
The Older One

He got upset when I washed his hands this afternoon. Apparently he was saving those boogars.

He was delighted to find an ant crawling on his arm and again got upset when I flicked it off because he wanted to make friends with it. I told them there were plenty more where that one came from.

He names every cat or dog Frances.

He prefers to organize our evenings through lists. "Mama, listen to this. This is how it goes.One healthy food, two Dora, three brush teeth, four potty, five story, then bed. That's how it goes."

He's currently hung up on other people having birthdays. He'd rather it always be his birthday. This was displayed most recently when he covered his ears and yelled "STOP!" while people were singing 'Happy Birthday' to his aunt Brittany.

He always remembers when we've told him something that relates to the ice cream man.

He wants to keep his little sister forever and ever and ever.

I'm going to keep them both.




erin e flynn said...

"He wants to keep his little sister forever and ever and ever."

That's so sweet!

My older brother evidently asked my mom (about me): "she's cute and all, but can we send her back now?"

Stylist A said...

Way too cute! I'd keep them both too :)

Anonymous said...

This post is lovely all over.

Anna said...

this is so sweet!!

Lori P said...

Awww what a sweetie. They're both adorable. Kiddos are absolutely the bestest, most fun little things at this age.

But I have to say, enjoy it now because in about 12 years, he'll be changing his tune about the sister. :)

Good Girls Studio said...

He is adorable! Love his little lists :) My son named every animal Frank for the longest time..hahahaha

Brianna! said...

Ahhhh isn't he just TOO cute.They are both gorgeous gorgeous!

katrina said...

this is so cute :)

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute! Amazing pics!

Charis said...

Too cute xox

the whyte house said...

that birthday thing must be a 3 yr old deal. my daughter did that all last year. drove me crazy. i love that he counts off the order of things. so sweet.

Jamie said...

So sweet! I absolutely love that last picture!!!!

Alice said...

That's adorable! Love his lists!

Lisa@goodknits said...

he sounds so much like my oldest! from the booger-saving, to the list-making, to the birthday-stealing! this is a super cute post.

Alison said...

I loved this post! So heartwarming:) You are very lucky you have a boy who loves his sister dearly. I distinctly remember wanting to get rid of my younger sister when I was that age (Thankfully, I got over that!). Btw..WHERE did the blanket on his bed come from? Did you buy it or make it? It's fantastic!

With Love, Jamie said...

Frances? That's really cute :)

Anonymous said...

sigh. so sweet!

Courtney Jane said...


that last photo is totally brilliant

RachelDenbow said...

I used the old 'music truck' on Sebastian until late last summer. Then we finally decided it was okay for him to save his own money for ice cream and learn how to say 'no' to the sugar rush in order to have more for a train from Target. He's pretty good about it when we present it that way!

RachelDenbow said...


The bedspread and curtains are both from Urban Outfitters 07.

Morgan said...

So precious! Big brothers are the best!

Amber Filkins said...

Awww, so cute!

And good to know it's not just Saylor that does that kind of stuff when it's someone's birthday. I'm kind of scared what she'll do when all eyes are on her in June.

Sweet post. Love the pics!

Melissa Mann said...

love this! It put a smile on my face :-)

Heather said...

I love the last photo... adorbs. :)

margot said...

i absolutely completely adore this post. :-)

robin said...

goes without saying...I'll always love seeing and reading about mr "S"...he's is truly something special!

Just Sweet Love said...

This was such a great post! I loved everything about it!

Jackie said...

I don't blame you for wanting to keep them both, they are adorable!

LINDSAY said...

We get tiny ants in our laundry room every spring. I don't bother killing them anymore, because they keep the girls so entertained!

Kimberly said...

He's a keeper!