After two hours of attempting to get back home in a snow storm and finally turning around, we made it back to my in-laws last night, thankful to be getting to bed before midnight and without being stuck in a ditch on the side of the highway. Since we hadn't planned on spending the night we hadn't brought our toothbrushes, a change of clothing, or extra disposable diapers for Ruby but Brett's mom came to the rescue. She pulled out some size 3 diapers and we folded them down and made it work.

This morning we all got to sleep in, have pancakes, and basically enjoy some more down time before we headed home. The kids were great on the road all three times and other than being grungy, we enjoyed the change of plans. I was looking forward to a hot shower this evening but because we weren't able to get home to our pipes last night, they froze. Our washing machine and bathroom sink still work, thank goodness, but there will be no showering involved. Five hours of a space heater under our kitchen sink and we're still waiting on the faucet to open up.

Maybe we should go back?
Stay warm. These are the kinds of days that keep life from blurring altogether.
p.s. Are you familiar with Ree Drummond's blog,
Confessions of a Pioneer Woman? I can hardly stop myself from staying up all night reading how she met her husband. I'm a sucker for real life romance.
um...yeah. i read her entire "book" about how she and MM met in one afternoon *blush*. It was just too good.
glad everyone is safe!
gosh, Ruby is looking like her own person these days! :)
And man oh man.... what an adventure!
That first little picture of your baby girl is absolutely precious! Mine just started walking last week and I kind of miss that stage. Just a little though. :)
Oh MAN. Ree's recipes make me drool.. and I don't even eat beef. I love the pictures that she takes of her "Punks", too!
Hope your pipes open up soon!
Tim Gunn would be proud of you and Brett's Mum!
I love Pioneer Woman! The MM story is too good. Her recipes are amazing...especially anything involving a potato.
Oh my gosh! That stinks! {No pun intended, lol}. These are the days where you wished you were still in Cali, rolling down your windows to see where you're going in the fog, huh? At least your pipes wouldn't freeze! Here's hoping that you get to take a nice hot shower really soon.
Wintertime can be a lovely time, but yes, it´s nice to have running water... (trying to defrost under our sink as we speak)
Hope you´ve got your heat up now!
LOVE PW...especially her recipes....omgoodness they are all SO good.
Sarah M
Oh my goodness - I did the same thing with Pioneer Woman's "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels" story. Wasn't that fantastic??
What a sweet family! I'm glad you made it home safe and sound. :)
I've read Pioneer Woman for a while now and she is endlessly entertaining. Be sure and try her recipes, they are all fantastic... Did you know she is now a published cookbook author?
oh, I love that belly she has! too cute for words!
Ree Drummond is the best. Sorry about your long adventure and coming home to frozen pipes.. boo.
Does that little Ruby have the chunkiest belly I've seen...I just want to tickle it! I hope you are enjoying her!
Little Ruby is such a doll!
I'm going to be nosy and ask what that sign is above your door (with your name on it)? Is it a painting?
I LOVE REE! I spent one night reading all of it... fun, huh?
I love Pioneer Woman.
I found her blog after my husband died last year and read it all in one weekend... And cried and cried... :) It is such a good story, and she is such a great story teller... :)
My SIL made that for her parents one year. It's a collage background that she painted their (our) last name on.
Tee hee. How cute is Ruby with her belly hangin out? Aaaw. Here's wishing your pipes unfreeze very soon, too - that's no fun!
Oh I LOVE PW blog! I haven't commented before on your blog, but I have been reading it now for the past few months and I just want to say you really inspire me! Thanks for your great posts!
I found your blog on Elsie's and really hope to visit RVA one day and meet you all!! (I'm just about two hours away) Keep up the cute work! :D
I hope you're all thawed out, and maybe even showered by now. I do miss those snowy wintery days of the midwest. A forced shut-in, rest time is what we all need sometimes!
Ruby is adorable.
And Ree's blog... yes, so so good.
PW is the BEST!! I found her blog a little over a year ago and she hadn't finished the love story yet. I stayed up nearly all night readin the first installments and caught up as she posted them. Ree rocks!!
Baby Ruby is just beautiful. All 4 of you are! What a pretty family.
I totally am hooked on Ree's story. I've been reading it for about a week now at work. Love your little lady's new dress too.
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