"Opposite Day" Shop has recently added many wonderful fun and flirty felt accessories that add a little punch of color to any outfit. I am giving away 2 items from the new collection: a rosette headband in dusty pink and a rose brooch in soft red. Both items offer a simple way to accessorize your spring and summer outfits."

For the chance to win this lovely felt rose headband and brooch set leave a comment letting us know if you're
someone who prefers to cook or bake...or neither, I suppose. A winner will be drawn on Tuesday.
Those are just lovely!
I like to cook AND bake, but if I had to choose one? Probably baking. I love to make muffins!
Love that felt cookie! I like to cook but I LOVE to bake! Yum :)
I'd have to choose baking :) All my teeth are sweet teeth!
Hmm I'm definitely a cook. Baking takes too much time and it's fiddley. I'd much rather throw a few ingredients into a slow cooker and create something wonderful with the least amount of work possible :)
The oven hardly ever agrees with me... but me and my pots and pans are good friends:) I only wish i had more time to spend with them!
Cute! Cute! Cute!
I can officially call myself both! I am pretty proud of that. I used to only be able to make creme brulee and quesadillas. Now, I will try to cook and bake anything!
These are wonderful!
I definitely prefer to bake...it's my dream to be able to bake a cake like Ace of Cakes!
i prefer to bake if i'm honest!!!! especially cupcakes!!!!
Oh how pretty!
I like to cook and bake as long as I have someone in the kitchen helping me! Baking is my favorite though.
i'm a baker, hands down. but i don't really like eating baked goods so it usually just means more for my boyfriend and friends!
I prefer baking! Luckily my husband is the cook... otherwise we'd have fat bellies and lots of cavities.
I love Baking. Cooking not so much.
I like to bake but I'm not super good at it. I want to be though!
Cook, maybe? Neither? Haha.
I am both a baker and a cook, can't live without doing either! :)
I do love both. But if I had to choose, I'd take cooking (it's more versatile :-))
Baking!!! It always smells soooo good!
I prefer to cook over baking...I always burn the things I bake!
Baking... Just because baked goods always taste better. :D
cook for sure - I cannot bake!
I prefer to cook because I hate having to measure things!
I like baking better because I'm not a very good cook!
I'm definitely a baker. I'm making cupcakes for a get-together tonight!
I love to bake, but usually cook as baking tends to end up with me eating an entire batch of cookies/muffins/ whole cake. Yes.
Beautiful headband and brooch!
I'm definitely a person who can make a complete goof of myself in the kitchen. I'm not a great cook but I can bake a few things. :)
Omg! Those flowers are SO pretty! I love to do both but I guess I prefer to cook since I feel like I can change things up a little bit more!
I AM a cooker. Both cooking adn baking are difficult since i have been diagnosed with celiac. SO each day cooking is an adventure i have never had
i'm a baker, for sure!! i'm the queen of cupcakes!! :p
I LOVE to bake. It's a good thing I'm kinda lazy, because otherwise I would be very fat!
I love to bake. Thankfully my husband loves to cook so it works out well for us.
Wishing you LOVE,
Fritzi Marie
baking fills my chocolate voide :)
Those roses are so charming! Squee!
And me? I love both, I'm dinner and dessert kinda gal
I love to cook. I'll bake sometimes but I'd rather create a meal than a dessert. And what a cute giveaway!
I love it when my husband cooks and bakes! me... not so much
I would prefer to bake! Although...everytime I bake something...I usually eat most of the batter before it goes in/on the pan. :)
i love the stuff in this shop! I love cooking and baking!
I love both but I think I love baking more! :)
I definitely prefer to bake! I wouldn't say Im a bad cook, I just don't have quite as much experience cooking as I do baking.
love the headband!
x.o. ashley
I love cooking and baking both! I almost always have to make a dessert to accompany a wonderful dinner, and am always inspired to choose a fun dinner to accompany a fancy dessert.
jackiecollyer at hotmail dot com
Too cute!
I love cooking! But could only ever see myself owning a bakery. Does that make sense? haha
I get so much satisfaction out of both..! Either one makes me happy :)
I love to do both, but more so cooking. I just always need plenty of elbow room to do either one and in our teeny tiny 8X8 kitchen, it's a bit hard!
Sarah M
I'm definitely a baker. Cakes, pies and cookies are my bread and butter!
i prefer cooking... you have to be SO PRECISE in baking, and i'm more of a, eh- this needs more BASIL- kind of girl :)
Bake! But that's only because I'm pregnant. The rest of the time I love cooking better.
bake, bake, bake!! my husband does most of the cooking :)
I love to bake! Everyone loves baked goods :)
big time...baking!!!!! it's easier!
unfortunately neither...unless it is cookies, brownies, or cake :)
I used to bake a lot growing up. I really haven't baked in a long time, though. I really like to cook now. Especially Mexican!! Yum!!
both!it usually depends on the season though.
i love to bake!
im not much of a cook but i love to bake cookies and cupcakes :) someday i would love to learn to cook. someday ;)
I seldom cook but I love to bake. All sorts of yummy cookies and cakes and slices. Mmm.
I prefer to cook. I took a cake class once, and now the idea of baking kinda puts me in a coma. :p
Those are adorable!
I looove to bake!
I definitely prefer to bake, cupcakes, brownies, cookies you know, the sweet stuff.
I would have to say that I love both but there is nothing better then cooking friends a great vegan meal and they don't even miss the meat!
i love to cook! :)
I like to cook AND bake,baking more.i Love that felt cookie.
Depends on my mood. But I think I'm more a baking kind of girl :)
Love both, but if I had to choose, then it would be baking!!
I enjoy both, but I feel more creative when I bake. I love making cakes, cupcakes and puddings the most. And decorations out of icing!
I love both! Though I prefer baking because you usually get a more detailed recipe, I'm useless without a recipe...
I prefer baking I like to cook but haven't lived somewhere where I can cook lavish meals, plus usually when I cook Its just for myself where when I bake I can bake and share with others and do something nice.
i prefer baking a lot more.
but there aren't so many reasons to bake as much as i want.
i prefer baking a lot more.
but there aren't so many reasons to bake as much as i want.
bake! hands down.
I am always up for something sweet, warm and delicious. :)
I like to both cook AND bake! I'm not especially great at either one, but they are both fun to me. Love this giveaway!
Hmm I love to cook! Trying new recipes is lots of fun and the results are usually yummy!
Thanks for the chance to enter.
I much prefer to bake myself, but most of the time I do neither (hubby cooks, I'm so lucky!)
I like to bake because I love to eat baked goods! LOL
I love both. but if I could only do one from now on, it would be cook, since my Sister-in-Law is the world's greatest baker, and is always willing to share!
I prefer baking better!!!
I lovelovelove to bake because I love to eat what comes out in the end!
I also like to pretend that I know how to cook...although most of the time I'm just throwing stuff together!
Oh, definitely bake! I have a serious sweet tooth!
I love both, especially when I get a great recipe from a friend..or blog :)
-Michelle from Conyers GA
I love to bake. Cake, pie, muffins. Does it get any better than that?!
I heart baking! Everything about it, from the baking supplies to the lovely smells in the kitchen as it bakes. Mmmmm.
Both, I love cooking, and absolutely love baking (and eating, sharing it all) Especially cupcakes and pie!
I prefer to cook, because I hate measuring! But my husband is the chef/baker in our family...if only he would get in the kitchen more often!
great question! I love both- cooking because i find it really creative and baking because it is decadent and yummy!
I'd love to say baking. Really, I would. I have lovely memories from when I was a kid, of being in the kitchen baking all of the christmas cookies with my Granny. She would teach me how to do little things and let me help, and I loved every minute of it. I always thought it would be awesoem to do the same with my daughter. And I do. Every year. And she loves it. Me however, not so much. Could have to do with the face that I tend to burn everything I bake. So, I'd have to say cooking. Surprisingly, i'm not a half bad cook.
Love the headband, so cute!
I love both cooking and baking!
baking - my new obsession is crunchy artisan bread. mmmmm.
So pretty! I love to bake, but I'm trying to get better at learning how to (and enjoying) cooking.
I prefer both equally. I cook daily and always make a point to bake 3 times a week. I have willing eaters, so I am lucky in that respect.
I prefer to bake. I mean, i like to bake but i'm not realy good at it!
Marion Catrix
I've always loved baking, but now I'm beginning to love cooking as well. So, I guess I'm some of both! :)
I really enjoy baking the most.
I love to bake!
I'm a terrible cook. :)
honestly, i don't really cook or bake. but i'm getting married soon so i better learn something quick :)
Bake - for sure! Luckily, my husband loves cooking.
Baking! A good dessert is worth the hard work :)
i love to bake! yesterday i made french macaroons in pink and blue and they are delicious!
I like to bake first..then cook. My least favourite is cleaning up!
I'd much rather eat something savory, but for some reason I just love to bake! I almost never eat anything I bake though, haha!
I love to do both. But lately I've been enjoying baking much more!
I love to eat :) I can cook and bake...but I usually end up eat all the cookie dough before the cookies are done...or filling up on cheese while I'm cooking dinner...
I like to bake- brownies especially! :)
oh my goodness I SUCK at cooking and/or baking. I think it's fun, but I always find a way to mess something up.. :/ Oh well.
I prefer to cook, but I DO bake occasionally! Great stuff! ♥
oh baking for sure! and while pregnant, non-stop baking!
i prefer cooking! i don't mind baking, but it always just tastes better from the bakery. =)
love to bake, just don't do it nearly enough!
thanks for the chance to win!
i bake! cupcakes. always cupcakes :) yesterday i made gardening cupcakes for my grandparents with starburst and m&m vegetables on top - so cute! except that they took almost 5 hours to make...
Definitely BAKE! Love the sweets!
i cook because i love to eat, but i bake because i love the process (and the results). so i am a baker.
I prefer to eat.
I am not a particularly good cook and although I like my baking, no one else really seems to. Good thing I have a good friend who is a fabulous cook and baker who enjoys having me and my kid over for dinner a lot. =)
I love both, to cook and bake, but lately I Use to cook much more than bake (because I'm on diet and baking sweets is a little dangerous in my circumstances ;))
I like to bake, but my husband isn't a sweet tooth guy, so he likes it when I cook. I like cooking then because he likes my cooing so much :)
I am good at neither, but I would prefer to cook unless I am making granola :)
-Teresa Johnson
Love to do both, but baking is my favorite!
bake bake bake.
When the kids give me some space and let me do my thing, I love to cook. When the kids want to be involved and get a bit messy, we love to bake!
i love baking, but lately i've enjoyed cooking lots of dinners for my boyfriend :)
I enjoy both, but I looove baking! Though, I don't like to eat sweets... so never eat anything I bake! Ha ha! (I baked a Thomas the Tank Engine cake this weekend... shaped like Thomas!)
Christina ;o)
Definitely a cook! Haven't ever had much luck with baking...
In our house, I do the baking and my boyfriend does most of the cooking. Fine by me.. I could bake cookies forever ;)
I definitely prefer to bake!
i love baking.
actually, i love the batter.
most of my creations never make it to the oven..
I love to cook! but it;s always better when someone else cooks for you
Easy - baking, with chocolate!
I prefer both! cook dinner, then bake for dessert. I also make homemade wheat bread & rolls for our family every week
I prefer to cook because I get to add my own flavor (pun intended) and experiment.
<3 Krystina
I can't do either! I rely on everyone else for my food. :)
but, if I could do one, baking fo shooo. ;)
being a newlywed, i guess i would prefer to bake. but i suck at both. i try really hard because i love my husband so much. but in all reality, he is the one who ends up cooking, because my food sucks. ya, he's awesome.
Too cute!
Love to back, right now on a cupcake kick!
i definitely prefer baking, but want to start cooking more!
So cute! I want to wear headbands! They're so pretty! I love to bake, mainly because I LOVE to eat the delicious baked goods!
I'd rather bake (the results are yummier!) but I'm learning how to cook better!
I prefer cooking over baking, but love to bake, too!
I love all their hair pieces. And I also love baking cupcakes!
I love to bake but we currently are stove-less in the new house. so we grill!
Oh, it's hard to decide! But I love to bake bread, so I'll say bake.
I bake. I can't cook. It's scary! LOL!
i loe to bake, and cook. i'm not sure i could choose one. :)
i love both, but apparently i'm a better cook than a baker!
I prefer to cook :). I used to think I preferred baking but that definitely changed this year!
I prefer to cook. I am gluten intolerant so baking is a little more challenging. However, I have been getting braver and experimenting more with gluten free baking.
I love to cook. But I LOVE to bake. I love making natural treats. I make pumkin oatmeal flax seed cookies. Sweet potato cookies. Blueberry Oatmeal cookies. Pumpkin spiced cranberry oatmeal bread. Peanut butter banana bread. My next quest to invent a great recipe is - Peanut butter and Jelly Cupcakes! I'll let you knwo how that goes!
I am more of a cook but I love to bake when the occasion arises.
how pretty! i like to do both but i think i'd choose cooking over baking. i love food!!
Cook! I love savory over sweet any day!!! -Katie
BAKING but cooking is starting to rank up there...but mixing the two is where it's at...curry in your sweets anyone?
I love cooking :) and I love better homes and gardens cook books... I have waaaay to many!
<3 Clare
I'll be honest, my husband taught me to cook. He is Mexican and carries the good-flavor gene! The one most basic thing he taught me- use onion and garlic as your base no matter what! Now I'm really starting to explore new (but still doable!) recipes. It gives me such a great sense of accomplishment at age 25!
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