Sebastian's got two speeds these days. One is stop. The other is go crazy and jump off the furniture onto Mama's back while she's checking her e-mail. Or run up and down the galley way of our house shooting your plastic rocket gun while Mama is trying to put Ruby down for a nap. There is also bang on the door and anything else in your way as you get sent to time out for not listening to Mama when she told you to stop jumping around and listen to her instructions but you kept jumping around.

He's got more energy than we've got running space.
I'm sure some of you can relate.
I can absolutely relate... I *wish* you could see my house today.. I have two little ones running around... And since every room was a disaster, they decided to take their cars out on the back deck this afternoon because there was no where else to play...
I feel your pain. Kids really should come with an acre of useable space. That *might* be enough space for my 2 youngest to burn off their energy. maybe.
The snow is not budging here either. They say it will be a scorching 45 degrees tomorrow! I have been bundling up the tot whenever I can and getting him out there. He also runs these crazy laps around the kitchen island, around the dining room table, up the stairs, down the stairs....annnnnnd repeat! The trampoline is a good idea!
Well hey, at least you have that trampoline! ;) We live in an apartment, so when my boys jump around, I'm constantly shushing them because I'm paranoid that the downstairs neighbors will get annoyed! <3
you've got one of those too? i was thinking of tying mine up to a pole and let him run around like a pony ride. is that mean? i'd love to have a trampoline though. except i'm sure he'd use it as a catapult to land on the counter or something. wild boy. just like his daddy. ;)
Oh, man. That stinks. I just got home to AZ from spending almost two weeks in Indiana and I couldn't be more grateful for the sunshine and LACK OF SNOW.
Here's hoping you get some sweet relief soon.
too much snow.
Girl, you need to find a preschool program for him! I know that there are parents out there that don't want their kids to go to preschool, but it is NOT day care! they have all sorts of programs for kids, some for just a couple hours a day for 2 days a week! Since you are in a state that sees a lot of cold, indoor weather, a preschool program would be perfect for you and him!
I agree with the person above who commented on preschool. I think it would really help prepare him for kindergarten as well.
Other than that, I hope the snow clears up soon. I'm in AZ so there is never snow where I'm at lol.
bottle some of it up and send me a paypal link! i'll buy it :o)
can i relate? what a timely post! marley would not go down for her nap or go to sleep today ~ and she ran around and screaming, giggling and generally bouncing off the walls like someone spiked her milk ; ).
Oh my goodness I totally understand your frustration. Although I'm far from having kids, my cousins used to be like that. Good luck!
Ohhhhh yeh we've been there and I am sure we will be there again come baby #3 arrival in April. hang in there the rhythm gets better ;)
HEe Hee!! My couch look similar, with the cushions pulled up and created into a fort. We have a snow day today, which I plan on sending him out into as soon as we are out of PJs. It may only last a few minutes, but at least we can burn up a bit of energy.
That indoor trampoline...Genius!!
Yup. Boys do have ALOT of energy!
i've got 2 preschool boys--oy vey! does the trampoline help a little bit?? i've been thinking about trying to procure one.
tiny twig
Absolutely! My son Everett is 2. I have a 4 year old, Aubrie, but she's completely different! I have never really been around boys before - I only had sisters. My son is a wild man full-time! We too tried the trampoline hoping to wear him out, but no luck! He's still a crazy boy, but that's what makes him so hilarious too :)
come to san francisco and we can play in the park!
Totally - my 3 year old has gotten louder and faster since we've been stuck inside for the winter. The sheer volume of words that come out of her mouth in one day is astounding!
We are stuck inside too - but the weather could not be more perfect here in Australia. Trouble is my son has plasters on both legs and refuses to be seen in public. So he, I and his energetic 4yo sister are trapped in the house with nothing to do but fight over the TiVo remote...
Sebastian is an incredible name for this handsome young boy.
Can't go wrong with anything French.
Beautiful home by the way.
OMGoodness!!!! I think you have my son!!!! LOL!!!!
A minitrampoline saved me during winter! That an occasion foray to the dreaded McD's indoor playground, or the germ infested tubes as I referred to it. Winter is long here in the midwest, I suggest minitramps to all parents of housebound children!
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