to share just one? :-)

Lisa@goodknits said...

the one thing that's on my to-do list every day is to head out on a walk to my son's school. as long as I arrive by dismissal time, I'm a-ok.

Odette said...

find a new apartment!!

Sophie said...

I have about four things I need to finish crocheting today.......and will probably end up starting something new instead lol :)

miss mandi said...

my to do list would require making fresh chocolate chip cookies and painting.. to relieve stress. and zumba.

bethan said...

my to do list includes a whole lot of chores (that i am currently putting off), my favorite of which is planning all our meals (and desserts!) for the week in my little red planner :)


Emily said...

Only one thing...mail my valentines. Better late than never, right?

Sarah said...

My to-do list today is to enjoy my French class (we just started to read Petit Nicolas), have a productive day at work (in the mailroom at my college, but mostly I use the time to do my homework), and to continue working on my blog that I plan to start on my 20th birthday, this coming Friday!!

Beki said...

I have a list as long as my arm bt my main priority is to tidy, sort and pretty up my kids rooms!

Beki x

Mia Helen said...

wow! So much goodness in one giveaway! one of the things on my "To Do List" today is photographing some more goodies for my etsy shop and posting some dresses!


Kami said...

top of my to do list today is to check in with Indie Biz 3.0 and start my first list for the 30 Days of Lists project! Yippy!

Yellow said...

Unfortunately, my to do list consists of taking my car to the shop to see why my check engine light came on today...happy thoughts that its nothing huge!

Jennifer said...

Let's see... I work all weekend, so maybe my to-do list includes some r&r. :)

Anonymous said...

Going to the gym is first on my list! Spring Break will be here all too soon :p

Christina R. Griffith said...

Lets See, I need to go grocery shopping....bleh!

cr_griffith (at) live (dot) com

Kodi said...

I have a bunch of reading to do for school today. Blah. :)

thearthurz said...

My to do list for today is in pretty good shape (I have completed a lot of it already): mail a package, help the hubby pick out a new wedding ring since his broke this week, pick up some coffee (we were completely out, which is beyond horrible for this house), pick up the oldest babe early from school today and play outside!

Jen said...

My to-do list today is long! In a little bit, I'm off to my duaghter's school to volunteer at the book fair, and then we're off to the library.

Cedar said...

I am finishing a quilt today!

Therese said...

My to-do list today is laundry and getting my 10 month old to keep her pants on!

Whitney said...

My to do list is HUGE for this week!!! It includes the laundry, house cleaning, bill paying, grocery shopping, and all that jazz. But I think I'm going to add "take a nap" on my list. That's one I definitely can handle ;)

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Jenna said...

My to do list today includes studying for a test and writing some papers for good old OBU. :)

Catherine Denton said...

Devouring an issue of Artful Blogging magazine. Oh, and waxing.
My Blog

Amber said...

my major to do is to finish mod podging love letters my dad wrote my mom and i while he was away at war to the back of her bookshelves. its been a long process!

Anonymous said...

My to do list?.. to get some rest!

Kunklebaby said...

My biggest challenge on my to do list today is getting my two year old to TAKE A NAP. lol, then I can tackle the rest of the list. :D Fun giveaway. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Laundry, clean house, grocery shop, fed ex & most importantly sew my older daughter's petal patch on her daisy uniform for selling girl scout cookies!

Katy from Modern Mummy said...

It's 7.30pm in London and my To Do List has been sorely neglected so far today. I think the only thing I'm going to tick off the list is to have a nice bubble bath! The rest can wait til tomorrow. Love your blog! xKaty

Julie Weaver said...

One item on my to-do list is to finish making a birthday present I've been putting off for several months.

ash2885 said...

one item on my to-do list, is to go for a 2 mile walk, that's after work and dinner....hope i'm not too tired!

Emily said...

Big thing on my to do list today...Bathe my 2 boxers. Just spent some time out side in the beautiful Houston weather we are having today! My yard is a little dusty and the dog wrestling was messy! :)

Kate said...

I have to run to Hobby Lobby for some supplies for my watercolor class! Woohoo!

Truly said...

my poor little boys are quickly running out of clothing options if i don't get some laundry done today.... oops.

Anonymous said...

Today I`ve made a fairy-skirt to my doughter, that was the most exiting thing at my to-do-list.

{irene} said...

To do: go grocery shopping (I hate it), to don't:spend my whole day in facebook.

Unknown said...

my to-do list is way too long right now. But tonight I added an extra one - to take a bath and read a book!! Else I won't take any time out!!!

Teresa said...

Today, I need to repair a clothe diaper cover. They are obviously getting a lot of use ;)


Anonymous said...

What a lovely giveaway! One item on my to-do list today is to clean out the fridge. Boring, yet necessary - it's grocery day tomorrow. :)

alissa said...

today i need to list some old baby items on craigslist!

shannon*bear said...

This is such a great giveaway! On my to do list is to have some quality time with my little sister! xo

Kimberly said...

My to do list includes hemming the pants I just made for my daughter. Hemming always seems to be my least favorite part.

Jacci said...

my to do list is a mile long, but right at the top is to bake a birthday cake for a friend :)

Filipa Sompy said...

Great giveaway! :)
My to do priority should be working for school projects but I'm still trying to find the will to do it...

LisaM said...

yay for giveaway! thanks!

my to-do list includes getting some sleep. seeing 2 or 3 a.m. every night with my 4-month old is hard on my sleep habits.

but, she's worth it. ;-)

Rachael said...

thanks for posting the giveaway!

survuve on very little sleep, finish grocery shopping and baby's 6 month checkup.

Jenna said...

I need to go to the store to pick up a few items to make my family some corn chowder tonight. It will be my first time making it, I'm trying to make new dishes and recipes this year. :)

Inspiredbyfelix said...

Great giveaway! My to-do list includes ordering a roof lantern for our extension, and so far I've failed!

miss moonspinner said...

i'm supposed to take a photo today for my 365 project. of what i haven't decided.

Tracie said...

Hmmm, I need to clean the bathrooms and vacuum, but instead I'm having a snack with my kids and taking my daughter to dance class!

xo.leslieanne said...

The thing I'm most excited to cross off my to-do list today is to
go to the post office & mail out my pal Alexa's graduation present! She graduates in 16 days!

Emily said...

I feel very blessed to be out of school after reading a couple of these comments. My to do list no longer includes writing papers for college, but it does include taking the little girl I babysit out to get yogurt!

ALC said...

packing!!! my husband is in the army, and we have orders to move!!!

a said...

weird! i blogged about gingiber today too! small world! (http://pangeahandmade.com/blog/2011/03/01/tuesday-is-for-art-lovers-gingiber/ ) :D

my to-do list today includes editing photos for a wedding I shot last saturday, and I'm pretty excited to get started!

thanks for the opportunity to win!

 Amy said...

Such pretty giveaways! My main goal for the day is to get my bedroom unpacked from the weekend's move! eek!


the dizzle said...

the most major thing on my to do list is laundry. but i already decided not to do it, instead i'm going to clean the rest of the house, prepare the laundry to take to the laundromat tomorrow (this makes me feel less guilty for not doing it) and work on sewing a tulip skirt instead!

Beryl Lynn said...

One of the things on today's to do list is to start my chenille patchwork quilt for my little man who's due in less than a month! It's hard to be motivated when it's 80 degrees and sunny outside!

Kaytlin said...

Today I still have to finish reading abazillion (more like 10) articles for class and then go to class. Plus a meeting for my student group.
The end.

Tamara said...

...trip to the drugstore for styling mousse, hairspray, and black tights.

Jingle said...

I need to go grocery shopping and I need to create a tutorial tonight - or at least start one!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the sunshine! Thrifting with my lil one and picking my big one up from school! I could go on and on but I'm trying to be realistic here! Great give away and I heart smile and wave!

Unknown said...

Those prints are absolutely beautiful! On my to do list today is getting some serious reading done. It's midterms this week and I've got a lot of studying to do!

Anonymous said...

My to do list today included buying the pass for public transportation because it's a new month!! I did so :)

stochastic said...

Today I need to remember to pay my March roller derby dues!

Samantha :)

mmmbrainst (at) gmail (dot) com

DinaKay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica said...

Phew! There are a million and ten things on my to do list today. Oh the joys of being a working mom! One of my favorite ones though is picking up my little man from nanas house after I get off work today. It is the highlight of my day during the work week :)

Meggo said...

My to do list includes going to the vet and to start packing for my vacation on thur :o)

Danavee said...

Walking my dog on this beautiful day, after running to the grocery store for field trip food!

Brigitte said...

On my to-do list for today : Clean the bathroom (which I just finished) fold clean towls (which is also done) now all that is left is to do a few more loads of laundry and take the dog for a walk :)

kendra said...

drink 2 huge bottles of water while at work. CHECK

Mymsie said...

Swim laps, which I'm especially excited for because I got new purple goggles. :)

Abby said...

My to do list priority of today is enjoy my Spring Break! It's nice having a few days where I don't have to worry about getting anything important done. :)

Erika M. said...

My to do list includes washing dishes, doing laundry, and job hunting.

Kasey said...

Go to yoga!

Christen E. Krumm said...

taking a nap. that's number one!!


Lauren said...

such pretty things on a day when im trying to write a sociology paper... hahah

Anne said...

The item on my to do list that I'm most looking forward to getting to is cutting out the last of the squares for the quilt I'm almost done sewing!

Jeremi Sara said...

the top priority on my to do list right now is to work on my children's book! daunting but also exciting :)

Leah Dawn said...

grocery shopping (done!)

Laura said...

Lay down for a few minutes before all the babies wake up!

Anna said...

Number one on my to-do list is rest. I am 7 weeks pregnant and feeling major fatigue! So as soon as I get home today, it's jammies on and SLEEP!

Cookie Soup said...

My to-do list is never ending! But this afternoon, I shall tackle the kitchen floor and walk the dog. :)

bethany said...

One thing on my to do list today is making bagels. YUM!

Carly said...

Trying to get through work today so I can finally enjoy my day off...working 6 days a week sucks!

Unknown said...

Only fun things for today friends! Continue my hunt for a vintage "big kid" bed for my 2 year old daughter and finish up selecting yarn for my first ever granny square crochet blanket! Can't wait. Ok, ok, perhaps I will vacuum the floor too.

Sarah said...

What a fun giveaway! I like my to do list today: getting yarn to knit my friend a hat and date night with my mister tonight!

Sarah M said...

something on my to-do list today was call a bike manufacturer--my crank FELL OFF my bike--YIKES!
Sarah M

Cheryl Birkey said...

my to do list:make dinner...chicken salad, yum!

Sarah said...

To-do: trim down wardrobe of each family member. Also, organize toys. uggggh, they're invading our space!

Unknown said...

My to do list priorities for today include writing a new blog post, doing a little rearranging in the dining room, and calling to "reluctantly" change our new washer delivery date.

Angelyn said...

My to-do list is so long...My least favorite thing on it is ironing. My favorite, knitting. :D

Funky Chicken said...

My to do list includes putting together a weeks worth of new recipes for dinner, i am tired of making the same ol stuff!

Oakley Seal said...

my to do list includes
working on my soda tab purse and blog

Betsy said...

My to-do list item was take pictures for a tutorial,along with the slightly less(coughMOREcough) important goal of making sure I catch "White Collar" tonight :)

Anne said...

11:30 AM: Coastal Cancer Treatment Center. LAST Radiation treatment for breast cancer! YaHoo!!! Anne, yourmainesstamper

Cheray Natalie... said...

The first thing on my to do list today is get myself a coffee to wake up ;) (hehehe) once that has been achieved & I can function, next step is photographing all of my thrift finds to list in my new shop :)

Kristen said...

Do my taxes!! On a small note there is a new recipe I saw online I want to try out

Lee said...

The very first item on my to do list is to make a lap quilt for my sis in law who is scheduled for surgery very soon.

Jen said...

My to do list= scrub back hallway, scrub main floor staircase, dust house, do laundry, get everything picture ready for the real estate agent who is coming tomorrow to take pics...whew. Hope the house sells fast so we can move, yay!

brittany said...

It was pick up my passport from the post office, which I just did!
yay! I am slightly productive today! :)

Rachel said...

One thing on my to-do list today is to work out as part of my attempt to get fit for wedding season this summer

Unknown said...

To Do List:
Coffee and a pastry.
Babysit two adorable little boys.
Stamp birthday party invitations.
Nap (3 months pregnant + one 11-month old).
Watch something silly... "King of the Hill?"
Dream of sipping lemonade freshly made in the warm spring weather.

shawnacy said...

to do: walk away from the to do list for ONE MINUTE, and drink in one, unique, perfect moment.

Kanya said...

I have no to-do list today! It's my birthday!
Maybe buy myself a dress at Red Velvet.

Amanda Gibson said...

Re-organize the kitchen. It's at the top of my list as I just moved in with my boyfriend and we are combining two homes into one! :o)

tamara said...

I have to spend the next few hours in the kitchen to make spaghetti and meat sauce and appetizers for my friends bd party tonight.


katie said...

my to do list is to complete the last items on my baby shower checklist: make signs for the "activities" and decide on cupcake flavors. :) <3

Alli said...

Buy allergy meds!

jessankney said...

today's to-do list includes hitting up the gym and picking up that book I've been trying to read lately!


Rachel said...

on my list for today, one thing stands out: eat pancakes in honor of national pancake day. what a chore!

Anonymous said...

my to-do list today included making a lesson plan for my 3rd grade field experience class, do laundry, make doctor's appointments, and exercise.
while it is 6:04 pm and i have yet to complete any of these tasks, the evening is looking promising :)

Cara Mason said...

Today's to-do list is school related.
I'm in fine arts and will be collaborating with children on my next piece. It should be fun...and messy.

curlyqmosaics said...

On my to-do-list today: feel better, my allergies are taking a toll on me today! Off to take a hot bath....

Brian and Andrea said...

on my to do list today is to clean the litter boxes, Love my kitties, hate their poo!

The Semi Sweet said...

Something I've been meaning to do for a couple of weeks now is hem my husband's jeans. Hopefully by this weekend it will get done;)

The Windy City Duo said...

What a delicious giveaway. Today I need to find some time to write on my thesis... it will probably happen sometime after my husband gets home as I am caring for a sick child who also happens to be teething. Ouch!

Ricarda said...

Today, the highlight of my to-do list and my favorite point was to go and see avenue Q as a reward for all the hard work I have done lately. I loved it :)


Anonymous said...

to do tonight: laundry. boo!

sarah r.

Kelly said...

The main thing on my to do list is just to get through an exam and a paper due this week so I can relax all next week because it's spring break!


Malori said...

My to-do list is mainly composed of various homework assignments. In fact... I should be working on that right now. Oh well :)



Ashleigh said...

My to do list: work, convince my husband to eat left overs tonight, and to just relax!!

Rachel said...

Today my to-do list included uploading some photos, buying some fruit, and finishing an art project
: )

lexsmama said...

My to do list includes being able to do something actually on my own after surgery/birth on Friday. :-) Thanks to the sponsors for the cute giveaways!

Skye L. said...

My to do list for today is lay on the couch..all day. Very different than my usual to do list but got put on bedrest so my baby girl doesn't make her appearance on earth too early!

Danelle said...

My to-do-list consists of applying for new jobs to hopefully find a better working environment and make myself happier. :)

Eileen said...

Going to ihop to get free pancakes... is the only highlight on my to do list!

love your blog as always!

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