I don't know why I haven't already posted about this because it has been one of the most exciting pieces of press I've ever received. I was contacted by
BUST magazine earlier this year to share photos of my home in their Homegirl column and was kind of beside myself that they were interested! I sent in some self-portraits and we did a phone interview and then I kind of forgot about it until my copy came in the mail last month. It was pretty thrilling!

Anyway, it was fun to get to share photos of our home in printed form. Thank you to
BUST for the unique opportunity and to all of you who shared your congrats through twitter comments! And a special thank you to
Danielle for sending me an extra copy that showed up at her doorstep to replace the one Ruby practiced her shredding skills with. Now I'll have one to show my teenage daughter when she's old enough to think I'm so 2010. Ha!
p.s. Today was the day Brett and I first met after English 101 on our second day of college classes Freshman year. That was ten years ago! Brett surprised me again this year with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a trip to the new cupcake shop downtown. I think the fact that he celebrates that day every year when I usually don't remember is pretty fantastic. Thanks, love!
I almost never get the chance to buy BUST but I picked up this issue and I was so happy to see your feature! You totally deserve it; your home is so lovely! Congrats!
Dang - wish I could get a copy! :) Congratulations! From what I can see your home is so very cute :) And I'm a sucker for sweetly simple romance. You guys made me go awww! :)
Congratulations! It was so awesome to see you in the issue! I was skimming through it walking back from my mailbox and ended up on your page! Your daughter will appreciate the non shredded issue someday! :)
Congrats on being featured in Bust!
Also, what a sweet husband!
That's so exciting! Congrats!! :)
that is so cool. next thing you know you will have your very own diy show. that would be cool.
congret dear rachel...
I saw this BUST magazine article, too! I love their articles and usually their music taste is great, too...then the nice little surprise of your home tour! Congrats!! THat is so exciting!
Sarah M
that is so kind....about Brett celebrating when you met! sweeeeeet.
awe, that's super sweet! Yay for thoughtful husbands! :-)
danielle thompson
I bought BUST last night at B&N just to read your feature! Congrats! It's beautiful!
Rachel! Congratulations, that it SO awesome. :)
congrats on the feature and the anniversary! Have a great weekend!
Congratulations to you! Your house is adorable. I love your decorating style!
Congratulations!! Brett is so cute! That's super sweet!
I saw you there! I was pretty excited for you. I so love that magazine and you were the perfect girl for their feature! Congrats!
Just stumbled onto your blog and will be following. Congrats on the BUST feature!! I got a letter published in there and thought that was great...how awesome! Cant wait to see it.
Dude - congrats on such a rad feature! :) I can never find Bust on Canadian /news-stands, but I'll look for it, now! :) And super-congrats on the 10 years - that's too cute that Brett remembers & celebrates the day!
Congrats Rachel! You rock. :) You deserve something awesome like this! Happy anniversary. :)
i bought that magazine and was excited to see you in it! congrats! your home is awesome!
Aww, what a sweet husband! What new cupcake shop? I was there a couple weeks ago and talked to the baker at Supreme Bakery (which is awesome by the way)and she said Springfield didn't have a cupcake shop!
OOOh, girl! There are two downtown now but one is about a year old and is more of a mom and pop type joint. It's not quite as trendy as the new one close to Good Girl Art on Walnut.
They have the pretty ones in tons of flavors!
YOU GO GIRL!!!!! that is so exciting!
keep it up! your such an inspiration to many! i hope one day to get my house in a consistent order! i always have piles of things i need to get rid of, new things....eeek
wow, that is amazing! go you!! i absolutely adore your home by the way :)
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