I have had this plaid cotton for at least a year and a half and FINALLY decided it was my best bet for a headed into fall type smock. I used the same basic premise as a pillow case dress but based the width off of an existing loose dress and the length magically worked out perfectly for a smock. A dress length would've been too long as she's quite the crawler and it may have even swallowed her whole.

The mint blue is extra, extra wide double fold bias tape from Wal-Mart. I used it for the tie at the shoulders by sewing it shut. It made it through the wash intact, too!

I was in a little bit of a hurry to photograph it so pretend you don't see my loose thread at the ends!

Keep pretending!

Pretty soon Ruby's two bottom teeth won't be the only ones that show up in photos. She's been working on her third these last few days, which means these last few nights have been a little hit and miss in the sleep department. It's safe to say that Ruby is looking much cuter than I am this week. It comes with the territory sometimes, right? ;)

If you are interested in the step-by-step process you can see one version of the pillow case dress
here and another
here and you can probably think of five more. Feel free to leave links in the comments section.
Ruby's new smock is adorable! You did such a great job Rachel :]
She is so perfect.
love the colors, perfect for transitioning into fall when it is still warm outside in September, but you are ready for a break from the summer wardrobe.
i love the burgundy pants with it! she sure is a cutie!
thanks, ya'll!
She is so cute I can barely stand it!
She is such a cutie and the cam luvs her, do you think that can work for an adult? I love the concept and would love to try it out.
Absolutely! Just figure out your length (collarbone to top of hips?) and add 3" for the casing. Then find the circumference of your middle (at your waist) and add about 6-8". Figure out your armpit holes by using an existing top as a guide. You're golden!
seriously so cute!!
oh my, what a cutie!! Can't wait to meet her.
Lovely smock!
this is so cute! I love her little necklace too!
Adorable smock but even more adorable little girl. She's quite precious!!
i've become quite obsessed with your posts about Ruby. she's the sweetest little thing! and you seem like the best momma ever!
O her stunning eyes.that smock is good enuff 2 sale retail gap baby
Aaaw she's so cute! (Sorry she totally distracted me from the dress, which is fab as well)
oh rachel...she is so cute...and her dress is amazing!!!
wish you a wonderful day with your sweet little kids!!!
That smock is soo cute. That third photo needs to be framed imo. It is gorgeous!
Meeks :)
she's the cutest!
My daughter used to growl at this age as well! Such a lovely outfit!
ack! she's just too sweet, with those big ol' browns :O)
the top looks great.
the smock is cuuuute. so is she. the cutest!!
Seriously, so cute (dress and baby!)! That plaid is perfect for fall!
Seriously adorable babe and smock. The plaid is perfect for autumn, and puts me in the mood for fall sewing (although for my little boys.)
Look at those eyes. Gorgeous! You are such a great, creative momma. How do you have time for it all (I have two around your kids' ages too)? No, seriously... how do you do it?
Thanks for the tip. xx She looks so grown up.
How cute is that, I love it with the purple pants
he he - Cuuuute! :) Loving the smock, and Ruby's cute little smile. :) and what lose threads?? i didn't see any! ;)
Hah this is absolutely adorable!!! It looks so sweet one her :)
Rachel, very sweet smock! Does the amber teething necklace work? I have an almost 6 month old who is not, not sleeping because of those little teeth! Thank you!
sooosooo cute
oh it is so darling! i must learn to sew garments before we have kiddies!
aww she is so cute :)
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