The project list is being checked off in large amounts. As much as I've accomplished with arranging and rearranging, you would think we'd just moved in. There are still BOXES EVERYWHERE! Mostly packaging boxes for PonyParty and RVKC but they still feel like they need a new home. I'm working on that one next week after Cider Days has wrapped up.
Speaking of Cider Days!!! I've been doodling and testing out ideas and really should get back to working on them instead of using up Sebastian's nap time being online.
Thanks for stopping in.
i loooove the teal mirror! your style is way cute. [betcha never heard that one before huh?]
i can't wait to see all of your home!
I LOVE the color of that blue mirror. I've been obsessed with it lately! I love checking out your blog for inspiration ideas for our apartment! You always give me such fun ideas! Have a great week!
You do have great style and taste! I really love all of the clipboards up on the wall- a graphic look, but crafty and funky at the same time! Thanks for all the inspiration!
Whew I always love your stuff! And I love that clipboard idea! About the cleanliness thing... I had to tidy up my house a bit before taking those photos today. haha
i love the array of clipboards!! you have such a knack for arrangement!! awesome!
I think you just may have the cutest house ever :) :)
cannot wait to see the your home when all is said and done. funFUNfun! ;o) what's in store for cider days? some year i will make it down from MT and check it out. someday.... ;o)
have fun!
That chair is 2die4!!! O, O, O, & the clipboards just about killed office-supply-nerd-me!
The mirror is so pretty, I love how bright and perky it is.
The hanging clip boards are wonderful. I love how they will keep items in sight. I am a visual person; out of sight, out of mind. Not a good thing! I hope we'll get to see pics of Cider Days, sounds fun!
Oh man! It's looking so nice!! Love the subtle amounts of color you used! I live in an apartment where I can't paint, so I like seeing what others do with white walls!
love love love your blog. miss miss miss seeing more photos and ideas! (that means plllllease write more! you are total inspiration!).
wishing you extra time to drool over fab ideas for your cedar weekend!
samantha (a total fan!)
Not sure if you remember me, but I commissioned you a while back to sew a quiet book. Anyways, I've been admiring your blog ever since. We all appreciate the cheery posts on your home.
Where do you find magazine inspiration? I see such great tear sheets clipped up!
We subscribe to ReadyMade mag. I sometimes buy Teen Vogue for the fashion and photography. I was given permission to rip out a few pages from my grandmother-in-law's Home Companion stash and some are from Urban Outfitters catalogs. I also used a map and Hambly paper as backgrounds for some smaller photos.
Hello, I love the mirror. You are so inspiring. I love going to your blog and gettting ideas. I hope we can meet sometime. I am friends with Elsie, she talks about you a lot. Well, hope we can meet soon.
sorry i mixed up your name on my blog, i've corrected it. :)
Just love the clipboards but wondering how to afford so many. (eek, I am not even sure if they have clipboards in Marrakech). Can you share your source? I am heading back to the US next month.
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