My new favorite headband. I cut out a flower from the vintage bark cloth Elsie gave me and sandwiched a black headband between it and two pieces of orange felt. I just stitched around the edges, trimmed it and carefully arranged it on my curly little head. If only all crafting was so quick!
Make your own with a small doily, an embellished applique, or some pretty ribbon wrinkled up in pleats.
super cute!
I only wish I could get them to stay on my head. My hair is so soft and silky that any hairbands slip right off (or propel off my head like a sling shot). Even when I let my hair stay in its curly/wavy state it does the same thing.
Boo...guess I'll have to continue just loving headbands on other people. I really like all yours.
Aww that's really cute! <3
Love this. So simple and pretty. And especially love the little bird prints in the snow. :-)
this is adorable? how is it so shiny? is that the bark cloth? i must find some of it if it is. i love simple homemade accessories. i am glad its the weekend and i will have some time to try this.
This is so cute and totally doable! I need to make one! How fun!
Cute! I love this! I want to grow my hair out this year and need some cute headband ideas! Thanks, Rachel!
It's lovely - and i love the little bird feet prints in the snow!
I am so inspired by you and your Red Velvet team, I am getting more into my art!!!
check out my shop! http://www.etsy.com/shop/chirpcrafts?ga_search_query=ChirpCrafts&ga_search_type=seller_usernames&view_type=gallery
Keep up all your great work !!!
so cute and the little birdie footprints are so sweet ♥
Totally adorable. I love this idea. Might just try it myself ;)
What a super great idea, thanks for sharing!!
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