That's all I can say about a few great opportunities that have popped up in the non-crafting world lately. One of them is being able to display my vintage finds from PonyParty in this month's Poppytalk Handmade Online Market. Poppytalk is a design blog that promotes emerging artists and crafters and is a great way to find unique pieces for your home. Its a daily read for me.
I've got a long list of projects to finish for our home this month.
* Repaint metal locker for living room.
* Purchase new Heather Bailey Fabric for pillows.
* Chalkboard paint my #3 and an old painting with a rad frame.
* Make headboard for bed that looks something like this one. I was inspired by her handy skills! I might start referring to you as HandyMandi!
* Sew new padding for this chair.
* Find or make a yellow, hand-stitched quilt for our bed.
* Have a custom cabinet finished for the studio.
* Put up display shelving in our kitchen.
* Make a reading teepee for Sebastian's room!
* Fix up the back porch for the Fall. (lanterns, white Christmas lights, old doors and lots of charm.
* Hang my painted mirror collection in our bedroom.
* Fill my frames with inexpensive and lovely art.
* And I won't give away the last one because its a fun secret project for my front door!
Oh, it is a long and daunting list that will probably take much longer than I expect but I'm willing to get my hands dirty and stay patient until my to-do list is complete. Or maybe it will change as we discover something even better to do with this space or that idea. And really life is more about the memories you make in your home than the way it looks but I'm all about having both.
We had my sister-in-law visit over the weekend, went to Diesel's baby shower, worked on the display for Cider Days, packed more kits, posted the 2nd Steady Hand, Faulty Heart class, went to the park, and cleaned in time for my mother-in-law to come by for a quick visit and take my sister-in-law home. You can't have a dirty bathroom when your mother-in-law is coming over. Big no, no.

What did you do this weekend? What are your Fall projects to finish?
Wishing you a light load,
congrats on poppytalk! fun! i've never heard of it but will be in my faves after checking it out! fun stuff!
your list is quite long but very manageable for someone as talented as you. i also have a list... open an etsy shop and look for inspo for decorating the rest of my rental. white walls... how to incorporate colors in them. and scrap - scrap - scrap.... it's been a long time! ;o)
thanks again for always showing your creative side... inspires me to the maxx!!!
i love poppytalk! congrats on being over there :)
Congrats on the featire, that's so neat!
My fall list includes: Knitting hub's mohawk hat, hanging the framed vintage animal pictures in my son's room, begin son's quilt, make sisters, mothers, sort-of-sister-in-law's Christmas gifts, and do something to make our living room feel less generic. Hoping to get all of these finished by Thanksgiving, except kiddo's quilt.
mmm. forgot to add, talk self out of buying everything on ponyparty. :) You have some amazing pieces on there right now.
I saw you on poppytalk! :) That's so cool!
And I love that nickname! haha Have you ever seen White Christmas? (puh lease say yes) I love the Mandi she needs a minister handy song. :)
Your to-do lists inspire me :)
I don't even have anything fun planned...lots and lots of boring and no fun things to take care of.
I'm hoping something magical will happen soon! :) A girl can always wish for better luck, right?
Rachel said:...posted the 2nd Steady Hand, Faulty Heart class...
have the password or link already been sent to all participants? If so, I missed mine...
E-mail me so I can send it to you.
fun--everything. :) I have some old movie reels that belonged to my parents. I'm pretty sure they are mostly of scenery (overseas), and motorcycle rides. when I was young, we would periodically set up the slide projector, we would pop popcorn over the stove, and watch slides galore. it was an enchanting time together as a family. truly.
to do list (not including everything ongoing;): stain an old farmhouse table that belonged to my husband's grandparents. we stripped layer upon layer of paint. find just the right dining room lights. look into a local storytelling guild.
huge congrats on Poppytalk and good luck with the to-do list.
and stoked to start on fun Steady Hand, Faulty Heart class stuff - LOVE what you do!
Ooh...lovelies! Those old projectors rock! And I've never heard of Poppytalk, but it looks fabulous! Congrads, girl! :) Good luck narrowing down the list - everything you have to do sounds so fun!!
Pleasepleaseplease tell me I didn't miss a chance at the projectors. One of these has been on my list for while! :-)
projectors are still safely at my house until I find twenty minutes to do some research and post them. maybe tonight!
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