I could use some California weather today.

Sebastian and I have developed our own ways for coping with the chill in the air and the frozen pipes. His new favorite indoor game is 'drop kick'. Mine is taking pictures by the window in his bedroom because all of the snow on the ground is reflecting some great light.

Have I mentioned that I LOVE my new camera.

Happy Friday!
did you knit that hat?? i love it! i was drooling over some mustard yarn yesterday, but found the willpower to resist (need to use some of my stash first!)
what kind of camera are you using?
Care to explain the rules of "drop kick"? :)
Good to see the weather hasn't taken your sanity. I'm closely guarding mine at the moment.
I love your hat! it looks so cozy :)
oh yes not to rub it in.....but i am enjoying my california weather. ate lunch at the beach in a short sleeved blouse!
If it makes you feel better at all, my little corner of California is overcast, rainy and cold today. Still, I guess that's as good as an excuse as any to use my pretty new rainbow umbrella today.
i live in Indiana & it is cold & snowy here as well! also i wanted to tell you that your hair is super gorgeous! that's an adorable hat Sebastian is wearing...i could die!
Jazmyn, It's a Canon T1i and I'm in love.
Bekka, Rules of drop kick: Hold large bouncy ball in hands and smile mischeviously at Mama. Drop and kick. But don't break anything or even get close to breaking anything or Mama will put an abrupt end to said game.
you look so pretty in that yellow hat rachel...and mr ""S"..hey there dude!!..waving at you in that red hat..and just love that pic of ruby , stay warm!
The pics are adorbs!
Love your hat!
ooh, i want those sunglasses!
funny... I've been Minnesota dreamin' lately (from California). I loved how the snow slowed our pace for a while. I hope sunny days are headed your way soon!
Rachel, you can have some of my hot, humid Australian weather...and some of the rain, too. I am sick of it ALL at the moment.
Wanna trade for a few days? Lol :D
Karen xx
P.S. Hope you had a happy holiday season!
Well, no snow, but it is COLD here! And oh-so-foggy. But tomorrow it may be in the 60's! I hope. My toes are frozen. lol
I could use some Cali weather here as well. I can't handle it when the high is only in the 20's! I don't know what drop kick is, but I bet it's fun!
LOVE the hats!!
I love that first photo of you! Should totally be in a magazine!
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