When do those light bulb moments come?

Do you do your best thinking in the shower?

Get most inspired when you're traveling?

Or do they come to you while you sleep?
Personally, I'm a shower girl. I should start sketching my ideas in the steam on my bathroom mirror!
I'm more of a writer than an artist although I do both, but I'll get scenes that I'll have to write out while I'm driving. Dangerous. Also they come while I'm trying to sleep. I'll have to get up and write down whatever is playing out in my head.
I'm totally a shower girl too, and sometimes when I'm vacuuming. My uber hippy psychology professor taught us we are more open to inspiration and ideas when we are vulnerable in multiple aspects, such as in the shower. In my experience this tends to be true.
there isn't a normal place or time. but i've learned to listen to the inspiration coming and to hold on until its gone.
Mostly in the shower! Sometimes driving to work or running errands.
also when i get fed up with myself, my room is clean, and i have a fresh notebook. late at night.
having all those elements together is the reason i'm not productive.
my best ideas usually come to me when im taking notes or doing homework- aka two times when i should NOT be cooking up creative visions in my head! ha. and ps- i got so excited over this post, because the picture of the turquoise bedroom looks a lot like mine! i have the same bedspread and white christmas lights over my bed, minus the awesome tree branch bedposts. :)
oh it's usually right when I'm trying to sleep. i keep a notepad next to my bed for such an occasion. But tonight I had a light bulb go off in a room full of people. I had to borrow a pen & quickly sketch it out. I love those moments! Love your blog, Rachel! It's beautiful, inspiring & heartfelt. Thanks for sharing your life.
my inspiration seems to come alive when i'm lying in bed, not quite asleep yet, but comfy and relaxed.
i love closing my eyes, tucked in and cosy, and just let my imagination do what it does :)
Eeek! Just had a good idea while I was washing my face so I think Kimbirdy's prof might have something there!
good idea=future blog post segment for February!!!
after midnight. I get inspired when I'm getting ready for bed!
Mines normally just as I'm about to fall asleep - I have to keep a note book by my bed now. I'm normally still walking dead in the morning until after my shower.
Mine come to me right before I fall asleep which isn't practical at all :D
I get so many of my good ideas while I'm at work - usually while I'm drinking my first cup of coffee. Kind of annoying really - couldn't they come on the way home?? ;)
While I'm driving! I come up with the most profound ideas, greatest lines, deepest self reflection, and I can't even write it down. Maybe I should get one of those little voice recorders?
I have good ideas when in the shower too, or when I'm on the tube home staring at other commuters (what they are wearing/reading/talking about etc.) but to be honest... and this is super embarrassing... I get a lot of very good ideas when I'm in the... er.... Ladies Room (and I'm not powdering my nose)! I'm one of those annoying people who takes ages because I go off into a daydream whilst sitting there...! I'm often saying 'I just had this great idea when I was on the toilet...' haha! OK, that was an embarrassing but truly honest admission!
p.s. Love the blog and sorry if I lowered the tone!!
definitely in the shower! And my glass shower doors are always covered in quilting designs that I draw on with a bar of soap!
hehe I have a post in my que about getting ideas in the shower!
My ideas come to me at random times of the day, but most always when I am not at home and have no supplies with me. I do always carry a notebook now to jot down my ideas...and then I can't wait to get home to try them out! xx
i usually think of mine when i'm driving places. it's a 25 min drive to work so sometimes i will not turn on the music and just think about stuff and ideas. only problem is that it's hard to write them down while driving down the highway! ha
i get inspiration when i drive. we live a good 20 min from the city. so that long straight desereted drive lets me sit and think. i quite enjoy it. :)
I get a lot of ideas right before I go to sleep :)
the shower and the movies during the previews. i've had my husband come in and take notes while i was in the shower. at the movies, you just have to guess if you are not writing on top of words in the dark but i've took notes there too.
I always get my best ideas when I'm too busy to work on them - its crazy! So I have to keep a note pad with me at all times so I can write them down before I forget.
Right as I get into bed - it's like an epiphany hits me - then I can't sleep!
Always when i'm driving on riding the train. And usually when i'm trying to get to sleep, i keep a journal in bed with me!
Yup - shower girl. My best ideas always come to me then!
Right before I fall asleep, in the shower and during drives in the car!!!
At night, after baby boy has been sleeping and the responsibilities of the day are done. My mind comes alive and I'm wide awake and want to do everything creative.
Poor tired husband, he thinks it's late and time for bed!
usually at work, at that moment when i'm busy & can't do anything other than jot down a few notes. however when i finally get home & get a spare moment...the idea has lost a lot of it's life. it's very frustrating.
mine are usually right before I fall asleep and then I have to try to remember in the AM
Right before I fall asleep, I keep a sketchbook by my bed for midnight thoughts!
always in the shower or when I'm driving - 2 places where I can't exactly write things down.
I've actually gotten pretty good at writing-in-a-straight-line without looking at it while I'm driving!
i have ideas as i'm falling asleep. i get so anxious to try them out, but i have to wait until the next night, after paisley goes to sleep.
i'm with hollysarah! midnight is my witching hour! tons of lovely notions fly around my head whilst trying to get my butt in bed haha!
I love thinking in the shower. We keep an all weather notebook and a pencil in the shower so to do lists and brilliant ideas don't get lost :)
I always get good ideas right as I'm falling asleep. It is that moment when you about to fall into a dream state, but your creative wheels are still turning. I have got some of my most creative ideas at that time.
PHOTOS! EVERYWHERE! I get my best ideas when I'm blogging, or shopping, or reading magazines.
Images inspire me for my next project of idea....
i get them in the shower too, which is so frustrating.
cause i always forget...
but inspiring images always give me the BEST ideas.
I write the scripts for my shows at work in the shower.
Ideas for visual things normally come to me in the dark right before i fall asleep.
i always get ideas when i'm trying to fall asleep... so i grab my notebook and draw/sketch/jot/scribble by light of cell phone so as not to wake up my roomie!
Definitely when I'm trying to fall asleep. I have a notebook and pencil next to my bed all the time. ;D
I am a car girl all the way..ohhhh.. am I suppose to be concentrating on driving??
My ideas either come while falling asleep or while driving--both times not conducive to writing them down : )
I did see these waterproof notes today--they might come in handy for you shower idea folks! http://bit.ly/dcnRw
anywhere and everywhere....today inspiration struck on big thunder mountain at disneyland!
Usually if I see a pretty fabric, or a picture in a magazine, and definitely at night or when I wake up in the morning!
That last picture with the teal walls and the twinkly lights-So beautiful.
wow, that bed...
Unfortunately, when I go to bed! Which is late enough as it is...
Just found your blog today & really enjoy it. I think you may like mine too!
♥ Maria-Thérèse blog.afiori.com ♥
wow! this is absolutley so inspiring!
its such a great way to use those random
branches that landed in your back yard
and the left over christmas lights
love it
love your blog
the perfect pear
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