I was inspired by this girl to write about my morning with my son. He woke up an hour early @ 6:20 a.m. and was cranky through breakfast and getting dressed. So, I did what any tired mom wants to do. I packed him up and we drove to Starbucks for a Grande, CAFFEINATED, Non-Fat Cinnamon Dolce Latte with no whip. Then we drove to the bagel shop and got a bagelwich. I was fresh out of bed, teeth brushed, hair pulled back in a messy do, bags under my eyes, wearing chapstick, mascara, long sleeves and jeans. Sebastian had only his t-shirt, shorts and a knit hat. He looked like he had dressed himself. This is what happens when you get me out of bed this early.
While we were standing in line, the man in front of us asked if Sebastian's hat was from Little Dreamers, the children's store that I had taken my quilts and pillows into the week before. I told him it was and he introduced himself as one of the owners. I declined to announce myself as the one whose goods he wasn't interested in. Later that day I went in to the store to pick my items up and saw him in the back. I don't think he recognized me without the bags under my eyes.
hehe :) funny girl.
love this photo... :)
Aww! :) I can totally relate to the tired mommy bit! It's 3:15 am here, and what am I doing? Looking at blogs and being wide awake. :)
oh my! I have no idea what it is like to be a mommy but I know the feeling when you just have to get caffeine no matter what arggggg. I love the photo, I am experimenting with custom work at the moment, would you mind me using that pic? If it works out ok I can send it to you. Let me know?
he's so handsome!
What a presh face Rach! I am totally drinking at Grande Cinnamon Dolce Latte w/Whip right now! O.. .w/extra syrup! Yum!! My fave! Pair it w/the crumb cake and it's amazing!! U know, I have a thing w/remembering faces. Some ppl don't. I don't see why! Id remember u! xoxo
O and I Love LOve ur lil slide show w/the fun creations! I want to make one of those lil monsters now that I have my first sewing machine! Tutorial maybe?!
haha funny story, stupid man. Cute kiddo :D
*Hugs* Martine
So sweet! Random question...do you have a favorite fabric designer? Love your things!
Omgosh, I totally know how you feel :/
Bless every tired Mommy, who just needs a nap and a few minutes of sanity. *hugs*
To answer your fabric question, I'm in love with Heather Bailey's Fresh Cut collection as well as Amy Butler's stuff. They both use beautiful color palettes and prints. I also like Alexander Henry and sometimes Michael Miller because they are more affordable and easier to get your hands on. There are a few Japanese designers that I'd love to have but I'm still working on the pile in my craft area.
A few great fabric stores online are:
Its so easy to spend money on fabric so its good to check out some crafty blogs and see what everyone is using. You find that you either love how it looks with a form to it or find out its not you. Sometimes you'll be surprised. Check out a few of the links on the side bar to see some crafty ladies.
Thanks for the question.
darling picture.
Hey Rachel! :) Katie's still getting up twice a night too...except for nights like last night when she was up for all but about 3 hours spread out over the hours. :) I'm a little tired today! :)
Look at his cute face!
I totally here ya sista... whenever my boy wakes me that early...it's a starbucks morning! :D
i hear ya on the tired thing. my oldest has been getting up at 4:30-5am lately! ouch...
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