These last two-ish weeks have been rough at our house with sick kids, end of the semester finals and a missing weekend when Brett had drill but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I'm looking forward to an overdue date night this week and fitting in some therapeutic crochet time on the couch. I have about 25 pieces of plywood that are in various stages of being painted as well as another super large project taking up most of the floor space in my studio but all they need is an uninterrupted afternoon and they'll be finished and out the door. Clear studio space = clear head space.
I've been juggling the mental to do list and one of them is coming up with a creative picture idea for our family Christmas photo. I know it will come to me. I'm just hoping it doesn't wait until Christmas Eve. Have you guys seen any good ones on Flickr that might steer me in the right direction?
Sponsor post coming on Tuesday! Just in time for some last minute shopping!!!
love that little face.
i'm so glad she's here. i'm not certain i've had the chance to tell you yet. i hope you're experiencing all the restoration there is in her presence.
Oh that picture!! Ruby is a delight.
I am quite inspired by this photo....
It just suits.
She has big eye, so cute, even with that look.
So adorable..
Such a cutie!! I love her expression!
Aren't babies wonderful, always with a new expression for you everyday! That one is just classic! Just adorable!
cute picture, and it will come to you, I'm sure!
I love this pic:
Look at the little boy's head for a special surprise ;)
Kara, that was hilarious.
Hi Rachel,
I love your blog, it is so inspiring to me, as I also have a newborn. I haven't commented yet because I rarely have a spare moment (or hand!) these days.
However, just wanted to mention my favorite family Christmas photo....the one from Sufjan Stevens Christmas box set. I love the off center angle and retro look!
that little sweet face! ahhh!! So dang cute!! ;D
I know you've been getting this all day - and so drumroll....She's SO cute! That photo made me laugh, and reminisce for those early months in my Marley's life. Absolutely a stunner.
She is adorable...she looks just like her mama!
I too checked out Flickr for some photo inspiration when planning our photo. Most of what I saw was pretty basic. I do have an idea I want to try w/ my still wee family, but for the sake of getting everything accomplished I got realistic timewise and decided most everyone just wants to see our faces. Probably why the Flickr ones were so basic, too. But I do love creative photo ideas so much; that would be a good blog post idea actually. I'll work on that.
The cutest idea that I saw from Flickr was a fam who all sported matching Buffalo plaid scarves, and had their to go coffee cups tipped up in sipping action (they were all adults). You couldn't see the lower half of their faces, but it was cute. --Someday I'll leave a short comment. ;)
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