
July Sponsor Giveaway #7 - Pretty Things By Meg

"Hello! My name is Meg, and I like to make pretty things :) I have always swooned over jewelry, particularly earrings. Just over a year and a half ago, I decided to try making my own and have been creating ever since. I love to take apart vintage jewelry found at estate sales and the like and combine elements of them with new beads/findings to create an entirely unique piece of jewelry. In my shop, you will find vintage-meets-modern (or vintern, as my husband has dubbed it) earrings and necklaces in a variety of textures and colors, bold and subtle."


Pretty Things by Meg is offering $25 shop credit to the winner of this giveaway. All you need to do is share your favorite scent in the comments below. Winner will be chosen on Friday.



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Sarah Robbins said...

My favorite scent is grass after rain. What pretty jewelry!

Sister Dow said...

I love the smell of lavender! It is my favorite right now:)


Elizabeth Moon said...

Lovely earrings! My favorite scent is Dolce and Gabanna light blue. I also love the smell of coconut!

Amanda said...

my favorite scent is probably coffee brewing!!! :)

Alice said...

I love vanilla and coconut. Love the jewelry!

jennifer said...

I love verbena, especially in the summer!

alli kaarina said...

I love the scent of my man right after mowing the grass!

Mandy said...

stunning earrings!! my favorite scent is the sarah jessica parker lovely parfum, it makes me feel like I have stepped back in time and the bottle is so vintage looking too!

great giveaway, hugs mandyxx

Unknown said...

I love the smell of honey suckle!


Rose Hudson said...

My favorite scent is Rose by Paul Smith, which reminds me of my Grandma. It's also kinda weird seeing how my name is Rose..

Dorota said...

and my favorite scent is scent of
lilies of the valley, I love it:))
beautiful jewellery! xo

Mandy Ford Art & Illustration said...

I have so many favorite scents but since it is summer I'm going to have to go with lemons.

Kristen said...

Am I totally weird if I say Johnson's Baby Shampoo? I love the way my daughter's hair smells after she has a bath!

liz said...

i love the smell of citrus in the summer time.

lauren ♥ said...

lovely jewelry!

in the spring/summer i love vanilla. and in the fall/winter i love pumpkin spice! <3

Unknown said...

Fresh cut grass, vanilla, baking cookies...


Amandaaaah said...

I love the smell of BBQ in the summer, especially outside with a breeze and family. perfection!

K. Davis said...

my favorite scent is lavender! mmmm... Oh, I also love freshly baked cookies... mmm.


kmrockhold said...

Lavender is my favorite!

Anonymous said...


Nicci @ Changing the Universe said...

Coffee and bacon in the morning! Nothin better :)

Alexandra Rae said...

I love the smell of rain! And the scent of "sun ripened raspberries."

These are gorgeous earrings!

Alecia said...

chocolate chip cookies baking. :) maybe I should find a way to bottle that up.

Gingiber said...

My favorite scent is eucalyptus spearmint!

Anne said...

Faourite scent is Jean Paul Gaultier - the pretty bottle helps, too!

Friedl! said...

I have lots of favourites, but my top 5 would be (in random order): coffee (obviously), peaches, my mother's perfume (not the perfume itself, but the sentiment that goes along with it), new books and vintage shops.

JK said...

I love the smell of fresh rosemary. Fabulous earrings!

RubberDuckieCreations said...

Hi there! Hmmm my favorite scent is probably fresh flowers. If it's body spray right now I *love* Bath & Body works Apple spray.
Your stuff is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Such pretty earrings. Favourite scent is definitely gingerbread. It doesn't matter what time of year or where I am, the scent of gingerbread transports me to Christmas time and memories with my family - especially my little cousins for whom I bake mini-gingerbread houses to decorate every Christmas Eve. :-)

Ashley Ann said...

My favorite smell is patchouli. What can I say? I'm a hippie at heart.

Natalie Ward said...

I'm in love!!
citrus is my favorite scent

Jen said...

Lavender and patchouli

Jessica said...

very pretty jewelry!

my favorite scent is cotton blossom from bath & body works. every time, after my mom got out of the shower she would lotion up with cotton blossom.. and i would wear it, too. my mom passed away 4 years ago. well, bath & body works discontinued that scent & i have one bottle left & a spray for the house.. and whenever i am really missing my mom, i lather up or spray the house!

Mich said...

these are beautiful!! I've been wanting to get back into wearing earrings - these might be the thing!

Fave scent - cinnamon :)

Jordan said...

grapefruit! It's SO refreshing.

Sarah M said...

I LOVE the smell of vanilla in the autumn/winter and coconut in the summer!
Sarah M

janaetime said...

Oh the earrings in the last picture are beautiful!

My favorite scent is definitely laundry fresh out of the dryer - so laundry sheets? haha

jdavissquared said...

plumeria blossoms

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the smell of summer rain on the warm dry ground (that smell is called "petrichor", btw). I also love the smell of Heliotrope flowers late in the afternoon (warm thick vanilla).

Very cute earrings, too!

Unknown said...

Cute earrings!
My fav scent is the scent of my fiance~! ;)

Becky said...

my favorite scent is either campfire or mint. both have amazing memories of childhood tied to them and will always have a special place in my heart.

squirrelgonutz [at] yahoo [dot] com

Miss Teenager said...

The scent of pouring rain or the whiff from a wedge of lemon ♥ The earrings are so pretty & seem delicate. :] (WANT.)

Claire said...

Gorgeous earrings, Meg!
My favorite scent is gardenia.

Cherri Porter said...

My favorite is...wait for it...no scent. I'm chemically sensitive and I really dislike scents. Certain, subtle, natural scents are fine, but I have allergies too, so I'm best with none.

Kalen said...

i like the smell of lavender or of fresh bread from the oven.

Jingle said...

I love the smell of paper! Fressh, hot off the press PAPER! It makes me happy!

Chelsea, Tea Talk said...

My favorite scent is coffee!



Jenna said...

my favorite scent is jasmine or gardenias. everytime i pass a gardenia bush, i sneak a bloom off and wear it in my hair. ;)

Casey said...

my favorite scent is rain, I love the rain! okay, only sometimes because once in awhile it smells like a farm, ick

Unknown said...

Laundry brought in from the clothesline. That sun does something amazing to detergent and fabric softener!


stephanieesstar said...

Oh so pretty! I love coconut because it smells like summertime! Or coffee! Yum!

Molly said...

My favorite scent is my husbands after shave, I love how it smells on him!
~Molly P

Unknown said...

So pretty! My favorite scent is vanilla. :)

Cheryl Birkey said...

are we talking perfume? i like the smell of a lot of things...


ragamuffinbeauties said...

Pumpkin spice...yummy, warm, and inviting!

<3 Meg's lovelies!

Marion said...

My favorite scent is coffe in the morning!
xoxo, Marion.

Whimsical Woodland said...

The smell of baking bread. Yummy!

Jessica P. said...

I have an addiction to the smell of pumpkin muffins. My mother's pumpkin muffins to be exact. Soooo good!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

My "signature" scent is the Black Raspberry Vanilla eau de parfum from Bath & Body Works. I love it, and so does the sweetheart! ;)

Callie1073 said...

The scent of my fella after a shower. Pert Plus- who knew??! :)

Dita Maulani said...

I love Plumeria scents! A body splash!

April said...

cookies baking in the oven!

♥B said...

burberry brit!


Unknown said...

those baked almonds they have in the mall that are always so tempting! :)

would LOVE the chance to win!

my email is erica.simpson1@gmail.com

Lindsey said...

ooooh i love the scent of baked goods (cookies, brownies!) in the oven! yummy!

Christen E. Krumm said...

Coconut!! Yummy!


With Love, Jamie said...

My favorite scent is vanilla :)
I even use a little bit of real vanilla extract sometimes on my wrists...It smells like i'm baking all day long!! :)
xo, Jamie

Sheila said...

My favorite scent is my husband's skin after a day working in the hay fields. The sweet smell of hay and sweat...there is just nothing like it. I've been known to stand in front of the washing machine smelling his dirty work shirts. :)

The earrings are gorgeous.

calezebabob said...

freshly mowed grass and lavender...lovely

Ria said...

I love the combinations of caramel/vanilla, coconut/watermelon and levander/lemon!

Tawny said...

Vanilla smells terrific! :)

Anonymous said...

my very favorite scent is this old anthropologie candle my brother bought my mom probably ten years ago...the scent is thunderstorm and it smells like wet dirt and water and freshly mown grass...it's fantastic and i can't get enough of it!

Anna said...

the smell of cold and snow on your clothes & hair when you come back inside from working. idk why, maybe because it meant my dad was home from work but I have always liked that smell.

Laura said...

Honey & Almonds is my fave scent... it is TOUGH to find :(

Thanks for the chance!@

Laura @ Win Lose or Blog

Kyle & Alissa Circle said...

My favorite scent is Vanilla. I love the way it smells!! Great giveaway.


looking for another great giveaway, visit:

Tanya said...

I love the earthy, musty smell of dirt. I know, I'm weird. But it's soooo good. Favorite scent on me: D&G by Dolce & Gabbana.

kendall said...

The smell of tomato vines is my very favorite smell in the world!

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...


Unknown said...

Bergamot at the moment.

kmdexter at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I loooove the smell of cookies baking, but I love to eat them even more! :)

Amie said...

My favorite scent is my husbands cologne. There is honestly nothing better!!

Kelly said...

pretty pretty earrings! lavender is my favorite scent right now!


Gillian said...

Love these pretty things! Gardenia is my favorite of all favorites.

Ashley said...

Vanilla Mint....or Burberry for men...yumm!

Jamie said...

Mmm, I love the smell of basil when I'm cooking in the kitchen. It is my favorite herb! Also, love them smell of lemon!

staceyb said...

MEg certainly has pretty little thing! My favorite scent is lavendar....so soothing!!

Jessica said...

I knew all that sniffing the Almond Extract would pay off one these days! .. it's SO my favorite that I just can't put it down from my smeller!

A Bird Out of Water said...

i love the smell of jasmine bc we had a huge bush of it growing all throughout our fence growing up, so when ever i get a whiff, it brings me back to evenings playing in the back yard as a kid!

the jewelry is sooo pretty! :)

stochastic said...

Maybe it's because I'm hungry, but right now my favorite smell is BACON...mmm :)
Funnily enough, my captcha word is "apple"...wonder if it's trying to sway my vote!

mmmbrains (at) gmail.com

Erin Faye said...

Those are awesome earings!!

My favorite scent is just after it has rained. oh and fresh brewed coffee in the morning.

Amber said...

Lavender is my favorite scent. Coffee is a close second!
Love all this jewelry!

stephanie said...

night blooming jasmine, hands-down.

on the perfume front, does anyone remember OM by gap? mmm.

Taryn said...

my fave scent is eucalyptus. not sure why! i love to visit the omaha zoo's kingdom of the nights where they have a eucalyptus forest. it's ahhhhmazing.


Emily said...

Lilac. Hands down.

Blair McLeod said...

LAVENDER!! makes me weak in my knees. good thing its not a drug.. i'd probably get sick from it! :)


Kristin Ann said...

So many favorites...but what comes to mind right now is the smell of mint from my garden. It awakens me and it is sooo good in iced tea!

Anonymous said...

Coconut, rain, autumn leaves, & the ocean.

Lindsey said...

How beautiful! My favorite scent is anything citrus.

Tristan and Adam said...

my puppy after a bath!

Laura said...

Favorite scent is definitely incense. So relaxing!

thearthurz said...

Coffee seriously makes my mouth water every time I smell it. Love the stuff! But no scent can beat the smell of my baby - such a good smell that doesn't last long enough!

Kathie Ashmore said...

The smell of rain is one of my favorites. The beach is a dreamy smell too!

e.e.mullarke said...

Fresh coffee hands down!

Vanessa said...

I love lavender and vanilla together

Christine said...

I love the smell of herb gardens, fresh basil, sage, etc...

Carleen said...

I love the smell of lilac.

Katy Rose said...

I love the way cut grass smells. I also love the smell after it rains. Cute jewelery. So many cute earrings. Too bad my ears are so sensitive!

Libby said...

Coconut Lime Verbena lotion from Bath and Body Works. yum.

Maggie said...

My favorite scent is the smell of snow melting on a sunny day in late winter/early spring.

Unknown said...

Lavender! I love running my hands through it in my garden, makes me soo happy.

Sandi Edgar said...

vanilla :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite sent would have to be Amaretto.
Its heavenly!

Kayla said...

Lavender is my favorite! Very calming.


Christina said...

Ok, without sounding like a total freak... my 2 year old son. He always smells sooo sweet. I take big ol' whiffs everytime I'm around him! (cept when I change the diapers.. ew. lol)

-Christina :o)

nicole said...

My favorite smell is the smell of Christmas...or the smell of fresh rain. They both just make my heart sing!


HillsRus said...

My favorite scent is butter and sugar being mixed together. Um, I need to go make cookies now! Thanks for the giveaway!

Kimberly said...

Favorite Scent: Christmas trees

Teresa said...

I love it when my house smells like clean laundry :)

- Teresa

hyperbolically yours, said...

The smell of oranges coming from someone who just ate one.

TJ, Kaylan, Miles, Perry & Simon said...

My favorite scent is lilac!

Laura said...

Hot asphalt just as it begins to rain. Nothing compares to that!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful earrings!
My favorite scent is Nanette Lapore's perfume-cute packaging too.

Chelsea said...

my favorite scent is fresh baked blueberry muffins <3

tamara said...

I love anything pumpkin or vanilla

heidi said...

i am a coconut girl.
love the beach, love to smell like a fresh coconut on the beach!

Katie said...

Coconut in the summer, Pumpkin in the fall!

Kristen said...

Good question! Its a toss between lavender and fresh cut lemons

Jaimie said...


Stephanie said...

I love how the air smells after it's been raining for awhile!


melanie said...

fresh cut grass. it smells just like summer. :)

Heather said...

I love the smell of this shea butter lotion that I have. I am savoring it because I don't have much left but it is definetly comforting.

Anonymous said...

Rain, and walking past a scented candle shop. It's a memory smell :)

Moriah said...

my favorite scent is my baby's clean head after a bath! yummmm...

Unknown said...

Has to be lavender and freshly fallen rain. :)

Olivia said...

I love the smell of cut grass. I know it is weird.

A Flourishing Perspective said...

I love so many scents, but my favourite scents are those of the different seasons. Meg's things are wonderful I love all of her jewelry!


Amanda Gibson said...

Apples. I love the smell of fresh cut apples. Or maybe coffee. Sugar cookies baking? I think it depends on what time of year it is. Right now it's apples - nice and fresh and summery.

Lane said...


Randi said...

My favorite scent is cinnamon. mmmm.

Anonymous said...

vanilla is my favorite :)

itslissy said...

it's a tie between lilac and clean laundry :)

*Autumn Tao* said...

Lavender... far and away, lavender. Just writing this makes me take a deep breath and say aahhh....


Malori said...

I love the smell of rain in Arizona. I feel the need to be specific because I do not like the smell of rain in Chicago (my new home) lol.


michelle said...

don't laugh - but DIAL SOAP is one of my all time FAVES. deep breath - yum!

great giveaways this month! love!

Unknown said...

I'm not big on perfumes, but Origins makes this ginger massage oil that I can't get enough of!

Jessica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica said...

The smell of freshly-squeezed lemons and just-picked herbs from the garden is simply divine. :)

Awbree said...

My fav scent is Lavender...after the sweet smell of a baby's head. :)

Jessica said...

The smell of freshly-squeezed lemons and just-picked herbs from the garden is simply divine. :)

Jamie said...

My favorite scent is Burt's Bees Baby Bee shampoo, especially when it is on my little one's head.

Carla said...

Freshly-bathed babies!

Kim said...

Love fresh baked cookies! YUM!!

Anna said...

My favorite scent is lilacs blooming in springtime. So lovely.

Ashleigh said...

My favorite scent is vanilla- not the overpowering kind, but the subtle kind!

Ms.Lovender said...

I love the smell of creme brulee and vanilla. :)

alyssa johns said...

my favorite scent is lavender! so clean and fresh. i love the blending of the vintage with the new!

lizz said...

I love the smell of pumpkin pie.

Lauren said...

I love the smell of pies baking. It reminds me of my grandmas house during the hoildays.

Sara said...

It's a tie between plumeria and peppermint. :)

christian said...

my favorite smell is magnolia. nothing smells better than warm nights in the south east when the magnolias are blooming. can.not.be.bottled. (unfortunately!)

LayseaB said...


Charlie said...

My Favorite smell is Christmas... All the baking... the tree...candles... :)

PhoenixRising said...

Coconut lotion. It reminds me of suntan lotion, which only brings one memory to mind -- the beach!

em_renee said...

burberry weekend perfume =)

Oh, My Darling said...

I love the scent of rosemary mint. omydarlingblog(at)gmail(dot)com

Mandy said...

My favorite scent is citrus - there's something so clean and invigorating about it!

P.S. Those earrings are absolutely adorable!

Unknown said...

Lavender! (I love the scent AND the color)

Sarah Rhodes said...

I haven't been able to smell for a few months. So the smells I miss are small. Coffee in the morning, perfume (Givenchy- Hot Couture), my almond dish soap, clean minty fresh teeth, summer rainstorms.

Heather said...

My favorite scent is fresh brewed coffee.. oh YUM

tracy said...

stinky baby feet...from my babies of course!

amanda webster. said...

the first big breath of fresh air you take when you step outside in the early morning.

rosie said...

love the smell of brown sugar mmm

Sarah said...

vanilla! cute jewelry!

Unknown said...

My favorite scent is fresh laundry! emilyfette@gmail.com

Unknown said...

I can't choose- I love lavander & vanilla- especially together! :)

Jacqueline said...

By far the smell of the fall...crisp and clear...change a-coming...

daughteroftheRiver said...

I really like a subtle hint of sandalwood, mmm and I love the smell of dill when I brush across it in the garden.

Unknown said...

My mom's house on Friday afternoons after she cleans. So fresh and so home.

jackiecollyer at hotmail dot com

Erica Ann said...

I love the smell of my baby girl. It just makes me melt. Unless she has a messy diaper! :)

ashley c said...

i love almond scented anything! Lovely giveaway, thank you!


Lauren Leggatt said...

my favorite scent is by far cologne, haah I have a weakness for cologne! (how ever you spell it)
love your work, hope to win :)

Kristin Ryan said...

I love the smell of rain! Kristin

Katie said...

My favourite scent is freshly cut grass, can't beat it!

Beautiful jewellery

Katie x

Tameeka said...

Favorite scent = rain that clean fresh new beginning smell :)

Mrs. Curtis said...

my favorite scent is my australian shepherd pup right after a bath!


jjnkknmkkl said...

Violets! Lush in the UK have just brought out Tuca Tuca which smells delish! So I use that, along with a Bathos bubble bath and some Daddy-o shampoo, and i smell like a summer garden!!

LisaM said...

DiorAddict2. Mmmmm. I can't wait to wear it again (I haven't wanted to ruin an almost full bottle by attempting to wear it under my prego nose!)

:-) I love these pretties!

Unknown said...

My favorite scent is lilac. Nothing beats pretty flowers that smell good too!

~Heather said...

Favorite smell: evergreen trees in sunshine!

czstout said...

Fresh Laundry is my favorite scent of all :)


Nicole Heather said...

My favorite scent is anything baking in the oven.

Beautiful jewelry, Meg!

me said...

Growing up in central California where fresh produce is always plentiful, I love the smell of orange blossoms, peach trees and dairy farms. Oh the smell of the country!

Pakou said...

My favorite scent will have to be fresh baked cookies.

Unknown said...

It's a tie: pumpkin bread baking, and my husband's neck.

Lily May said...

I love the scent of my sleeping baby, right in the crease of her little neck. She is so precious to me!

its simple love said...

What a lovely giveaway! My favorite scent is fresh laundry. Yum. It makes me feel at peace and at home.


northernearthgrl said...

My new coconut and lime spray is my new fave smell this summer...very clean and yummy!

Anonymous said...

i love the smell of coffee brewing and biscuits baking; at the same time, it's heavenly!

Lauren said...

I love the smell of freshly cut grass! So refreshing!


miss mouse said...

My favourite scent is apple cider. Although we're not quite there yet, it is one of my favourite things about the autumn season.

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