After church Sunday morning we walked down to Cider Days like we did last year when I was 8 months pregnant with Ruby to find something good to eat and pretend like the sweat dripping down our backs wasn't sweat at all and that the leaves will be turning colors any moment now. Brett and I have decided Cider Days needs to stop kidding themselves and move the date back at least one more week to give the weather a chance to actually feel like fall.

Despite the way humidity can wipe you out and induce crankiness in the most quiet of hearts, we enjoyed ourselves. We saw the first pumpkins of the season, said hello to the mini horses that are paraded around every year, people watched, found Sebastian's favorite cupcakes with red things on top (sorry, Emma), ran into people we knew...(not those guys below)...

...and had some more pie! I was thrilled when Brett pointed out the Pie Box booth and pretty much dragged Sebastian two tents down to get a slice of pecan. One of the girls working remembered Brett showing up on his scooter to pick up three pies on my birthday and the other knew about RVA so we had a good chat about pie and
Pushing Daisies. If you're in or around Springfield you must try
The Pie Box for the kind of pies your grandma makes at Thanksgiving. My mouth is literally watering even typing this!

Probably my favorite part was on our way out when we came across the cutest three year old and his little sister selling organic lemonade for $2 a cup. I heard his parents explaining to some friends that he was raising money to buy more Thomas trains. That sign was what got me.

We'll probably forget how miserably hot it felt being out in the mid-day sun with two little ones and go again next year because that's what you do to feel like a part of the community you live in. You go out and do stuff, and bump into each other, exchange stories, observe, enjoy, and sweat together. And then you remember how fun that was last year and want to do it all over again.

Ha! What did you do with yourself this weekend? Oh, and today made vintage dress #3! However, I may have decided not to change clothes before attacking a large spray painting project while everyone napped the afternoon away and may have gotten a little bit of white paint on the bottom and may have rolled my eyes at myself for not having been more careful. I'm not sure it'll come out so it's either a shorter hem to make it more of a tunic or something pretty sewn on to cover it up. We shall see.
Oh, and we ran into my midwife and her family on our way to the car and we hugged necks pretty tight. She is such a sweet woman and still so special to our family. I love that so many pregnant friends are using her!
Sounds like fun! We went to our local grower's market yesterday & bought a bunch of yummy tomatoes! I really enjoy trying to be involved in our community...it's a great feeling!
aww ruby looks so worn out! that's what a day in the heat will do to you. sounds like a fun community even though. the timing would be right here in MI, as the weather has quickly changed to cardigans-and-tights- wearing weather & the leaves are just beginning to change :)
What a fun day... i agree the fall weather would make it more delightful!
I have gotten oil paints on my clothes before and however they are different then spray paint, they are still oil based. Try using lestoil (can be found in the cleaning department of stores) and an old toothbrush. Wet the dress, put lestoil on it and then scrub scrub scrub. I've gotten oil paints on my fave jeans and then found out this neat trick and 4 months later it came out!!!!!
Hope it works for you!
oooh, Jenna, thank you. I'll try that because this one was an easy dress and those easy dresses need to be keepers.
goodness!!! i worked Cider Days in The Coffee Ethic booth all day yesterday and today! it was very hot outside but tolerably fun because i was able to work with my roommate. ♥ we handed out the cold cider. and those small ponies stopped right in front of our booth! i took a picture of them next to a gigantic husky-it looked a bit ridiculous.
and a friend got me a piece of cherry pie from the Pie Box. hmmm, delicious!
PS i love Pushing Daisies! the narrator had the driest sense of humor and Ned was too awkwardly adorable. miserable that it got canceled only one season in.
Sounds nice! But hot. Would you believe that my hometown had its Oktoberfest... in early September?! WHO WANTS OKTOBERFEST IN SEPTEMBER? I'm devastated.
ohhh i LOVE pushing daisies!! and the pies on their website look so delicious. if i am ever in missouri, i will have to stop by and have a slice!
Overall sounds like a great time with your family and community. :) My brother is getting married this coming weekend ... A pretty Fall wedding is in store. We're praying the temps stay below 90 degrees. This weekend my husband and I did a little surfing, celebrated my sisters 21st birthday, church on Sunday with a baptism and celebratory picnic following the service, then a very, very relaxing evening at home. The lemonade stand is super cute, but not as cute as your little Ruby.
Glad you had a great time, although it was hot it is always about attitude!! :) Keep a positive mind and "most" of the time things turn out fantastic!!
BTW - what kind of shoes is S wearing? They are cute!!
I so am with you regarding "pretending it is not hot". I'm 2 1/2 hours north of you, but am hoping each day when I step outside it will be a bit cooler and be that way all day - not just a few hours in the morning. :)
Thanks! Sebastian's shoes are from Old Navy this past summer.
Oh good, Jenna made the same suggestion that I was going to! Try that, or a paint thinner, if you'd rather not change the dress!
It's freezing up here in Maine already! My ears get cold when we go out for walks.
The organic lemonade stand is the cutest! Looks like a great day :)
I really miss the harvest festival in my college town, you brought back so many sweet memories! I love too that your midwife is so special to you :)
Cider Days sounds like a lot of fun!
Lovely blog! So cute!
I'm having a giveaway over at mine and I'd love you to enter!
Love from
It's that Missouri weather! ;) Our family headed way up north of Milwaukee, WI for camping and apple picking and usually it is still hot up there, too this time of year. Midwest "Fall" is so Indian Summer!!! We lucked out though and it was actually cool. Not hot, not freezing, but cool enough to enjoy the Harvest festival and not sweat while strolling through the orchard. I so know what you mean, though....you shouldn't be sweating when there's pumpkins out!!
I'm loving your vintage dress-wearing!! I hope that paint comes out!! You guys rock! ;)
looks like a lovely weekend! I miss fall in the US, but we're coming back for a week in October, so we'll be going to pumpkin patches which I love.
that organic lemonade stand is so cute!
that looks like a blast! I want to find a fun fall festival in our area! ;-)
Let me know if it works... I'd like to know for the future if it works for other paints =P
I went to Cider Days too!! On Saturday though, it was really really hot and I wanted it to be fallish, but it wasn't so much. It was fun though.
that organic lemonade stand is the cutest thing ive ever seen!
Seriously, I'm back to wearing a coat in my house or having the heat on in the daytime. It's real sucky. I'll have sweat dripping down my back and a nice cold ice lolly anyday! Though i do love the Autumn, just not the cold so much! xx
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