p.s. Yes, I stared two garter snakes in the eyes today and then had Sebastian playfully chase them back under the house where they belong. As long as they aren't coming through my plumbing to share my bathtub (can't find link. Yes, that happened), we're good.
Lol I remember the first time I saw a snake. It was when I went to Florida to visit my mom. I was taking her dog for a walk and I opened the door and I see a snake on the front porch lol. I don't know what I was thinking but the first thing I did was throw my mom's dog out the door and shut the door and ran and told my mom lol. It was the first time I'd ever seen a wild snake and I was pretty scared. She got mad I threw her dog outside lol but when I went to check on her she was just sitting on the porch lol.
Ha! I remember that post... that was a good while ago!
Happy Wednesday.
I love that HollyHobby decor (and Bloesem is one of my favorite blogs).
That decor reminds me of when I was little, love it! I am the snake wrangler in my family and sometimes at work. I love that coin purse!
OMG, snakes in the bathtub, that would seriously freak me out!
We once had a lizard in our toilet... It was not fun to sit down and hear it in there... Totally terrifying!! Snakes are way scarier!!!
You would think the snowing and freakish weather would keep those snakes away. A little sun and all creatures come out I suppose!
I love vintage EVERYTHING! & I love vintage kids decor & toys! If we had tons of MONEY, my kids room would look more like this!
Oh no! Crazy snakes better leave your bath tub alone! I love that gun hose attachment! & vintage children's decor...yes please!
ick at the snakes. cute to everything else!
Ooh! How horrible! We live in the UAE and cockroaches are giant and rampant. When we go back to the states in the summer, if you don't block off all drains and faucets, you'll find a bathtub full of them upon returning! It took weeks to kill them all and I'd see antennae creeping out through the drains - I refused to use my own bathroom for months! (snakes is worse though ;)
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